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Old 10.20.2023, 08:50 PM   #1081
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Originally Posted by tw2113
Say whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Politicians are guilty of shady shit?

That's what they themselves said to the prosecutors, what can I tell ya.

ETA: Not to mention that this is FAR worse than shady shit. Shady shit is Bob Menéndez (fuck him). This is treason.

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Old 10.22.2023, 08:45 PM   #1082
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i don't think they'll go trumptard tbh. that clown is just too much clown. juntos para el cambio might actually get the final win. but who knows, right? maybe they want to dance that tango with a knife between their teeth. if so, then... they've basically got nothing to lose, lol. they're squarely in the shit. they're out of options. maybe they will reboot/respawn.

We dodged the bullet... FOR NOW... Psycho came in second:



And you thought you knew how psycho politicians looked, huh.

Sorry about the nightmares.

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Old 10.22.2023, 10:15 PM   #1083
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Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
We dodged the bullet... [/IMG]

And you thought you knew how psycho politicians looked, huh.

Sorry about the nightmares.
i don't know that he's any more psycho than the kleptocracy of kirchnerism. i mean, look at poor argentina in an endless downward spiral, the same clusterfuck of corruption and dysfunction and mismanagement and theft. inflation, devaluation, worthless debt... in a country that should be rich! pathetic...

i mean, i've seen many international headlines comparing milei to el trumpo, which might lead one to believe it's a fair comparison, but frankly i fail to see the commonality. it's just a lazy referent for the uneducated.

milei is well read, principled (he derives his arguments from principles), and is neither ignorant nor capricious. the last debate which i saw live he quoted hayek and made philosophical arguments. i don't think they were a great thing to say in a debate but the points were well articulated.

i mean, one can disagree with him without falling for ridiculous character assassinations. no? i've never seen trump quote a book of any sort, or make any sort of statement of principles, or make a clear and cogent argument about anything.

i'm not saying that milei is the solution to argentina's problems. but massa, for sure, is completely the wrong answer. in the last debate his prescriptions to heal the economic hemorrhage and continuous impoverishment of his people were the equivalent of a set of colored bandaids with cartoon characters in them. housing programs... wtf. kirchnerism is a disgrace. and they want more of it?! poor argentina. doomed.

anyway, maybe not. there will be a runoff election on november 19, with a tv debate on the 12. not sure if there will be any alliances or how they will shape up in the next month. but i'm sure if milei were elected, the congress wouldn't allow him to do whatever he wants.

but more kirchnerism and mismanagement and corruption... omfg... muerte sin fin.

cristina should be in jail, btw.
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Old 10.22.2023, 10:46 PM   #1084
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i don't know that he's any more psycho than the kleptocracy of kirchnerism. i mean, look at poor argentina in an endless downward spiral, the same clusterfuck of corruption and dysfunction and mismanagement and theft. inflation, devaluation, worthless debt... in a country that shoule be rich! pathetic...

i mean, i've see many internstional headlines comparing milei to el trumpo, which might lead one to believe it's a fair comparison, but frankly i fail to see the commonality.

milei is well read, principled (he derives his arguments from principles), and is neither ignorant nor capricious. the last debate which i saw live he quoted hayek and made philosophical arguments. i mean, one can disagree with him without falling for ridiculous character assassinations. i've never seen trump quote a book of any sort, or make any sort of statement of principles.

i'm not saying that milei is the solution to argentina's problems. but massa, for sure, is completely the wrong answer. in the last debate his prescriptions to heal the economic hemorrhage and continuous impoverishment of his people were the equivalent of a set of colored bandaids with cartoon characters in them. housing programs... wtf. kirchnerism is a disgrace. and they want more of it?! poor argentina. doomed.

anyway, maybe not. there will be a runoff election on november 19, with a debate on the 12. not sure if there will ne any alliances or how they will shape up. i'm sure if milei were elected congress wouldn't allowed him to do whatever he wants.

but more kirchnerism and mismanagement and corruption... omfg... muerte sin fin.

I take your point, but even assuming they're fucked either way... Remember PJ O'Rourke? From Wikipedia:
In 2016, he endorsed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. O'Rourke stated that his endorsement included her "lies and empty promises" and added "She's wrong about absolutely everything, but she's wrong within normal parameters".
That's my point. Trump-like or not, guy's off-the-charts nuts. I mean, just... No. The fact that Argentina can't come up with other alternatives should not be a green light for an absolute mutant to take the Rosada. If we're gonna play "What Do They Have To Lose", I'll even take, shit, you name it - Lionel Scaloni or somebody...

