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Old 07.08.2016, 12:16 PM   #1
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no thread yet? your comments please.

what the hell is happening. I have seen both videos which surfaced up during the week (the girl with his dying boyfriend dying behind the wheel and completely stressed out officer who thought he is reaching for something in his pocket and the second one, two police officers knocking down guy in red hoodie and shooting him |?|) and then I heard this morning on the news about the Dallas shooting during the black lives matter march (was it during the black live matters march?) and I was like what? this is getting serious now.

oh and I am looking forward to all conspiracy theories as well I must say.

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Old 07.08.2016, 12:26 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by greenlight
oh and I am looking forward to all conspiracy theories as well I must say.

I just searched "dallas hoax" and "dallas shooting staged." You will not be disappointed. "False flag" is also a fun one.
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Old 07.08.2016, 12:48 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by greenlight
what the hell is happening.
it's july

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Old 07.08.2016, 01:16 PM   #4
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snipers, supposedly 4 of them. 3 captured, one was killed by a robot with a bomb attached, 5 officers murdered, 11+ injured. Fucking horrible.
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Old 07.08.2016, 01:24 PM   #5
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only answer? more guns!
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Old 07.08.2016, 01:44 PM   #6
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it takes a good guy with a bomb to stop a bad guy with a bomb

obviously we have the right to carry bombs

don't thread on me!

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Old 07.08.2016, 02:20 PM   #7
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BTW, neither the nRA or Donnie Trumpo have made any comment whatsoever about a man with a legally owned handgun being murdered in cold blood by an agent of the state (police officer) in front of his woman, supposedly the NRA's biggest fear. It never counts when you are brown I guess...
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Old 07.08.2016, 03:25 PM   #8
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is this going to be about race again? i am tired of it.

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Old 07.08.2016, 03:32 PM   #9
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I am tired of people thinking races are real, and not categories made up by white men to place white folks closer to god than brown folks.
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Old 07.08.2016, 03:42 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I am tired of people thinking races are real, and not categories made up by white men to place white folks closer to god than brown folks.

that is what i am saying

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Old 07.08.2016, 03:43 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by greenlight
is this going to be about race again? i am tired of it.
i'm tired of it too but unfortunately it is about "race" again-- or more accurately about racism

Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I am tired of people thinking races are real, and not categories made up by white men to place white folks closer to god than brown folks.

indeed a fictional construct but one that still operates in the minds of dolts and smart people alike-- it's made up, but it's a big force in social life

in other words-- race is fictional but racism is real (like devolution)

meanwhile, the "real america" lowbrains are calling for war against obama

http://www.democracynow.org/2016/7/8...gains t_obama

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Old 07.08.2016, 06:12 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by greenlight
is this going to be about race again? i am tired of it.
so? then lets change society. either be the problem or the solution but while we are ALL tired of racism its not going away unless we do something about it.

yall know me. i have a firm personal philosophy to antagonize, instigate, provoke, and harass all racists, cryporacists, quasiracists, and even just possibly racists.

racism is bullying, and bullies only respond to one thing, being bullied.

but i am tired for the day too.

so racists carry on for a short while,i like reading your comments on websites, i like reading your FB posts and tweets, i like hearing your bonehead statements on television.

keep revealing yourselves. we are all watching. we are all taking note
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Old 07.09.2016, 03:10 PM   #13
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it looks like all those "race motivated" accidents (or any other with "suitable social benefit agenda") by all sorts of freaks (I read your man spent some time in afghanistan and had some sexual abuse history towards female) running around are used by media to do some sort of social programming on mass scale. I know what happend is really sad, and also those cop killings which surfaced (have you see that police officer how freaked out he was himself in one of those vids., after shooting that guy? he seemed to be under pressure big time after he shot him...doing his job...times has changed), but there are so many tragedies, or shootings which are not reported on such a mass scale because basically they are not of any interest for media it seems. It is hard to explain it for me in english. sorry.

someone wants a race war, do not give it to them. and i am tired of it.

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Old 07.09.2016, 03:28 PM   #14
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America is just pissing a hissing fit right now. it'll all pass. it always does.

hey, lets all waste our intellect on how America should change. it won't. it's called society. let's put the guns down for Christ sake's or maybe stop hiring pussy ass cops with happy trigger fingers.

it's not the 60's anymore and it's all very contradicting on both sides of the fight now because the police are scared out of their minds.
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Old 07.09.2016, 03:32 PM   #15
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I read on the news that they were going to do an autopsy on the sniper in Dallas but couldn't because he was blown to smithereens. now that's some robo cop shit right there.

oh the irony in all this!!!
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Old 07.09.2016, 04:21 PM   #16
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first 20 min. of this show. nice opinions on this shooting and shootings prior. great!


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Old 07.09.2016, 04:53 PM   #17
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the only good thing to come out of this is a robot kill count
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Old 07.11.2016, 08:34 AM   #18
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just s thought.

cops execute innocent people, three in one week.
People are LIVID.
How best to "change the conversation?"
Assign one of your military-trained MK Ultra assassin slaves to go on a professional manhunt, aimed directly at police officers (perhaps taking out specific cops who resisted being "on the take.").
To ensure that no evidence is left which would point to the truth, they blow up their brainwashed slave. no questions asked.
Immediately everyone stops giving a shit about murdered black men, and instead mourns the cops killed.
Immediately, if you choose to talk shit about crooked pigs or murderous pigs or fucking redneck militarized pigs, you are the bad guy because you are besmirching the "good memory" of the "heroes" who were murdered by the sniper.

you see how America works?
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Old 07.11.2016, 10:10 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
just s thought.

cops execute innocent people, three in one week.
People are LIVID.
How best to "change the conversation?"
Assign one of your military-trained MK Ultra assassin slaves to go on a professional manhunt, aimed directly at police officers (perhaps taking out specific cops who resisted being "on the take.").
To ensure that no evidence is left which would point to the truth, they blow up their brainwashed slave. no questions asked.
Immediately everyone stops giving a shit about murdered black men, and instead mourns the cops killed.
Immediately, if you choose to talk shit about crooked pigs or murderous pigs or fucking redneck militarized pigs, you are the bad guy because you are besmirching the "good memory" of the "heroes" who were murdered by the sniper.

you see how America works?


but afaik people haven't stopped talking about minneapolis or baton rouge

BLM just closed a highway in MN over the weekend

it's not going away
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Old 07.11.2016, 10:30 AM   #20
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demilitarize the police. That should be the first order of business.
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