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Old 04.25.2007, 03:51 AM   #1
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From the guys that brought you Coffee and Love is my thing comes this hit new comedy Superbad staring your favourite guy from Scrubs and the chick from Lost.

Old 04.25.2007, 03:54 AM   #2
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the main kid is george michael from arrested development
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Old 04.25.2007, 03:55 AM   #3
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yeh i know
nothing i said was remotley true or correct... i dunno why i did that.. i find it funny..maybe someday you will to
Old 04.25.2007, 06:13 AM   #4
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for a moment i thought this was going to be about the james brown song (one of his very best in my opinion) but then i thought what are the chances of anal alien starting a thread about james brown?
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Old 04.25.2007, 07:28 AM   #5
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your right toilet bowl..what is the chances...what..is..the..chances...
Old 12.12.2007, 05:19 PM   #6
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My friend let me borrow this, knowing I usually hate mainstream comedies and so on and so forth... shock of the year: I loved this fucking movie! It's like why I like Freddy Got Fingered so much: it's not just fat jokes, gay jokes, and drugs jokes (though they are there)... it's not just obvious jokes, you know? And the characters are very real, they reminded me of my high school days and such. It's odd, because so many movies TRY to be real and TRY to be funny, and this one succeeds by not trying to do anything (yet at the same time, something is happening -- this isn't a boring lame Napoleon Dynamite bullshit film).

Strangely good from beginning to end, if a bit long. Reccomended.

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Old 12.12.2007, 05:32 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by me
Superbad...could have been really good, (the hype would have you believing it's a great one; it's not) if not for the (too over-the-top) stupidity of the shooting up and blowing up of the police car at the end which is very dumb, extremely implausible shit. It doesn't gel well with the realistic theme of the rest of the movie (the friendship between Evan (Cera) and Seth (Hill)).
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Old 12.12.2007, 05:33 PM   #8
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though i liked napoleon dynamite....also, the whole mclovin/cops hanging out thing went on too long and kinda broke the whole real life/credibility thing the film had going...if they had somehow made that work a little better, this would be really really good i think. as it is, its just a very good/well-made comedy

EDIT-whoa atari...that whole police car thing is exactly what i was talking about. so i agree with you and sonicpark

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Old 12.12.2007, 05:36 PM   #9
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I am going to rent this. as of 5:00PM today I am on vacation until next wednesday, then i get the whole xmas week off! vacation!!

I fucking love napoleon dynamite! That movie got everything exactly right.

when Napoleon's uncle hurls his brother's steak at napoleon's face, Oh man...
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Old 12.12.2007, 05:44 PM   #10
atari 2600
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Originally Posted by davenotdead


the whole mclovin/cops hanging out thing went on too long and kinda broke the whole real life/credibility thing the film had going...if they had somehow made that work a little better, this would be really really good i think. as it is, its just a very good/well-made comedy

EDIT-whoa atari...that whole police car thing is exactly what i was talking about. so i agree with you and sonicpark

Yeah, the whole McLovin with the cops thing in general was stretching it, but hey, it's a dumb comedy, right? So, one watches and accepts that about the movie and it's no biggie. Then, we get to the parking lot scene towards the end when the action is switching back and forth between that and other scenes, and the editing lends some high energy...Van Halen's "Panama" begins to play..."gee, this is a really fun movie," one thinks to themselves. Immediately after, the cops (Rogen and Hader) tell Fogell/McLovin that they, of course, know he's really a kid and things start to coalesce.
But, then...out of fucking nowhere...McLovin asks about shooting at the police cruiser and it ends up blowing up and on fire.

When I was watching that part in the theater, it made me cringe, and I felt violated, even gypped to an extent. And I'm someone who has authority issues. The closing section of that particular scene manages to totally besmirch the feel of the entire movie in a matter of less than thirty seconds.
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Old 12.12.2007, 05:51 PM   #11
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I enjoyed the film in the theater but, I saw it again & I didn't find it as funny as the first time...
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Old 12.12.2007, 05:53 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
Yeah, the whole McLovin with the cops thing in general was stretching it, but hey, it's a dumb comedy, right? So, one watches and accepts that about the movie and it's no biggie. Then, we get to the parking lot scene towards the end when the action is switching back and forth between that and other scenes, and the editing lends some high energy...Van Halen's "Panama" begins to play..."gee, this is a really fun movie," one thinks to themselves. Immediately after, the cops (Rogen and Hader) tell Fogell/McLovin that they, of course, know he's really a kid and things start to coalesce.
But, then...out of fucking nowhere...McLovin asks about shooting at the police cruiser and it ends up blowing up and on fire.

When I was watching that part in the theater, it made me cringe, and I felt violated, even gypped to an extent. And I'm someone who has authority issues. That particular part of that scene manages to totally besmirch the film in a matter of less than thirty seconds.

word...it was working so well...and then they got all 'family guy' for a second...it wouldve even been better if it had happened in the middle of the film, so that i might not have remembered it so welll...where it is, it just sticks out like a sore thumb...

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Old 12.12.2007, 06:48 PM   #13
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It was the hardest I've ever laughed in a theater. Oh, and everyone look at the special features and watch the exclusive first look at Pineapple Express or see it on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyFWfgw8Mb0
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Old 12.12.2007, 07:17 PM   #14
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I went to see it expecting to hate it. But It was actually really funny!
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Old 12.12.2007, 07:49 PM   #15
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haha this thread came back from the dead
and noone was interested when i first posted it either
Old 12.12.2007, 07:58 PM   #16
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I really enjoyed the series "Freaks and Geeks".
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Old 12.12.2007, 08:27 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
I really enjoyed the series "Freaks and Geeks".

Yeah, and I'd give more of that credit to Paul Feig than I would Judd Apatow.

Apatow just doesn't ever get it quite right. I usually laugh when I see the movies he writes/produces/whatever, but they don't mean anything to me, and they are flat-out irritating at times. Freaks and Geeks was something special, though. I wish his movies could be more like that, but they really aren't anything of the sort.
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Old 12.12.2007, 08:32 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by flophousefloozie
I really enjoyed the series "Freaks and Geeks".

I've never watched that show. I'm just a little older, I suppose. I know that's where Apatow got his start, of course.

Apatow is now onboard with Ferrell at www.funnyordie.com and there's the new Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story movie. The preview is running on tv these days and was shown before Superbad in the theater.
Hmm, a bunch of double entendres involving cox/cocks and parody elements from "Walk the Line" and other music biopics..."Box of Cox" and so on. It seems likely to be lame, but the Dylan part and The Beatles part might lead to a few little laughs.
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Old 12.12.2007, 08:49 PM   #19
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It was a good movie.

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Old 12.12.2007, 10:59 PM   #20
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Freaks and Geeks:
Harris is by far my favourite character on the show. If only I could meet a man like him. If only.
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