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Old 08.24.2006, 07:59 PM   #21
Пятхъдесят Шест
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For shame!
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Old 08.24.2006, 08:00 PM   #22
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Haha... I know... Soon as I graduate, I'm going to buy everything I've ever downloaded... :P
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Old 08.24.2006, 08:07 PM   #23
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I'm just hoping it works properly. I downloaded the patch, hopefully it will fix the frustrating glitches.
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Old 08.24.2006, 09:30 PM   #24
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i'm just 45 minutes away from new orleans, and i know, firsthand what happened, post-hurricane, from volunteering at one of the designated areas in my city and from speaking with a very close friend who is a member of NOPD. the whole situation was a fuckup, and the blame should definitely be spread evenly, not just at the national government.

i WILL say, that local gov. admitted the fuck up and tried to fix things while the big boys played guitar and treated new orleans' black population like they were on quarantine.

they screened the documentary as i was riding into the city last week, actually. i'm a huge fan of spike lee and i would love to see it, but i don't have any sort of cable, so unless it gets on dvd soon or bittorrent, i'm shit out of luck.
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Old 08.27.2006, 06:46 AM   #25
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im watching this right now
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Old 08.27.2006, 08:16 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Пятхъдесят Шест
Toklosh, the documentary showed some footage of how the Dutch government protects its low lands, some incredible engineering there. Compared to concrete walls that were/are protecting New Orleans. Quite depressing what other countries can do, and what we are too lazy and too cheap to accomplish.

Comparing the Dutch's "levees" to New Orleans' isn't fair. When has a hurricane hit the Netherlands?

Originally Posted by static-harmony
I can't believe our goverment let that many people die.

Yeah, Bush knows how to control the weather and all.
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Old 08.28.2006, 03:02 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by samuel
Comparing the Dutch's "levees" to New Orleans' isn't fair. When has a hurricane hit the Netherlands?

Never! That goes to show how good we deal with nature in general. We blow hurricanes away with our arsenal of windmills.
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Old 08.28.2006, 11:18 PM   #28
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a blast from the past %2B%22sonicyouth.com%22%2B%22katrina%22&hl=en&gl=u s&ct=clnk&cd=2
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registered: 11/1/2001 00:00
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well some of us have known for a long time that bush is a lying scumbag

now there is incontrovertible VIDEO evidence showing that he knew about katrina before it happened.

im not going to get into details as i'm too pissed off right now

here is the goddamn link


fucking shit! they hypocrisy!!! fuckem!!!!!!

posted: 3/1/2006 18:31Reply | PM | Edit | IPGoo14
registered: 7/30/2004 00:00
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... I did a keynote presentation on him for school. It was rather cool. I put in than one video of him flicking off the reporters. 'one finger salute'. I made him look like a complete dumbass. If YSI works on the school's computers I'll upload it for the helluvit.posted: 3/1/2006 18:37Reply | PM | Edit | IP

atari 2600

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anyone with half a brain in nola should've known to evacuate in a post on the board i warned anyone in nola on the friday before the storm to get the hell out of town because i knew that (Katrina & a direct hit to New Orleans) was not to be trifled with...

i grew up in gulfport, ms from grades 1-9 & have experienced many hurricanes myself, so i've always been familiar with the common wisdom of the region that a direct hit to nola would be devastating

bush of course (per the usual) lied about the statement of how nola (too many "nola"s in this post) would be "rebuilt bigger & better" or whatever ... the admin. is too busy stealing billions from the iraq war effort to care about new orleans... seems to me that if the levee walls could be constructed properly then everything would be as safe there as humanly possible ... they should get the navy seabees to build it instead of some contractor...posted: 3/1/2006 19:43Reply | PM | Edit | IP
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Old 08.28.2006, 11:22 PM   #29
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question why was bush saying he knew nothing about the levees though?

another WMD-type fucking lie....posted: 3/1/2006 20:08Reply | PM | Edit | IPatari 2600
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i'm not familiar with the remark is this something he said during the katrina hearings? wait, he's in india now

i guess it's plausible deniability at work

although to believe that bush would have been advised by no one to be able to know either shows gross incompetence or gross negligence or both

he's probably guilty of both, but again, katrina caused such devastation that not a whole lot of difference could have been made (in my mind) anyway...the levee walls were not up to speed because once again, the city officials had bilked & screwed the people of nola & the aid could have got there a day sooner maybe & that does make a difference to victims of a storm of this magnitude, but the whole thing was a major disaster, so its tough to say exactly...as much as i despise bush, i was very dismayed to hear black democrats in an uproar & michael moore blaming bush the way the did...it seemed weak to me & petty...it made me ashamed to be a democrat honestly when there is so much else that the man is truly guilty of & they pick this to harp on? it just serves to discredit more legitimate accusations...what's this need to "build a case" when the case is already fucking built & the president is guilty of treason & a myriad of other crimes? (the) fact is, bush's detractors are afraid & so they seized katrina as a "safe" way to criticize him...(it's) a sad state of affairs

hopefully this hurricane season won't slam the area again, but many scientists are warning that the oceans are getting hotter due to climate change & that this will not necessarily increase hurricane & major storm frequency, but it will tend to make the storms more powerful...scientists are saying now that global warming has reached a level of inertia now & that even if we ceased all activities that lead to warming that the process has already begun & there's little to do that can reverse it in a quick fix; although they do say that somehow minimizing our collective non-eco-friendly behavior is obviously still a very good idea
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Old 08.28.2006, 11:22 PM   #30
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I missed the Spike Lee doc
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Old 08.29.2006, 06:44 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by samuel
Comparing the Dutch's "levees" to New Orleans' isn't fair. When has a hurricane hit the Netherlands?

