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Old 01.26.2007, 11:08 AM   #41
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I brought this up to a friend of mine last night as we were getting high, his first reaction? Korean Nuclear Testing. That really clicked with me. Just watch... they're gonna catch a Gojira any day, now.
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Old 01.26.2007, 11:11 AM   #42
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ha ha i was about to venture the nuclear testing hypothesis. it's as old as godzilla. the thing is though the koreans did not test on the sea. is it still remanents of the hydrogen bomb test of the 50's and beyond??

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Old 01.26.2007, 11:30 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the thing is though the koreans did not test on the sea.

Can you prove that? Y'know, being the devil's advocate and all.

What, exactly, is the shelf-life for that kind of nuclear fallout? It seems a little far-fetched that the h-bomb testing would have any sort of noticeable after-effects this late in the game, but I would never write it off. For all we know, the first time we ever split an atom could have set off this massive, unseen chain of events (like an irradiated butterfly flapping it's wing... you know that old saying regarding causality) unleashing ramifications we could never conceive nor predict with our limited knowledge and perceptions. Hell, maybe Einstein killed God.
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Old 01.26.2007, 11:43 AM   #44
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Coincedence has a couple of kiss-ass net friends
Originally Posted by Malachi_Constant
Fucked up thing is, not more than a month ago they caught the world's first living giant squid off the coast of Japan, as well... another bizarre creature that normally dwells far too deep for human eyes to see. What the hell is going on out in that water that's driving these things to the surface, or is it just a coincidence?

It stands to reason that it could be climate change however consider this we nuked them japaneses way bak when so it could be a result of that or maybe the Japaneses are digging a tunnel to NY to watch SY play coz they are scared of flyinf ooooooooooooooh the possibilities
'...and you will know my name is the lord, for i shall lay my vengence upon thee'
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Old 01.26.2007, 12:01 PM   #45
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I like that last one. Puts the Chunnel to shame.
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Old 01.26.2007, 12:47 PM   #46
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I heared it on the radio.
Fucked up.
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Old 01.26.2007, 09:29 PM   #47
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Here's the footage of that giant squid that was captured recently.

The Vampire squid is a strange creature. You wouldn't catch me swimming in the dark with one of those.

The Humboldt squid is a quick, aggressive and dangerous predator.
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Old 01.26.2007, 10:21 PM   #48
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i saw a humboldt squid documentary awhile ago, the guy who dove deep to 'film' them actually had one squid swim up to him and GRAB his camera, threw it at his head, and actually knocked him out cold for a few seconds.

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Old 01.26.2007, 10:47 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by amyvega
i saw a humboldt squid documentary awhile ago, the guy who dove deep to 'film' them actually had one squid swim up to him and GRAB his camera, threw it at his head, and actually knocked him out cold for a few seconds.


those were the ones in the Sea of Cortez right? those things were nasty

you see the one on the Giant Squid in the Sea of Japan? that was an excellent one, seeing the large numbers of Sperm Whales feeding on the remains of the squid was very interesting, supposedly the battles between the two are quite fierce
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Old 01.27.2007, 07:40 AM   #50
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and we think we own the planet... humans can fuck off with themselves, we are nothing!
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Old 01.27.2007, 07:52 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
and we think we own the planet... humans can fuck off with themselves, we are nothing!

but i have gills...i just need some cartilaginous stick-like protusion to pop out of my forehead, and with some glowing mucous at the end of it, then i could tell you guys all about the deep.
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Old 01.27.2007, 07:55 AM   #52
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hellz yeah- i WANT this
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Old 01.27.2007, 08:05 AM   #53
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ive got a serious plankton habit. im up to 100€ bags of chrill a day!!
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Old 01.28.2007, 10:06 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
In Kurt Vonnegut's CAT'S CRADLE, he tells of a calamity which strikes humanity in 1986, which eventually leads to the extinction of all the human race except those descended from a small group shipwrecked on the island of Santa Rosalia, most northerly of the Galapagos. Over the next million years, their descendants evolve into seal-like creatures with much smaller brains, greatly increasing the general level of happiness.

(vonnegut attributes our general unhappiness as a result of brains TOO big.)

Edit: That should read GALAPAGOS, not Cat's Cradle

I love that book

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