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Old 11.26.2013, 04:32 PM   #1
Rob Instigator
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20 Things You Didn't Know About Me

1. I was once knocked unconscious pulling skids on my bicycle in a swimming pool parking lot when I lost control and hit a parked car. Some neighbors found me and ran to get my parents. They say I woke up in the ambulance. I do not remember any of it.
2. I wear a tie every day to work. I hate wearing a tie.
3. The first album I actually picked out was Def Leppard's On Through The Night, which was purchased at K-Mart. Not a good album, but I listened to it endlessly at age 9-10.
4. I HATE SHOPPING. I can barely stand to shop for books and records, which are the only things I actually enjoy purchasing.
5. I love little dogs. Anything as small or smaller than a Bassett Hound and I can't resist!
6. I carry a small laminated picture of Kim Gordon from Sonic Youth in my wallet and she is wearing a shirt that says "Eat Me". Yes, my wife knows.
7. I hate talking on the phone. I find it agitating and not conducive to proper conversation.
8. My dad took me and my bro to my first rock concert, at the Summitt, and it was David Lee Roth's Eat Em & Smile Tour. It was LOUD.
9. I never got to see my beloved Houston Oilers play at the Astrodome.
10. My name is Roberto Xavier Torres-Torres. My younger bro is Xavier Roberto Torres-Torres. The story goes that my parents did not know what my bro was going to be, but they hoped for a girl, and they had not thought up any boy names. When asked by my dad what she wanted to name my bro, she mumbled in her delirium, (and in Spanish of course), "Use the same names, just switch them around." By the time she came to later it was already on the birth certificate.
11. I got asked never to return to the University of Houston dormitories after being written up 19 times in 4 semesters. Most were for laughing tgoo loud after quiet hours. I blame David Letterman. Now I work at the UH Library.
12. I lived in the 5th floor lounge of the Moody Towers South Tower for a semester with 4 other dudes. They over-booked. We tore that shit up.
13. My favorite thing to do when visiting people is to look at their books and browse through them. I used to do the same thing as a kid. I feel bad for people who do not read. What empty, basic, boring, predictable thoughts they must have in their heads.
14. I love to draw. I hate drawing with pencils. I hate that scritch-scratch sound.
15. I used to smoke 1 1/2 - 2 packs of Marlboro Reds a day. They were delicious.
16. I was reading around age 3.
17. My favorite place I have ever been to is the Grand Canyon. It is infinitely variable, depending on vantage point, time of day, weather, mood, etc. There is no other place like it.
18. I will eat pretty much anything except for green olives.
19. I still have the teddy bear that was given to me on the day I was born. Tito has gone on vacations with me, and survived washings, and reconstruction multiple times.
20. Neil Young songs make me cry. No other songs do that.
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Old 11.27.2013, 09:00 AM   #2
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2. Do you wear conservative ties, or do you like to amuse people with a fish-head tie, or a piano keyboard tie, etc? In any case, I'm sure you wear it well.

6. Just guessing, but I'd wager your wife doesn't mind because she thinks the chances of any sexual congress between you and Kim are nil. Prove her wrong.

10. You have brown skin? How does that go over in Texas?

11. Busted for laughing? I'm kind of jealous.

13. I always head for the books as well, not to mention the music collection. I think most SYG boardies do. And yeah, people who don't have books . . . I don't get it. At the very least, a full bookshelf adds a lot to a room.

19. That's really cool about Tito. My best buddy growing up was a Curious George, but we lost touch over the years and I have no idea where he ended up. That's nice you and Tito are still solid.

20. Neil Young makes you cry? He doesn't suck that much.
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Old 06.12.2014, 04:01 PM   #3
Rob Instigator
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Originally Posted by evollove
2. Do you wear conservative ties, or do you like to amuse people with a fish-head tie, or a piano keyboard tie, etc? In any case, I'm sure you wear it well.

6. Just guessing, but I'd wager your wife doesn't mind because she thinks the chances of any sexual congress between you and Kim are nil. Prove her wrong.

10. You have brown skin? How does that go over in Texas?

11. Busted for laughing? I'm kind of jealous.

13. I always head for the books as well, not to mention the music collection. I think most SYG boardies do. And yeah, people who don't have books . . . I don't get it. At the very least, a full bookshelf adds a lot to a room.

19. That's really cool about Tito. My best buddy growing up was a Curious George, but we lost touch over the years and I have no idea where he ended up. That's nice you and Tito are still solid.

20. Neil Young makes you cry? He doesn't suck that much.

1. I wear conservative ties. I work with the Dean of Libraries and the Associate Deans.

6. You are correct Sir

10. I am "racially" white. Puerto Ricans are a very mixed lot. we have white black, brown, asian, amerindian, etc. I am the palest of all my family. Most Latinos are slightly shocked to hear me speak Spanish.

11. At least 7 of my 19 write-ups were for laughing after quiet hours.

13. Most people nowadays do not have music collections as actual items. They have digital files.

19. Tito is the motherfucking man.

20. Don't be badmouthing Neil.
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Old 06.18.2014, 10:12 PM   #4
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You have white skin? Good luck living in Texas, amigro.
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Old 08.28.2014, 02:15 PM   #5
Rob Instigator
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