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Old 01.06.2008, 03:26 PM   #21
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It would be funny for the first day or two, but it would get old really fast. Just like talking to a stoner.
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Old 01.06.2008, 04:11 PM   #22
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Old 01.08.2008, 07:57 PM   #23
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Old 01.08.2008, 08:38 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
i have seen it's coming for a good 15 or so years now that I have been actively paying attention and it scares me. the time for revolution is now

And how is this revolution to take place?

Just as Lincoln advised, this is We the People's government and we can change our government constitutionally through accepted legal means; Force should only be used as a last resort.

In other words, the only way to have a revolution without martial law quickly squashing it is to do it through starting a political movement.

Campaign finance reform and electoral college reform can wait.
At some point we also need to shorten terms of office.
And the appointment of any governmental officials that aren't decided upon by the general public in democratic elections should eventually be prohibited.

But first things first.
The focus of any serious revolutionary movement should be a basic and single-minded one that urges and provides for a constitutional amendment to end all repeat terms of political office. Once someone has served once, then their time is up. They can run for another office, but not that same one. In ideality, there should no be such a thing as a career politician. The current notion of the status quo that people should be allowed repeat terms feeds political corruption, and is, in essence, antithetical to the concept of participatory democracy and any semblance to a truly representational government.
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Old 01.09.2008, 10:07 AM   #25
Rob Instigator
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Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Conspiracy theories are just like religions. The only difference is that all the Gods are malevolant.

Yes the world is a bunch of shit, but the guiding force is chaos and human nature in a sort of socio-economic-corporate-political darwinism. The people with the money and power are naturally on the top of the food chain, and they make day to day decisions to give themselves more money and power. If GWB and co started investing money into apple, google, and all the like, I wouldn't see it as "giving more power to mass media, the opiate of the masses" so much as "rich fucks looking to ride a growing industry and become richer fucks."

The revolution, as it stands, isn't against some group of clockmakers, but against ourselves.

ha! that is exactly what I have been saying! all these conspiracy theories are pointing out something very real. the thing that gets muddled is what is the true mtivation behind these shadow governments. I say it is and always has been about MONEY, not aliens, not illuminati, not skull and bones. It is purely about money and the power that comes with it.

there is nothing fanciful about that. the world's history has shown countless tim4es that the struggle is between the masses of people and the few that have gathered all the money to them, from kings, to popes, to now international billionaire bankers.

it is the same thing. but war feeds this. wars make money to banks. every 4 months presisdent Dubya asks the congress to aporrve another spending bill for the "war on terror" (running in the high BILLIONS now) . that money does not come from the USA, it comes LOANED AT INTEREST from the federal reserve, a private bank that is not in the service of the USA government, nor overseemn by the US govt, nor is it in any way controlled by the government. this makes a few people ridiculosuly wealthy while leaving the bions of dollars in debt to the masses of regular americans to pay off for the next 40 years.
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