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View Poll Results: What's yr poison?
Are you fucking nuts? VINYL. 11 45.83%
Practicality uber alles. CD/SACD. 8 33.33%
t3h FUtuR3. DOWNLOADS (legit). 1 4.17%
Too Cheap For Love. DOWNLOADS (not so legit). 2 8.33%
I'm lying/fuck you. OTHER. 2 8.33%
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Old 03.29.2007, 08:49 AM   #41
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I'm against all formats. Music should not be formatted for mass consumption. In shape or form.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 03.29.2007, 09:26 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
mp3s etc are ridiculous, although extremely convenient, i know a couple of people who pay to download shit too, people with more money than sense basically.

I've recently bought a few things to download from iTunes. mostly because I'm inpatient, I live in Oklahoma and there's crap for stores to buy good music and I only use my iPod anyways.

I've only bought a few things from them, but they are usually about $5 less than the real thing.

I share loads of music with my friends, so if I'm going to buy something it's usually because I can't get it from my friends or I'm making a point to pay for what I get.

with long-time favs (i.e. sonic youth) I buy the actual cd so I can add it to the stack.
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Old 03.29.2007, 09:40 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I've recently bought a few things to download from iTunes. mostly because I'm inpatient, I live in Oklahoma and there's crap for stores to buy good music and I only use my iPod anyways.

I've only bought a few things from them, but they are usually about $5 less than the real thing.

I share loads of music with my friends, so if I'm going to buy something it's usually because I can't get it from my friends or I'm making a point to pay for what I get.

with long-time favs (i.e. sonic youth) I buy the actual cd so I can add it to the stack.

i've got a friend who stopped using soulseek in favour of buying from itunes just because he could afford it rather than for the ethics of piracy/purchasing, i justed wanted to spend money, i was reffering to him mainly, also other people i know who've told me they use itunes and when i've told them about p2p they don't care enough to switch.
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Old 03.29.2007, 09:57 AM   #44
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I haven't stopped getting free music, although I no longer use p2p stuff.

if I don't exchange music in person, I'll use sendspace.

I only really use iTunes if I'm absolutely freaking out to get something and I need it NOW.

speaking of....it's really time to freshen up my iPod. 6000 songs and I'm getting bored.

my pavement CD's that I ordered from amazon better get here today....you hear me mailman?? you hear meeeeee????

shipped last fucking friday and I STILL don't have them in my hands.
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Old 03.29.2007, 10:12 AM   #45
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I voted vinyl, in general, yes it is the best format for music. But usually I end up buying more CDs. I work way too much and don't have time to listen to music at home, so I buy something I can listen to in the car or at work. Working less would solve this problem, definitely.
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Old 03.29.2007, 10:15 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by HairwayToSteven
I voted vinyl, in general, yes it is the best format for music. But usually I end up buying more CDs. I work way too much and don't have time to listen to music at home, so I buy something I can listen to in the car or at work. Working less would solve this problem, definitely.

usb turntable + audacity + cd burner = da win
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Old 03.29.2007, 10:23 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i think the library of congress turns their LPs 1/4 turn every couple years to prevent warping, which i don't think is anything to worry about if you store them face-up instead of on their side, seeing how they're flat and all and the whole gravity thing.

never ever ever stores your LP's face up, stacked. EVER
The weight of the vinyl, which is considerable, will fuck your sleeves and records up. store them on their side, as intended. if they are packed snug you do not have to turn them like the library of congress does.
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Old 03.29.2007, 10:26 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
usb turntable + audacity + cd burner = da win

DAMN I wish I had something like this.

I have 6 crates of records sitting in my closet going to waste. there is so much that I can't replace.
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Old 03.29.2007, 10:33 AM   #49
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I will someday afford that
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Old 03.29.2007, 10:53 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
usb turntable + audacity + cd burner = da win

Very good point. Thanks!
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Old 03.29.2007, 11:00 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by gmku
I'm against all formats. Music should not be formatted for mass consumption. In shape or form.

Hmmm. I agree. I don't exactly care what format I listen to music on. I can't exactly tell the difference between vinyl and cd. But if I do notice a lack of good sound quality, I usually connect it to how the album was produced and engineered. If I can here music, I'm fine.

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Old 03.29.2007, 11:16 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by LittlePuppetBoy
Hmmm. I agree. I don't exactly care what format I listen to music on. I can't exactly tell the difference between vinyl and cd. But if I do notice a lack of good sound quality, I usually connect it to how the album was produced and engineered. If I can here music, I'm fine.

Yeah but c'mon, the gap between vinyl and CDs/SACDs in terms of sound quality nowadays, it has to be said, isn't utterly vast. Whereas the gap between downloaded formats right now and CDs/vinyl is huuuge in terms of fidelity. Surely you hear that? The "watery" sound you get on the drums at 128kb, or the clipping you get even on 320kb at the loud end?
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