Don't you understand? This is the point of it all. And hurricanes are not the only cause of floods, espcially in areas that are well below sea level, like much of Holland is. It isn't about the threat of a hurricane, its about the threat of flooding, PERIOD. Flood disasters are well documented online, take a look.

Its about Holland being prepared for something, and building the proper structures to protect your tax paying citizens from a disaster such as. I'm in no way an expert on this but from what I understand, the levees in New Orleans were only strong enough to hold a category one hurricane, let alone the category three that made land fall in Louisiana.

Originally Posted by samuel
Yeah, Bush knows how to control the weather and all.

No one is suggesting that President Bush (or any world leader/government) can control the weather. But letting people in that city go without any kind of help for five days is what Bush is at fault of. He didn't even aknowledge what was going on for two days, and then gave a slap on the back to FEMA's response.

If you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention.
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Old 08.29.2006, 06:57 PM   #32
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Well, okay. I don't think the Dutch would have been prepared for Katrina. The storm was fantastic.

Originally Posted by Пятхъдесят Шест
But letting people in that city go without any kind of help for five days is what Bush is at fault of.

Why were people still there in the first place?

Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
The bottom line: 1) the City of New Orleans refused all sorts of help days before the storm hit. 2) the City of New Orleans didn't acknowledge the storms true threat until late Saturday night. 3) a high school kid hot wired a school bus, filled it up with people from this neighborhood and drove it all the way to the Houston Astrodome. 4) those who acted on their god given common sense found a way to get out.
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Old 08.30.2006, 02:09 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by samuel
Why were people still there in the first place?

some didn't know the severity of the storm. some didn't think they had anywhere to go. some didn't have any way to get out of the city. it's not like you can hitch a ride with your neighbor from down the street, in the lower 9th ward...especially if he doesn't have a car, either.
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Old 08.30.2006, 02:11 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by ?????????? ????
one is suggesting that President Bush (or any world leader/government) can control the weather. But letting people in that city go without any kind of help for five days is what Bush is at fault of. He didn't even aknowledge what was going on for two days, and then gave a slap on the back to FEMA's response.

not to mention that requests for funds to fix and reinforce the levee system had been denied for the past several years.
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Old 08.30.2006, 02:26 AM   #35
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I am still mad about this. They could not fucking leave because they had no way out. They had buses but no one was driving them. They filled the stadium way over its max capacity. They have renewed only the richer part of New Orleans, while leaving the poor area as it was after Katrina hit. Many people have not gone home, most have seperated from their families. And contractors close to the Bush administration have gotten deals to fix New Orleans, which will push the New Orleans poor out of their city. Who mostly are black. If you are not mad about this and are an American, than you are no a real American.
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Old 08.30.2006, 03:00 AM   #36
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this was a very interesting documentary.
shits fucked up... thats all im going to say.
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Old 08.30.2006, 03:23 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by static-harmony
If you are not mad about this and are an American, than you are no a real American.

No, I just see it differently. I think people should be able to take care of themselves.
Did you read Bytor Peltor's post? Blame the state of Louisiana or New Orleans before the federal government... if you feel the need to criticize. I don't see the point in criticizing - a fucking storm destroyed a city and it's sad. There shouldn't have been people there. Plenty of money has been sent to New Orleans; I'm not sure if it's being used efficiently.
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Old 08.30.2006, 11:19 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by samuel
No, I just see it differently. I think people should be able to take care of themselves.
Did you read Bytor Peltor's post? Blame the state of Louisiana or New Orleans before the federal government... if you feel the need to criticize. I don't see the point in criticizing - a fucking storm destroyed a city and it's sad. There shouldn't have been people there. Plenty of money has been sent to New Orleans; I'm not sure if it's being used efficiently.

when people are in no position to take care of themselves, it is the government's job to aid them, in some form. when the city and the state fail, it's the federal government's job to step up and provide aid, should a necessary situation arrive. yes, our politicians fucked up, but they at least TRIED to pick up the slack as soon as things had started to get out of hand, while our pres-o-dint chose to play guitar and kiss brown babies and have photos of himself taken while looking oh-so pensive in through the window of his plane. he displayed a nonchalant attitude about the entire situation while FEMA dicked people over with 'aid' left and right. and let's not talk about money being spent efficiently. if we weren't overseas fighting a bullshit war, maybe adequate funds could've been sent to new orleans by now...or maybe the funding would've actually been there when state representatives requested it to fix the levee system before something horrible happened. who the fuck are you to say how efficiently the money's being spent, anyway? have you been to the city to see what's being rebuilt and what has been rebuilt? i have, and although progress is slow, it's still there.
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Old 08.30.2006, 11:33 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Three weeks after Katrina hit New Orleans, hurricane Rita hit the Texas - Louisiana border. Hurricane Rita was a bigger and more powerful storm compared to Katrina. Rita caused lots of damage, but this area has bounced back nicely. The local city officials here did a wonderful job. YES - they had three weeks of seeing everything New Orleans did wrong to change plans......but they had plans to begin with. It clear to see that the City of New Orleans didn't have plans to handle a situation like this......or if they did, it went horribly wrong.

actually, at landfall, katrina was more powerful than rita by 20mph.

and you can't compare the damage done between lake charles and beaumont (by hurricane rita) to the damage the entire gulf coast took as a result of katrina. i've seen the entire gulf coast, post-katrina, and i've seen the path between lake charles and beaumont, and while both of the areas were severely damaged, the the areas hit by katrina are in far far worse condition than any of those hit by rita. but this isn't a dick measuring contest, so that doesn't matter. and it didn't matter whether the city officials had plans or not, either, because the city was going to get fucked, plans or not. it's a natural disaster, you can't exactly plan to dodge it.
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