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Old 09.05.2006, 12:36 AM   #61
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speaking of smoke, i forgot about burning man. i wanted to go. it ended today. i will definitely go next year.
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Old 09.05.2006, 07:55 AM   #62
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i've heard it's just a bunch of hippies and yuppies get fucked up in the desert, and paying a lot for the priveledge
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Old 09.05.2006, 09:21 AM   #63
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im a smoker and i much prefer having to go outside when im in nyc.
i dont go home stinking of fags, i dont smoke as much thus i feel better and i always meet people who are outside a bar smoking who i wouldnt normally meet.
i somehow doubt this will be the case in most of the uk after the ban.
i imagine alot of fights outside clubs and bars when pissed wankers have to go out for a fag. we will see soon enough anyway.

daycare, you can go to any bar in that area and be smoke free. whats your problem if theres one bar where the smokers can go and breath each others smoke together? youve plenty of choice so just go elsewhere.
i think there should be certian bars where you can smoke. there should be areas in venues for smoking but a ban elsewhere in the building.
theres a venue here in tokyo (liquidroom) that has a no smoking policy except for one room. what wrong with that? cant we comprmise?
a weatherspoons in birmingham banned smoking and after that is was always empty. you want a smoke free enviroment, go to a smoke free pub. us smokers should have the option to go and kill ourselves with the other dirty smokers.
each to their own. you do what you want and ill do what i want.
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Old 09.05.2006, 09:35 AM   #64
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The problem in the UK at the moment is that pubs and restuarants have token "smoke free" areas, but they are right next to "smokers" areas, with nothing to physically divide them. So you sit down to a meal in a smokeless zone and get smoked out all the same.

I've never really understood how a cigarette is supposed to enhance anyone's meal anyway.
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Old 09.05.2006, 09:43 AM   #65
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You are more likely to get food poisoning in a restaurant than cancer from passively inhaling cigarette smoke.That's a fact.

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Old 09.05.2006, 09:51 AM   #66
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Oh, I'm not disagreeing with that, I just don't find it very pleasant to be eating a meal and getting wafts or cigarette (or, even worse, cigar) smoke coming across from other tables throughout.

If I'm in a pub and there are people smoking I just take it being one of the hazards of being in a pub. I just don't like it in restaurants.
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Old 09.05.2006, 09:57 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by sonicl

I've never really understood how a cigarette is supposed to enhance anyone's meal anyway.

if you're addicted, cigarettes complement almost any situation, but after a meal if particularly pleasant
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Old 09.05.2006, 09:59 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by sonicl
Oh, I'm not disagreeing with that, I just don't find it very pleasant to be eating a meal and getting wafts or cigarette (or, even worse, cigar) smoke coming across from other tables throughout.

If I'm in a pub and there are people smoking I just take it being one of the hazards of being in a pub. I just don't like it in restaurants.

I'm a smoker and I can't stand people smoking near me, when I'm eating.
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Old 09.05.2006, 10:06 AM   #69
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I'm Khchris and i like a cigarette or i get stressed!stressed!stressed!

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Old 09.05.2006, 10:16 AM   #70
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Word! Where did that seizure come from?
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Old 09.05.2006, 10:49 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
you know, i'm kind of mad about the smoking ban in new york because you couldn't even smoke in CBGB's either time i went there. now that i think about it that's really the only thing that's stopped me from moving there.

Better get used to more restrictive smoking rules everywhere, all the time....

I just don't understand how smokers can feel that a DEFENSE, a RE-action to the imposed smoke they feel they have the RIGHT to put on non-smokers is an unreasonable action.

Someone lights up, the environment is immediately changed, other ambient air pollution notwithstanding. The non-smoker is PRODDED...it's not just a perception...it's an actual accosting of one's 'space'...their 'air-space'..if you will.

So...a smoker initiates an undesirable condition...THEY are the ones breaking the 'status quo' of the air....a reaction is made to quell that obnoxious, dangerous condition. And yes..secondhand smoke of ANY kind is not kind on the body.....don't even try to question that...you're insane if you do.

So it's a matter of privacy. Contain your smoke. Be conscience, even OUTSIDE of where you're smoke is wafting. It DOESN'T just disappear. I've sat a ballgames and the smoke sometimes just lingers...I am breathing it....even from smokers several feet away. It doesn't just float straight up and out....so yeah, banning smoking in OUTDOOR facilities makes PERFECT sense and should be the norm. I puff pot, but NEVER if there are those who'd wish I didn't. I will go around the corner to 'contain' my imbibing, without feeling 'rejected' or insulted...the illegality of the weed makes NO difference...it's the courteous thing to do.

Another peeve....why..when you try to tell a smoker NOT to smoke in an area..they act like it's their finger. OH NO...don't cut off my FINGER..damn...but as soon as the cig is down to the butt......FLING..there is goes...right to the ground....LITTER..TRASH !!!

I'd be willing to bet 99% + of smokers do this because....'everyone else does'........that's just trailer trash to me...no excuse..and I ALWAYS give people shit when I see them do this....

Somehow one's mind loses cognitive thought with a nicotine addiction/habit and reasonable, courteous thought goes out the window and an immediate defense of their habit....takes precedence.....

We all have bad habits to some degree. The WHOLE point of this is containment and privacy.....KEEP IT private.....as we all see, the acceptance of public smoking is waning.....and it's because smokers FAIL to keep it private on their own......so it goes....

If one smokes and consciencely keeps it away from others...you won't have a problem.....your impostition is what is being thwarted.....DO IT on your own...and you'll be OK...

As far as going after 'fatties'...those who eat to much....that's a self contained habit....they aren't expelling any noxious smoke...maybe just some natural gas......!!!!!

In that case.....I'll get upwind and put a match to one's derriere !!!!!
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Old 09.05.2006, 10:50 AM   #72
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always makes me laugh in the pubs where they have the "no smoking at the bar" rule.
theres a line on the floor about a foot away from the bar, cross it when your smoking and the staff go mental about their right to work in a smoke free enviroment. but its fine to stand a foot away and breath your smoke over the line. what the fuck is all that about? smoke moves. dont they know this? whats going on?
dont get a job in a pub if you dont wanna breath smoke. of course this will change next year, but yv gottta be a bit daft to think you can work in a pub and not have to breath smoke before the ban.
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