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Old 08.09.2006, 08:09 PM   #101
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I'm a recovering hypochondriac. I used to worry SO much about my health that I'm sure it made it worse. I had stomach flu a year or two ago, and got freaked out and started looking up different gastrointestinal illnesses online. For months after that, I looked up literally dozens of various diseases and conditions because I thought I 'might' have them. I seriously can tell you the symptoms of almost every type of cancer. Since I have (had) frequent headaches, I used to think I had tons of neurological problems, namely a brain tumor. I had ONE brain tumor symptom, but I still believed I had it.

I had headaches almost every day of my last school year. They'd start out when I woke up, ease throughout the morning, and become much worse in the afternoon. They felt like something hot was filling up my head. Terrible.

I get really nauseous when I'm nervous or excited, and it usually happens in the morning. As soon as I wake up, I feel sick to my stomach and gag like crazy.

I have a nickel/cheap metal allergy, along with kerotosis pilaris. I can't wear any cheap metal jewelry for more than ten minutes, or I'll start to get an itchy rash. Its gotten to the point where I can actually sense whether or not something is cheap by the sensation I get on my skin. I have a prescription cream to treat the rashes I do get, from stupid things like the button on my pants. Kerotosis pilaris is a completely harmless and painless skin condition that affects your upper arms. Basically, too much skin grows around the hair follicles, making your upper arms red and bumpy. Fortunately, it really only shows up in winter when my arms are covered.

Other than that, I'm pretty healthy. I have allergies, but I'm rarely sick.
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Old 08.09.2006, 08:13 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by alyasa
Rivers Cuomo had a beard and used a walking stick when he was in Harvard.
Rivers Cuomo went to Harvard? Wow.

Oh, I just looked it up. It was just recently. Yeah, I'd do that too if I were him.
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Old 08.09.2006, 08:36 PM   #103
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I had serious autism as a little kid. It's more like Asperger's syndrome now

Beat that!

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Old 08.09.2006, 08:44 PM   #104
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my sister is sort of allergic to her own body which can potentially cause anapyllactic shock, so she has to carry around this thing called an epipen which she has to stab herself with if she fells an attack coming on, it's only happened once though.
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Old 08.09.2006, 08:47 PM   #105
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I'm allergic to sulphur drugs

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Old 08.09.2006, 08:49 PM   #106
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I have these wierd bumps on my nuts
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Old 08.09.2006, 11:15 PM   #107
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strange. I had a weird stomach thing that the doctor's thougt it could have been a worm, so they put a glove on and stuck a finger up my brownstar. it sucked. i was 7. I had it again recently, but it went away again. it's fucking intense. won't be shooting no heroin for it though.

Jeg kysser katastrofer.

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Old 08.09.2006, 11:18 PM   #108
atari 2600
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I have a friend who went through a heroin addiction & ala Kurt Cobain & yourself (it sounds like) he still has bizarre stomach problems that doctors are unable to treat successfully.
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Old 08.09.2006, 11:21 PM   #109
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well right now i have these blisters on my leg and foot. i don't know if its from some kind of bug or the water from the cottage i went to recently.
sandwich klub 4 men.

Danny is a C.H.U.D.
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Old 08.09.2006, 11:22 PM   #110
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I think I have gyneocomastia....or maybe I'm just fat...
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Old 08.10.2006, 02:25 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by Prisstina

I have a nickel/cheap metal allergy, along with kerotosis pilaris. I can't wear any cheap metal jewelry for more than ten minutes, or I'll start to get an itchy rash.

I get that as well. Not exactly sure which metals I'm allergic too but I can't wear a wristwatch because it brings me out in a rash which sort of swells up a bit as well....well, goes sort of bumpy anyway. But I haven't had it for ages.

Also, I twisted my testicle once (no laughing matter!) and had to have an operation so I have a small (1 inch or so) scar on my ballsack. But you can barely see it due to the nature of ballsack skin and all that.
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Old 08.10.2006, 04:42 AM   #112
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Originally Posted by Prisstina
I'm a recovering hypochondriac. I used to worry SO much about my health that I'm sure it made it worse. I had stomach flu a year or two ago, and got freaked out and started looking up different gastrointestinal illnesses online. For months after that, I looked up literally dozens of various diseases and conditions because I thought I 'might' have them. I seriously can tell you the symptoms of almost every type of cancer. Since I have (had) frequent headaches, I used to think I had tons of neurological problems, namely a brain tumor. I had ONE brain tumor symptom, but I still believed I had it.
I get really nauseous when I'm nervous or excited, and it usually happens in the morning. As soon as I wake up, I feel sick to my stomach and gag like crazy.

I sometimes get some of the symptoms you have. When I'm nervous or edgy I'll start gagging early in the morning and it goes on for like 10-15 minutes. I won't drink coffee when I feel stressed 'cause it only makes it worse.
Internet can be useful when you need information about something, but it can be destructive for hypochondriacs trying to find out what desease they think they have. When you search in those areas, you realize how many things can actually go wrong, when it comes to our health.
Anything you can /imagine is real
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Old 08.10.2006, 08:43 AM   #113
the destroyed room
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I'm experiecning chest pains right now, mainly in the center of my chest and to the left, near the heart, which is scaring me. I went to the docs and he said i have a slower than avg heartbeat pulse, like i run 5 miles a day, which i don't. I take in vast amounts of caffeine (coffee, coke zero,occasssional red bull) throughout my day and don't eat right. Also, i smoke a good quanity of bud, which typically increaes the heart rate. i smoke cigs too,but have been cutting back. I know that has to go asap. But i would think my heart rate would be racing. It feels like its racing. So its strange. And of course, i'm doing personal research on the web and that can get u paranoid and running off in different directions. i'm freaked out about hearing my heartbeat and stuff.

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