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Old 02.04.2010, 02:44 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by EVOLghost
God has more tentacles than that dood.

you misunderstand.. the religion of Thomas Jefferson is not to worship Thomas Jefferson, it is the crazy, Kabbalistic Templar Deism practiced by the founding Fathers, who I am quite positive worshiped a God in the form of a giant brain with numerous tentacles..
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Old 02.04.2010, 02:56 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Crumb's Crunchy Delights
i hurt my stones and remembered reading about not being let into GOD'S kingdom if i had damaged testimonials

i then started to reread my BIBLE and noticed crazy sh*t within

Exodus 31:17 "...on the seventh day he abstained from work and rested."

isaiah 40:28 "The LORD is the everlasting God the Creator of the ends of the earth. he will not grow tired or weary."


i need me some BIBLE studying (excuses) for sure

I see you google searched "Contradictions in the Bible"

those are contradictions in translation only.

The Hebrew word for "rested" used in Genesis is shabat (שָׁבַת) which simply means to "stop, cease, be still" which is far different from the general connotations of the English word "rested" There is no implication of being tired or weary in the Hebrew word Sabath, it simply means to "Stop working" (ie, because the work is completed, not because the worker is tired)

In Isaiah the hebrew word used for "weary" is (יָגַע) ya'gah which implies growing tired from work. It is not related directly to Shabat.. The author of Isaiah is intending through the use of the word ya'gah to imply that the God spoken of in the Bible does not get tired from working, in fact explaining that the "rest" which God took in Genesis was not from being tired, but rather from completing the task.

remember, leave it to the experts.. I had to consult three of em just to get that little diddy for you
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Old 02.04.2010, 05:59 PM   #43
Toilet & Bowels
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Originally Posted by EVOLghost
probably has like 40 or somethin'

at least 60, remember it's a giant brain
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Old 02.04.2010, 06:18 PM   #44
Crumb's Crunchy Delights
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I see you google searched "Contradictions in the Bible"

those are contradictions in translation only.

The Hebrew word for "rested" used in Genesis is shabat (שָׁבַת) which simply means to "stop, cease, be still" (it actually means to desist from exertion to REST) which is far different from the general connotations of the English word "rested" There is no implication of being tired or weary in the Hebrew word Sabath (to desist from exertion or "rest"), it simply means to "Stop working" (ie, because the work is completed, not because the worker is tired)and then naphash which means HE stopped to rest (sabath) and refresh (naphash). the refresh part makes clear the need to rest because of tiredness

In Isaiah the hebrew word used for "weary" is (יָגַע) ya'gah which implies growing tired from work. It is not related directly to Shabat.. The author of Isaiah is intending through the use of the word ya'gah to imply that the God spoken of in the Bible does not get tired from working, in fact explaining that the "rest" which God took in Genesis was not from being tired, but rather from completing the task.

remember, leave it to the experts.. I had to consult three of em just to get that little diddy for you
i'm certainly enjoying my BIBLE studies.

wish i could buy you a beer and do some more jaw flapping with you in the flesh mr friendsaredangerous (although my appearance tends to scare the heck outta folks)
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Old 02.04.2010, 07:10 PM   #45
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it's the facial tattoos, I'm sure.
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Old 02.05.2010, 05:50 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
it's the facial tattoos, I'm sure.
that too
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