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Old 03.23.2007, 12:26 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I endorse alien_sex_cults of any kind!

look who your talking to
Old 03.23.2007, 12:53 PM   #22
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my bad.

I endorse alien_vaginal_sex_cults.

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Old 03.23.2007, 01:02 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I endorse alien_sex_cults of any kind!

personally, I'm waiting for Quetzalcoatl's return 12/21/12. the Mayans might have been heart-eating savages, but they sure knew a lot about the sky and their universe.

although, I'm going to be really pissed off if Quetz turns out to be Jeezus instead of a googly-eyed spacemonster.

hey hey-- heart-eating maybe, but more savage than nuking hiroshima? now, now...
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Old 03.23.2007, 01:09 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hey hey-- heart-eating maybe, but more savage than nuking hiroshima? now, now...

oh, I wasn't making a comparison.

and yes, I would much rather devour the still-beating hearts of a 1000 virgins than tac-nuke some sleepy villagers.

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Old 03.23.2007, 01:39 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I endorse alien_sex_cults of any kind!

I hear that, I just wish there were more alien sex cult women seducing me with insane-chick sex to get me to join their cult.

I seriously doubt if there is any valid contact material in the French docs that is will be released, or was ever even included in the archive.

Personally, I think our conception of space and time is limited due to our consciousness being limited by the 3rd dimension. Sometimes we get a glimpse into the 4th dimension...I mean the 'passing' of time is an illusion, everything that has or will happen is kind spread out and our 3rd dimensional perception only allows us to see one moment at a time - if we had 4th dimensional consciousness we would see a persons' entire life as a kind of streak - if you were to look that closely - I also think our language limits our abilities of mind.

Phil Dick used to talked about indigenous super intelligent lifeforms that evolved beyond our perception for survival, like a leopard evolved with spots as camoflauge. William Burroughs said we'd have to re=engineer our bodies to get into space, right now we're like fish in a bowl. Brion Gysin asserted we are HERE TO GO!

A concept I find compelling is that consciousness evolved before 'life' in the tremendous galactic clouds of the universe that after billions of years congealed into the universe...

ok thats enough coffee for Jim today thanks..
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Old 03.23.2007, 01:50 PM   #26
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dimensions is crazy.

stephen Hawking, one mof my physics heroes (I have many) won the Nobel prize in physics for work he did on black holes. teen tiny miniscule areas of space behave in very very strange ways once you get past a certain tinyness (Planck distance.) The same holds true for time. once you get below Planck Time (something like 1 billionth of a second or so) the universe takes on strange characteristics.
for the longest, after einsteins equations predicted what we now call black holes (something with a gravity so massive that nothing can escape the gravuitational pull, even light/energy), there was a large argument as to whether black holes were detectable. To be detectable some form of information must leave the black hole, either radiation or particles or something, and most people believed that was impossible.

Hawking, while his wife was getting him dressed for bed, thought about this. Quantum physics states that, below planck size, even the most empty vacuum of deep space is actually a froth of virtual particles and their anti particles popping in and out of existance, annhihilating each other before the planck time has elapsed, thereby noever affecting the overall entropy of the universe, and being undetectable to us. Hawking thought about this, and reasoned, that if along a black hole's event horizon, a particle and it's anti particle popped into existance, and one of the two was sucked into the balck hole, the other would NOT pop out of existance, and would instead be shot out from the black hole's event horizon. seeing as how in even a cubic centimeter of space there are trillion sof virtual particles popping up and down, odds are quite a few would be split up by a black hole's ebvent horizon. he then proceeded to do the calqulations for a typical black hole,a dn arrived at a certain number, very very low, of radiation coming from a black hole's edge due to this phenomenom that he "discovered" while getting ready for bed.

sure enough, radio telescopes were trained on areas thought to be black holes, and the very very low radiation was found, totally consistent with hawking's estimates!!!!!

