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Old 05.27.2006, 09:10 AM   #81
next step
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
You sort of just contradicted yourself by what you said about alcohol. It is about the person, not the drug. I drink and it doesn't affect my life. Other people ruin their lives with alcohol.

I agree, everyone is different. Some people can smoke pot and not have it mess with their functionality. It seems to me from what I have seen though, that very few people are like that.

My little brother and sister are also friends with people who have done/tried coke and heroin. They've also said that "nobody gets addicted to heroin on their first or second try."

What I really, really, really hate is that everytime I am of high spirits, potheads assume that I am "on something." They ask it almost as if everything is incredibly boring until you are on something, that you need to be high to enjoy yourself. That to me is sickening.

My sister is 18 and my brother is 15. My sister is graduating high school tomorrow I think, she hasn't taken the SATs or ACTs yet.

I hope they will grow out of it, but that's really not very comforting. They are creating turmoil now.

I'm agree with Savage Clone about everyone is different. Everyone has a different situation and so risks. I did the same things of your sister when I was 18 and it could been a problem but it wasnt at all cause everything went okay.I think you should try to spk with them and make some solid points, because family could be very important in this case. Try to say where is the different between a use and a abuse about potand alcool. Friends are determinant too and this it more difficult to control so you should be a sort of friend (superior friend)for them.Then try to give to your sister the responsibility of your little brother that he's not doing a good thing at all cause his age. If she understands it's a good thing.

anyway I smoke quite regularly in the evening and I eat some little shrooms (I usually pick in an high mountain in september as a cult) a couple of times by year.not other drugs are welcome and I'm tuned with it!
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Old 05.27.2006, 01:56 PM   #82
invito al cielo
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i havent read this whole thing but i'll tell a story

i had once a gilfriend whose dad was a drunk. i mean a real drunk. he would come home from work & start chugging beers & getting mean until it was time to go to sleep. he watched a lot of sports on tv.

he held a union job for something like 20 years, raised 6 or 7 children (the gf was the last one), put all of them through college, and paid his mortgage. i understand that he never missed a day of work.

still, he was an alkie, he created a dysfunctional aura around him, and managed to pass that habit along to 1/2 of his children (including the girlfriend, ha hah-- but i won't tell that part of the story here).
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