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Old 11.28.2007, 10:39 AM   #1
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A British teacher in Sudan has been arrested for allowing her pupils to name the class teddy bear Mohammed. If convicted she'll get either six months in jail or 40 lashes.


Send in the SAS, the Transformers, the A-Team, Rambo, Jackie Chan, Mr Bean: whatever it takes to end this madness.
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Old 11.28.2007, 10:50 AM   #2
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the only thing that will end this madness is for the human race to fully grasp the truth that there are no gods, there never were any gods, and that the human race is to blame for every single ill that it visits upon itself, as well as being the one to praise for everything GOOD that has happened to us.

we are on our own, people.
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Old 11.28.2007, 11:05 AM   #3
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Or if youre gonna believe in God, believe in a God who has a sense of bleedin humour.
"It is absolutely ridiculous, they are behaving like a cult" - The Vatican


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Old 11.28.2007, 11:24 AM   #4
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for religious people, there is nothing funny about salvation/damnation

stupid dichotomy idiots.
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Old 11.28.2007, 12:13 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the only thing that will end this madness is for the human race to fully grasp the truth that there are no gods, there never were any gods, and that the human race is to blame for every single ill that it visits upon itself, as well as being the one to praise for everything GOOD that has happened to us.

we are on our own, people.

I dont know, we tried that and it didn't help anybody. remember the stalinist purges? The Third Reich? The Cultural Revolution? The Kmher Rouge? I dont think that ideological atheism has done the world any better then ideological religious intolerance. there must be yet a third option. oh yeah, just plain ol regular tolerance. see what you are proposing is filled with as much antagonism as the Inquisition.... the better solution is true acceptance of everyone. the religious people accept the atheist or non-religious people, while at the same time the non-religious and the atheist accept the religious. this is tolerance and respect.

Originally Posted by the ikara cult
Or if youre gonna believe in God, believe in a God who has a sense of bleedin humour

I take it you not familiar with the God of the Old Testament then?

and by the way,not that I am supporting the Sudanese decision to make the arrest, but this teacher, as a foreigner working and living in war zone, should have been a bit more careful in her own decision to allow the kids to name to pet after the prophet. after all, they are children, it is not expected that the children no every faux pas, especially those which can receive 40 lashes... if i was teaching in the Sudan, I believe it would be very important to dot my i's and cross my t's so to speak..
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Old 11.28.2007, 12:38 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I dont know, we tried that and it didn't help anybody. remember the stalinist purges? The Third Reich? The Cultural Revolution? The Kmher Rouge? I dont think that ideological atheism has done the world any better then ideological religious intolerance. there must be yet a third option. oh yeah, just plain ol regular tolerance. see what you are proposing is filled with as much antagonism as the Inquisition.... the better solution is true acceptance of everyone. the religious people accept the atheist or non-religious people, while at the same time the non-religious and the atheist accept the religious. this is tolerance and respect.

The Third Reich was a Roman catholic government, with full backing from the Vatican, the same as the fascists in Italy.
Communist "atheism" was a bullshit facade. they allowed the Russian orthodox Church to exist.
Like I said, as long as religion is based upon the question of damnation/salvation there will never be tolerance, acceptance, or communal religious lives. It is not up to the atheists and anti-theists and agnostics to change. the change must come from within the intolerant religious people.

This is what the Freemasons have taught and continue to teach, that no religion is greater than any other, that all are paths to wisdom to enlightenment, and that all are equally capable of this. this is why hardcore christians and hardcore jews and hardcore muslims HATE the freemasons and paint them as some Satanic cult. The Freemasons begat a country where these ideals were supposed to be of the utmost importance, the United States of America, and even that is being subverted, NOT by athiests, but by the very religious fundamentalist christians. fuck them ALL
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Old 11.28.2007, 12:43 PM   #7
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they should cut off her face and make her eat it.
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Old 11.28.2007, 12:55 PM   #8
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my teddy's name is Xenu.

Xenu totally kicks the other demi-god's collective asses.

[edit: after EXTENSIVE research into Xenu iconolgy, I have discovered that Xenu is not only popular with the scientologists, but with gay leather bikers as well. caution is advised when discussing your stuffed animal names with either demographic]

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Old 11.28.2007, 01:04 PM   #9
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wow, they really like boxing.
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Old 11.28.2007, 01:07 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by █████████
wow, they really like boxing.

40 lashes for you and yr blasphemous mouth (err...typing fingers).
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Old 11.28.2007, 01:09 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I take it you not familiar with the God of the Old Testament then?

What happened then, did he finish on a song?
"It is absolutely ridiculous, they are behaving like a cult" - The Vatican


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Old 11.28.2007, 01:12 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
my teddy's name is Xenu.

Xenu totally kicks the other demi-god's collective asses.

[edit: after EXTENSIVE research into Xenu iconolgy, I have discovered that Xenu is not only popular with the scientologists, but with gay leather bikers as well. caution is advised when discussing your stuffed animal names with either demographic]

never heard of that guy... does he have anything to do with xena?

xena is the name of my teddy... *erm* rubber doll.
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Old 11.28.2007, 01:18 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by █████████
never heard of that guy... does he have anything to do with xena?

xena is the name of my teddy... doll.

no, Xena is from down under. Xenu is from outerspace.

however, I'm sure he doesn't mind being called warrior princess (in certain bars).
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Old 11.28.2007, 01:27 PM   #14
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oh silly. how can you be so sure?
stop it you're getting me excited.
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Old 11.28.2007, 01:30 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
we are on our own, people.

hold on man... what about pets? pets rule.
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Old 11.28.2007, 01:36 PM   #16
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has a pet ever gotten YOU dinner? - (my cat Spicoli would bring lizards he caught to me, thinking I would eat them. Do dogs do this?)
Has a pet ever washed YOU? - (My cat Isabella would try to lick me clean, but it was raspy)
Has your pet ever cleaned up after you shit?

cats 2 - dogs 0
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Old 11.28.2007, 01:58 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
has a pet ever gotten YOU dinner? - (my cat Spicoli would bring lizards he caught to me, thinking I would eat them. Do dogs do this?)
Has a pet ever washed YOU? - (My cat Isabella would try to lick me clean, but it was raspy)
Has your pet ever cleaned up after you shit?

cats 2 - dogs 0

my cat goes to sleep on my belly, and lets himself be pampered like he's the king of the world. he would never lower himself to clean up anybody's shit. actually, we clean his. i have known several turd-eating dogs though. dogs are disgusting animals.

cats 5 - dogs 0
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Old 11.28.2007, 02:00 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
my cat goes to sleep on my belly, and lets himself be pampered like he's the king of the world. he would never lower himself to clean up anybody's shit. actually, we clean his. i have known several turd-eating dogs though. dogs are disgusting animals.

cats 5 - dogs 0
hey, at least they clean their own shit.
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Old 11.28.2007, 02:06 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by █████████
hey, at least they clean their own shit.

im not complaining.

cats 6 - dogs 0
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Old 11.28.2007, 02:28 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
this teacher, as a foreigner working and living in war zone, should have been a bit more careful in her own decision to allow the kids to name to pet after the prophet.

They named the teddy bear (not a pet) after one of their classmates.

Mohammed's parents should be sent to jail for the blasphemy of naming their child after the great prophet.


Don't let yer meat loaf.
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