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Old 10.23.2023, 01:03 AM   #1085
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It'll be funny to hear "real communism has never been implemented" about a different ideology for once.
Making myself up as I go along. Check out my music-themed blog, 79:57.
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Old 10.23.2023, 05:32 AM   #1086
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Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
It'll be funny to hear "real communism has never been implemented" about a different ideology for once.
yep. libertarians have the same utopian bent as communists.

they could use some of that as a remedy to the bureaucracy and statism that is strangling them though.

i don't say this on an ideological basis, just a pragmatic one. i don't believe in a libertarian religion, just like communism is a religion, both proclaiming that utopias are within reach, "if only...". but i think they need a change of direction because they are heading into the economic abyss, and halfassed orthodoxy during the macri years has blocked that option. see: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/l...y-under-macri/

argentina is fuuuuucked, fucked, fucked. it's a tragedy to witness. poorer and poorer every day due to mismanagement. so i think maybe they need just less "management." not to utopian levels, just less than what they currently have. you have any idea of how their monetary system functions, what its effect is on the economy and the people? https://internationalbanker.com/fina...ancial-system/ and supplemental to that https://www.bloomberglinea.com/engli...xchange-rates/ (crazymaking)
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Old 10.23.2023, 05:39 AM   #1087
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Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
I take your point, but even assuming they're fucked either way... Remember PJ O'Rourke? From Wikipedia:
In 2016, he endorsed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. O'Rourke stated that his endorsement included her "lies and empty promises" and added "She's wrong about absolutely everything, but she's wrong within normal parameters".
That's my point. Trump-like or not, guy's off-the-charts nuts. I mean, just... No. The fact that Argentina can't come up with other alternatives should not be a green light for an absolute mutant to take the Rosada. If we're gonna play "What Do They Have To Lose", I'll even take, shit, you name it - Lionel Scaloni or somebody...
again with the inapt comparisons... those are not the same things. i thought false equivalences were reserved for fox news.

to begin with... argentina is not "within normal parameters". kirchnerism is not "within normal parameters". rampant inflation and impoverishment are not "within normal parameters". economic destruction of their scale is not "within normal parameters." and what does scaloni have to do with any of that?

i don't see anything in what you say that could be discussed, sorry. just ad-hominems and jokes. you're just making jokes...

for facts and figures just look at their inflation rates, and compare them... to your own country. he wants to copy some of your things actually.


those figures are outdated however, argentina inflation is at over 120%... and heading higher


you're going to end up getting a lot of economic refugees crossing over the cordillera. how many venezuelans do you have currently? the most significant export from venezuela these days is refugees... and criminal gangs. do you want a venezuela situation brewing right next door to you?
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Old 10.23.2023, 11:00 AM   #1088
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Seeing all of the things being posted on social media makes me so so sad. There's so many things happening everywhere all at once, it's overwhelming. War is terrible, but it simply isn't a conflict in my opinion. Cutting off essentials like water, food, etc. and designating a "safe evacuation route" for Palestinians only to bomb it? This is not a conflict, it's bordering on the lines of genocide.
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Old 10.24.2023, 01:31 PM   #1089
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Old 10.24.2023, 02:59 PM   #1090
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Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
she's not laughing now, but we are, hahaha

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Old 10.24.2023, 03:56 PM   #1091
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Oh man, Tom Emmer lasted less than four hours as Speaker nominee...

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Old 10.24.2023, 04:38 PM   #1092
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Holy shit, All The President's Mooks: apparently Mark Meadows has been telling the whole love to Jack Smith in exchange for immunity... NOICE.

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Old 10.24.2023, 05:28 PM   #1093
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
she's not laughing now, but we are, hahaha

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Old 10.25.2023, 03:27 PM   #1094
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so the new speaker is an election-denying traitor who wants to cut off ukraine


no sure how well this is playing out for democrats... it would have been better to negotiate with whatsisname, kevin the spineless, in exchange for support.
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Old 10.25.2023, 06:23 PM   #1095
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Old 10.25.2023, 10:21 PM   #1096
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Bloomberg headline: "Republicans Pick Some Guy to Be Speaker of the House. No, he's not the Mike Johnson who was on season 15 of The Bachelorette." Would be pretty funny if he wasn't such a piece of shit.

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Old 11.01.2023, 07:53 AM   #1097
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Learning about the prison industrial complex in one of my classes, and that shit is fucking insane.
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Old 11.03.2023, 07:32 AM   #1098
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us jobs numbers just out:

Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by 150,000 in October, and the unemployment rate changed little at 3.9 percent. Job gains occurred in health care, government, and social assistance. Employment declined in manufacturing due to strike activity


so 198k if you count the striking auto workers. a bit slower than last month. unemployment up to 3.9 from 3.8. a tiny slowdown. still soft landing?

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Old 11.03.2023, 06:30 PM   #1099
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
still soft landing?

I will ask Da Krug.

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Old 11.04.2023, 09:05 AM   #1100
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Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
I will ask Da Krug.
he will probably say it is too much tightening lol

and summers will likely say it is not enough hahahaha
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