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Old 11.30.2024, 12:00 PM   #1481
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i'm reading milei's interview with "the economist" and goddamn it's very hard to understand. he says 95% of economists don't understand him. and speaking of expert professionals, i'm no economist, but fuck, i can't even get the syntax and vocabulary. this is not a criticism of him, just a declaration of perplexity on my behalf. i am missing too many of his referents to make sense of anything at all
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Old 11.30.2024, 12:02 PM   #1482
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
this can't keep dragging on
Well shit too bad Biden disagrees with you. He wasn't interested in ending the war or giving the win to the Ukrainians. His strategy has been to keep the war going.

I don't know what Trump will do. I'm sure he'll keep the war machine money flowing — "big beautiful ships" — but we will see. All I know is how harmful and perverse the current policy has been.
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Old 11.30.2024, 12:19 PM   #1483
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Originally Posted by verme (prevaricator)
Well shit too bad Biden disagrees with you. He wasn't interested in ending the war or giving the win to the Ukrainians. His strategy has been to keep the war going.

I don't know what Trump will do. I'm sure he'll keep the war machine money flowing — "big beautiful ships" — but we will see. All I know is how harmful and perverse the current policy has been.
you think the drag has been done on purpose rather than reached from an inability to achieve success while balancing risks? i think it was just a very difficult balance needed to limit risk and get a win, and what we have is this world war I shit where putin has found new footing in the muck instead of sinking and drowning. north korea! goddamn... welll at least we now have clarification of where the lines of oceania/eurasia/eastasia run

question for you since you are closer: what's your take on macron's role in this dance?
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Old 11.30.2024, 01:55 PM   #1484
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
question for you since you are closer: what's your take on macron's role in this dance?
Initially, Macron was a mediator. He was going to be portrayed as the solver of this conflict in a documentary. My take is that not him or any other European leader has any real leverage. It's the US that calls the shots.

There's one thing Putin is right about:
"You know, sometimes it looks like European politicians are doing whatever they are told to from overseas. If they are told tomorrow: ‘We have decided to hang you all!’ they will ask only one question, with their eye down in surprise from their boldness: ‘Can we do this with the help of domestically-made ropes?’"

You can hear him speak with Zelenskyy right at the beginning of the war. Notice how certain the Ukrainian president was that it was possible to reach an agreement with Putin.
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Old 11.30.2024, 02:47 PM   #1485
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Originally Posted by verme (prevaricator)
Initially, Macron was a mediator. He was going to be portrayed as the solver of this conflict in a documentary. My take is that not him or any other European leader has any real leverage. It's the US that calls the shots.

There's one thing Putin is right about:
"You know, sometimes it looks like European politicians are doing whatever they are told to from overseas. If they are told tomorrow: ‘We have decided to hang you all!’ they will ask only one question, with their eye down in surprise from their boldness: ‘Can we do this with the help of domestically-made ropes?’"

You can hear him speak with Zelenskyy right at the beginning of the war. Notice how certain the Ukrainian president was that it was possible to reach an agreement with Putin.

so in your view the usa aka big satan is guilty of everything?

not saying no, it's more or less how athens ran the delian league hahaha
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Old 12.04.2024, 03:07 PM   #1486
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Originally Posted by Genteel Death 2
[...]While I don’t think it’s beneficial for millions of Americans to vote for either Trump or Harris, as a Leninist/ Marxist communist, it should be noted that in terms of capitalist rhetoric, Trump’s populist approach has more appeal to a broader set of settled working class ethnic groups in the States than Kamala Harris’ liberal, mild and patronisingly educated approach. His lies have some relatable hooks. A perfect example of this is his approach to the pandemic, which is not that different to that of revolutionary communists. While a lot of intellectual liberals were going on about staying home and save lives on social media, he understood that a lot of the less well-off working-class folks could not afford to just stay at home and work. Not such an option when you have a family to feed, and working is your only way to survive. He’s obviously a poisonous bag of shit, but he knows how to press all the right buttons with the oppressed.

this post is in my mind again today while we witness the french far right and left wings teaming up to bring down the french government
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Old 12.05.2024, 10:11 PM   #1487
Toilet & Bowels
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So what do you americans make of yesterday's rather thrilling incident in new York city? Do you think we can hope for a wave of like minded individuals finding inspiration in this event?
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Old 12.05.2024, 10:16 PM   #1488
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
So what do you americans make of yesterday's rather thrilling incident in new York city? Do you think we can hope for a wave of like minded individuals finding inspiration in this event?

Wtf does this wording actually mean? (And some of you want to shit on the MAGA thread?)
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Old 12.06.2024, 12:32 AM   #1489
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Originally Posted by Skuj
(And some of you want to shit on the MAGA thread?)
and you want to put maga on a pedestal? so mentally ill xD

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Old 12.06.2024, 12:34 AM   #1490
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
So what do you americans make of yesterday's rather thrilling incident in new York city? Do you think we can hope for a wave of like minded individuals finding inspiration in this event?
i don't know what that would accomplish. police crackdowns?

i mean this isn't a policy proposal, is it? is it an act of revenge? not sure really what it means. when they catch the guy we'll find out and see. right now it's all speculation and wishful thinking from the interwebs

apparently the bullets quoted a book and i went looking for it of course. it's on the internet library but it's not a terrorist book--it was published by penguin! i wanted to read it because of my own experience with insurance (home, not medical). i didnt have time and it wasn't accessible.


i changed insurance companies a while ago though. went for a mutual instead of a stock company. the incentives are elsewhere

but anyway, one man gets killed, another gets put in his place with an armored car and a security detail. meet the new boss, meaner than the old boss?

what's next in your mind? car bombs in london?


eta: this seems to be the gun. it jammed a bit during the execution, which is not a good ad for it: https://bt-usa.com/products/station-six-9/
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Old 12.06.2024, 01:14 AM   #1491
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
and you want to put maga on a pedestal? so mentally ill xD


Seriously? Dude?