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Old 03.23.2007, 01:55 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by tesla69
I just wish there were more alien sex cult women seducing me with insane-chick sex to get me to join their cult.

if only it worked the other way around, I'd be next "extraterrestrial" Jim Jones for sure!

Heaven's Gate had it all wrong. besides purple Nikes being a gawd-awful cosmic fashion statement, the first rule about Alien Sex Cult is you DO NOT mutilate each other's genitalia into nonexistance. what a waste.
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Old 03.23.2007, 02:11 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
sure enough, radio telescopes were trained on areas thought to be black holes, and the very very low radiation was found, totally consistent with hawking's estimates!!!!!

I think that the jury is still out on Hawking Radiation.

it's gone from photons skimming the edge of the event horizon to be sling-shot back into space, to thermodynamic conversion of a portion of the energy consumed to maintain equilibrium (the energy is converted to x-rays). some black holes do emit x-ray jets from their poles, however the bulk of them are only detectable by red-shift analysis of superoccluding bodies.

I love me some black holes! <3

in fact, my current theory on the Big Bang is that it was a "white hole". I think that given a long amount of time, a black hole can consume enough to reach a critical mass where the combined gravity of it's meals rip space/time (although only momentarily). this temporary wormhole would funnel particles across the dimensional barrier which then explosively expand upon reaching "free space". extra-dimensional diarrhea for the win!

yes, I want to be a mad scientist when I grow up.
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Old 03.23.2007, 02:31 PM   #29
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physics rules!
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Old 03.23.2007, 02:44 PM   #30
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yeah, the physics branch does rule
and science rules too

If you have a knowledge of physics, then you know there are no alien spacecraft visiting Earth.

I assure you that any unidentified flying objects are quite terrestrial in origin.

I'll leave it at that.
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Old 03.23.2007, 02:50 PM   #31
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remember all those triangular UFO's seen in the 70's? and they all turned out to be test flights of the stealth Bomber?


aliens schmeliens.
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Old 03.23.2007, 02:56 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
If you have a knowledge of physics, then you know there are no alien spacecraft visiting Earth.

then how do you explain THIS:

bikes can't fly themselves!
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Old 03.23.2007, 02:57 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
remember all those triangular UFO's seen in the 70's? and they all turned out to be test flights of the stealth Bomber?


aliens schmeliens.

Sure, the ones from the 70's, maybe, but what about the ones seen pre-1940s, or the ones seen in Phoenix ten years ago this month (and other times in Phoenix). The former governor came out recently to state that the object was still unidentified, despite his condescending press conference in March of 1997 ridiculing people who claimed it was a mysterious craft.

Sure, UFOs may be terrestrial in origin, but if so, there's a lot of black science going on that all you fans of physics and science should be pissed off that it's still "above top secret."

science (or rather, much of the funding received by scientific institutes) is so political as to be near worthless.
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Old 03.23.2007, 03:02 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
then how do you explain THIS:


bikes can't fly themselves!

that's patently a swamp gas emission, the "bike" is a fly on the camera lens.

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Old 03.23.2007, 03:59 PM   #35
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yeah all the good stuff is top secret - and I believe one of the purposes of all the govt spying is so they can steal ideas from independent researchers...

of course antigravity research is so dangerous it probably should be banned, period...so those researchers probably should be monitored.

the world is an egg. no one knows what will hatch.
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Old 03.26.2007, 11:08 AM   #36
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I'd say the government is more likely to indirectly fund research than steal ideas. That'd be a lot easier. Of course, due to the whole "compartmentalization" aspect of intelligence, I wouldn't be surprised at how disorganized the whole thing is.

Which is a shame really, that no one knows what's really going on. I watched a lecture with former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer who described the situation as "trying to read an encyclopedia to a 9 year old." I think that's a pretty accurate description of the entire UFO phenomenon. I mean, you can read all the books and watch all the videos you want, but that's not science. And I'm sure the BEST research hasn't ever been published, for fear of ridicule.

Sad state of affairs!
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