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Old 09.09.2009, 01:26 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Satan

sounds like some Mazzy.. good tunes, do you coffee shop hop? I've played with a few chicks with yr style there in that scene, its a lot of fun.
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Old 09.09.2009, 01:30 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
sounds like some Mazzy.. good tunes, do you coffee shop hop? I've played with a few chicks with yr style there in that scene, its a lot of fun.

didn't satan say that she found mazzy star boring?

whatever, i think that this is great!

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Old 09.09.2009, 01:31 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by notyourfiend
didn't satan say that she found mazzy star boring?

whatever, i think that this is great!

than she is crazy and hating on her own style.. mazzy is the shit, a bit dreary but never boring
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Old 09.09.2009, 01:38 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by gmku

i try not to worry, a useless distraction, but i do at times fall into it anyway and i worry about:

- getting work
- getting too much work and not being able to do my stuff
- universal health insurance
- religious wackos taking over
- fox news and evil lying sociopathic republicans and their gospel of utter selfishness
- asinine voters getting repukes into congress in the next election
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Old 09.09.2009, 01:40 PM   #85
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eww eww eww i am so embarrassed by that recording. not my style AT ALL, i am so beyond that bullshit. i'm not interested in putting people to sleep.

i am in a band these days and i play guitar or bass and sing and it sounds like x doing delta 88 thru my bloody valentine's amps.
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Old 09.09.2009, 01:55 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by Satan
eww eww eww i am so embarrassed by that recording. not my style AT ALL, i am so beyond that bullshit. i'm not interested in putting people to sleep.

i am in a band these days and i play guitar or bass and sing and it sounds like x doing delta 88 thru my bloody valentine's amps.

oh shush. you have an amazing voice. i enjoyed the recording

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Old 09.09.2009, 01:59 PM   #87
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yeah but that kind of music is fucking just uuuuuggghhhhh, i get no pleasure from either playing or listening to it

i am a loud girl and i'm pissed off and i like punk rock and i like to make noise and i have a fuzzbox and i'm gonna use it goddamnit
"I love meth." - batreleaser
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Old 09.09.2009, 02:04 PM   #88
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i know it's soooo 1968 but im totally still afraid of nuclear annihilation

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Old 09.09.2009, 02:35 PM   #89
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Nuclear annihilation is more likely to come from the ground (a planted dirty bomb) than the sky (warheads from ICBMs) these days.

I would like to think that North Korea have enough sense to know they'd be obliterated (that word just makes me smile for some reason) by three other nations before they could destroy one major city in any of them.

Terrorists, on the other hand, don't care about dying. They even welcome it.
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Old 09.09.2009, 02:39 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Nuclear annihilation is more likely to come from the ground (a planted dirty bomb) than the sky (warheads from ICBMs) these days.

well it's not the same. a planted dirty bomb might fuck up a few square miles here and there. say, 10 million people die MAX.

not saying it would be a happy thing, but with a world population pushing towards 7 billion, it's a drop in the bucket, and it might be scary & all, but you can move to the boonies to improve your chances.

during cold war times however the thing was that with hundreds of hydrogen bombs blasting all over there was no place to go, really. a much more claustrophobic scenario than that brought over by terrists.
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Old 09.09.2009, 02:46 PM   #91
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Well, a dirty bomb isn't nuclear annihilation on the same scale as a total nuclear war, but for those in the area...

My point is, you'd have to be a complete idiot or a crazed psychopath to launch nuclear weapons.
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