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Old 04.30.2007, 08:25 PM   #61
Toilet & Bowels
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these aren't really legendary but i saw jhon balance's last performance with coil (or i presume it was) and mary hanson's last show with stereolab.
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Old 05.01.2007, 02:03 AM   #62
the end of the ugly
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Not really legendary, but I went to JAMC's first reunion show. They played a new song too. The whole show was great.


not my video by the way
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Old 05.01.2007, 05:32 AM   #63
expwy. to yr skull
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Originally Posted by Daddylikes
I actually think the boos would have energized the band.

Was this before or after September of 2001?

The band cut itself from the crowd, building a huge wall of noise for the encore. That was more take it or leave it than a gain of energy.
It was June, 7th.
I was surprised at your comment about the date.
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Old 05.01.2007, 11:29 AM   #64
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I saw the first ever Grinderman show

But also I saw Jens Lekman play in a church in Brighton which was probably not legendary, but I think everyone who was there will remember it well. It was on Valentines day, and it was FREEZING in there, and there was a group of girls who had made cakes and were selling cups of tea. The power got cut out and after the show Jens sat at the back and took everyone's requests. I think there were about 30 people there.
I think if kissing someone could make them pregnant
the last person I kissed would have had their kid by now...
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