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Old 07.03.2006, 10:05 AM   #21
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screaming with joy - the life of allen ginsberg
a simple guide to buddhism by steve hagen
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Old 07.03.2006, 10:23 AM   #22
the end of the ugly
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something contemporary perhaps..
this one was the last non-fiction book i've read..
pretty intense...


nothing here...

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Old 07.03.2006, 10:29 AM   #23
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Awakening the Buddha Within - Lama Surya Das
Party of One: The Loner's Manifesto - Anneli Rufus
11/19/88 Hollywood, CA; 08/017/90 Hollywood, CA; 09/26/92 Castaic Lake, CA; 07/23/00 Los Angeles, CA; 07/09/06 Los Angeles, CA; 07/10/06 Los Angeles, CA; 09/28/06 Los Angeles, CA; 07/20/07 Los Angeles, CA

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Old 07.03.2006, 11:01 AM   #24
atari 2600
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Annie and Alvy browsing in crowded bookstore. Alvy, carrying two books,
"Death and Western Thought" and "The Denial of Death", moves over to where
Annie is looking.



I-I-I'm gonna buy you these books, I
think, because I-I think you should
read them. You know, instead of that
cat book.

(Looking at the books Alvy
is bolding)
That's, uh ...
that's pretty serious stuff there.

Yeah, 'cause I-I'm, you know, I'm,
I'm obsessed with-with, uh, with death,
I think. Big-


-big subject with me, yeah.


They move over to the cashier line.

I've a very pessimistic view of life.
You should know this about me if we're
gonna go out, you know. I-I-I feel that
life is-is divided up into the horrible
and the miserable.


Those are the two categories ...


... you know, they're- The-the horrible
would be like, uh, I don't know, terminal
cases, you know?


And blind people, crippled ...


I don't-don't know how they get through
life. It's amazing to me.


You know, and the miserable is everyone
else. That's-that's all. So-so when
you go through life you should be thankful
that you're miserable, because that's-
You're very lucky ... to be ...
(Overlapping Annie's laughter)
... to be miserable.

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Old 07.03.2006, 11:11 AM   #25
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I read mainly non-fiction. Right now I am reading two books, one is a dictionary of word and phrase origins, wreitten in the 1960's and another is a compendium of grafitty from the past 3000 years. half is telling about the different types and the second half of the book is just a listing of all this genius grafitti trhough time.
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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Old 07.03.2006, 02:41 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by thewall91

marilyn manson's is pretty good too, but you'll feel dirty after reading it.

Hahaha, that book is pretty cool. I have it, and just read it a few months ago.
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Old 07.03.2006, 03:21 PM   #27
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Tuxedo Park- Jennet Conant
The myth of Sisyphus and The Rebel- Albert Camus
The Most Dangerous Enemy-Stephen Bungay
Republic of Fear-Kenan Makiya
Paris 1919-Margaret MacMillan
Rites of Spring:The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age-Modris Eksteins
The Seven Pillars of Wisdom-T. E. Lawrence
Uptight:The story of the Velvet Underground-Victor Bockris, Gerard Malanga
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Old 07.03.2006, 03:26 PM   #28
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Is The Rebel not fiction? I haven't read it, I just thought.....
Myth of Sisyphus was to difficult for me. I love Camus works, though.
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Old 07.03.2006, 07:08 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by nomadicfollower
Is The Rebel not fiction? I haven't read it, I just thought.....
Myth of Sisyphus was to difficult for me. I love Camus works, though.
The Rebel is an essay exploring the logical crime which arises from out of revolution in an age of nihilism. The most common feature of most revolutions since 1789 has been the imposition of state terrorsim in defence of the revolution. This logic inevitably leads to mass murder; the death camp and the gulag, the guillotine and the gas chamber.

The Rebel is less abstract than The Myth of Sisyphus, and you'll probably find it an easier read. Like I did.
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Old 07.03.2006, 07:18 PM   #30
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Roald Dahl- Boy and Going Solo.
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Old 07.04.2006, 01:08 AM   #31
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Hanna Arendt - Life of the Mind
Guy debord - Society of the Spectacle
International Situationist Anthology
Martin Heidegger - Letter on Humanism
Paul Ricoeur - Time and Narrative
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Old 07.04.2006, 09:06 AM   #32
atari 2600
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