For the record, Magahead makes his OP. Me (and very few others) join in to oppose. My hope for that thread is that the OP will burn in a stinking pile. Because....well, Donald Trump.

But this is your response to my questions above? Have you lost your fucking mind? Did you actually read that post?
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Old 12.06.2024, 01:16 AM   #1492
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i don't know what that would accomplish. police crackdowns?

i mean this isn't a policy proposal, is it? is it an act of revenge? not sure really what it means. when they catch the guy we'll find out and see. right now it's all speculation and wishful thinking from the interwebs

apparently the bullets quoted a book and i went looking for it of course. it's on the internet library but it's not a terrorist book--it was published by penguin! i wanted to read it because of my own experience with insurance (home, not medical). i didnt have time and it wasn't accessible.


i changed insurance companies a while ago though. went for a mutual instead of a stock company. the incentives are elsewhere

but anyway, one man gets killed, another gets put in his place with an armored car and a security detail. meet the new boss, meaner than the old boss?

what's next in your mind? car bombs in london?


eta: this seems to be the gun. it jammed a bit during the execution, which is not a good ad for it: https://bt-usa.com/products/station-six-9/

A thoughtful post. Thank you. Please talk to Symbols.
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Old 12.06.2024, 01:23 AM   #1493
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Originally Posted by Skuj
My hope for that thread is that the OP will burn in a stinking pile.


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Old 12.06.2024, 01:56 AM   #1494
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!

You choose ignore. I choose engage/oppose. Sue me.

Calling me a moron there and MENTALLY ILL (your caps) here is mind-boggling. And I'm starting to wonder if some other person is posting with your handle. I thought I had an inkling of who you are. I was wrong, obviously.
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Old 12.06.2024, 02:04 AM   #1495
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i don't know what that would accomplish. police crackdowns?

i mean this isn't a policy proposal, is it? is it an act of revenge? not sure really what it means. when they catch the guy we'll find out and see. right now it's all speculation and wishful thinking from the interwebs

apparently the bullets quoted a book and i went looking for it of course. it's on the internet library but it's not a terrorist book--it was published by penguin! i wanted to read it because of my own experience with insurance (home, not medical). i didnt have time and it wasn't accessible.


i changed insurance companies a while ago though. went for a mutual instead of a stock company. the incentives are elsewhere

but anyway, one man gets killed, another gets put in his place with an armored car and a security detail. meet the new boss, meaner than the old boss?

what's next in your mind? car bombs in london?


eta: this seems to be the gun. it jammed a bit during the execution, which is not a good ad for it: https://bt-usa.com/products/station-six-9/

They'll catch this guy soon. They have so much. I bet it will be some other State.
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Old 12.06.2024, 02:16 AM   #1496
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Originally Posted by Skuj
You choose ignore. I choose engage/oppose. Sue me.

Calling me a moron there and MENTALLY ILL (your caps) here is mind-boggling. And I'm starting to wonder if some other person is posting with your handle. I thought I had an inkling of who you are. I was wrong, obviously.

same here! i thought you were smart! and maybe you are, but you are also obsessive to a level that makes you act in extremely stupid ways

the reason im calling you mentally ill is because of your post in the fecal thread. you said he was mentslly ill, younsaid the magas are mentslly ill, okay. but does it occur to you that being obsessed with the magas and abandoning your senses to chase after their shadows is also mentally ill?

i understand maybe your heart is in the right place, don quijote, but the question is: what did you do with your brain? you're a chess player! and *that* is your move? that is precisely the mind boggling thing! nobody wants that thread-- not even you! and yet... you keep refloating that turd? over and over?

you're... you're supposed to be a chess player! and that is your move? that? the fool's mate?!?! while playing both sides of the board? (because it's just you really, fighting a coprolite)

the fool's mate!! nuts!! NUTS

listen, i expect you're going to keep arguing your side. but please don't. really, no argument or justification can undo that blunder

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Old 12.06.2024, 02:20 AM   #1497
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Fucking unbelieveable.

Symbols, this is the last post that I will make in response to you. And that's all I have to say.

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Old 12.06.2024, 06:26 AM   #1498
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
what's next in your mind? car bombs in london?

It worked for the IRA, but won't achieve much for US citizens seeking to take action against their opressors.
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Old 12.06.2024, 10:23 AM   #1499
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Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
It worked for the IRA, but won't achieve much for US citizens seeking to take action against their opressors.
no, i meant in your proposed war against insurance: do you escalate from bullets to car bombs, and from the usa to the global center of the insurance industry?

im not sure the car bombings worked for the ira, but i'm not an expert in your history. didnt they face horrible backlash for killing civilians? that's what i used to hear bur i really dont know

anyway, armed struggle is no joke. often the cure is worse than the disease, things spiral out of control, everyone suffers for generations...

and here the level of "oppression" when it comes to healthcare is at the level of individual complaints, not a motivator for violent insurrection

but i would argue the frame doesnt work as oppressor vs oppressed anyway. americans can switch very quickly from oppressor to oppressed depending on which side of the transaction they are on. as workers they might have to suffer the boot, but as consumers and investors they are happy to apply it, and greedily demand more for less. more for less always! (or else karen will ask to speak to the manager)

it's not our social class that separates us, but our sides in the transaction. this is why old timey marxism doesn't take root here. it's a middle class country i guess, with a middle class ideology
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Old 12.06.2024, 11:44 AM   #1500
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