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View Poll Results: which school?
Anarchist communism 4 17.39%
Council Communism 0 0%
Eurocommunism 2 8.70%
Marxism 8 34.78%
Leninism 1 4.35%
Maoism 1 4.35%
Stalinisn 0 0%
Titoism 1 4.35%
Trotskyism 1 4.35%
I'm more of a McCarthy person 5 21.74%
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Old 09.27.2006, 02:28 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha, you funny bastard.

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Old 09.27.2006, 03:19 PM   #82
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I'am a proud Marxsist!

REVOLUTION! Fuck you, rigth wingers, communism is the only way to make this fucked up world better, capitalism will alawys bring us down.
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:40 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by DemonBox
I'am a proud Marxsist!

REVOLUTION! Fuck you, rigth wingers, communism is the only way to make this fucked up world better, capitalism will alawys bring us down.

you for real?

move to cuba then-- ha ha

communism is for crackheads.
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:52 PM   #84
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Fuck you man, I wanna be communist here in Norway, and change things here at first. I not happy with how things are working out in Cuba, and no I'am not pro-soviet or Kina. But I think there is a better way of living. And I don't think capitalism is that way at all.
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:54 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by DemonBox
Fuck you man, I wanna be communist here in Norway, and change things here at first. I not happy with how things are working out in Cuba, and no I'am not pro-soviet or Kina. But I think there is a better way of living. And I don't think capitalism is that way at all.

the "better way of living" is a fantastic scenario that ignores basic facts of human biology and psychology and presumes that you can impose an artificial structure on human life.

and no, you can't fuck me, unless you have a nice pair of tits. i'll give you a pearl necklace.
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Old 09.27.2006, 03:57 PM   #86
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I just mean that you are jugdging towards communism. Do you really find capitalism as a better way? Don't you wanna change the world?
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:00 PM   #87
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I Just Want To Sad That Communism Is Brain Washing,but Commuinsm Was A Great Idea!!
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:01 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by DemonBox
I just mean that you are jugdging towards communism. Do you really find capitalism as a better way? Don't you wanna change the world?

i tried a "socialist" way of living for 6 months in an israeli kibbutz. i hate to be told what to do by a committee. when i left i remember thinking "at least in capitalism i can choose how i die"

anyway you can't eliminate inequality by artificial means, as the drive to "inequality" in an inherent part of human psychology.

check out for example the film "moscow does not believe in tears" which was made with the sanction of the soviet regime & notice how many bourgeois traits people display. i'ts just like capitalism only stupider.

utlimately, there is someone who will work harder to buy a washing machine and someone who won't. not everyone is going to be "equal".

i believe in some level of social protections & safety nets. but too much socialism encourages dullness, routine, incompetence and inefficiency. and then there are ALWAYS going to be those who seek power, and those who remain powerless-- a fact of humal life.

the meaning of utopia is "there is no such place", and that is a very accurate name.
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:01 PM   #89
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It is a great idea.
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:03 PM   #90
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communism is basically a materialistic version of christian morality. yes i'm oversimplifying, but i believe the meek shall go to hell.
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:06 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i tried a "socialist" way of living for 6 months in an israeli kibbutz. i hate to be told what to do by a committee. when i left i remember thinking "at least in capitalism i can choose how i die"

anyway you can't eliminate inequality by artificial means, as the drive to "inequality" in an inherent part of human psychology.

check out for example the film "moscow does not believe in tears" which was made with the sanction of the soviet regime & notice how many bourgeois traits people display. i'ts just like capitalism only stupider.

utlimately, there is someone who will work harder to buy a washing machine and someone who won't. not everyone is going to be "equal".

i believe in some level of social protections & safety nets. but too much socialism encourages dullness, routine, incompetence and inefficiency. and then there are ALWAYS going to be those who seek power, and those who remain powerless-- a fact of humal life.

the meaning of utopia is "there is no such place", and that is a very accurate name.

But you can't stop figthing man, I want the utopia. I'm not gonna give up. I'd rather try to change things, than whine about that thing's I'll never change, and that I just don't care..
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:09 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by DemonBox
But you can't stop figthing man, I want the utopia. I'm not gonna give up. I'd rather try to change things, than whine about that thing's I'll never change, and that I just don't care..

oh go ahead & try, you're free to try. when you win, you'll be a dictator-for-life like every communist leader in history. but when your state apparatus tries to swallow my individual freedom, i'm going to be waiting for them with a gun. maybe i sound like a stupid cowboy but i hate to be told what to do-- especially by a bunch of fucking bureucrats.
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:17 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by DemonBox
But you can't stop figthing man, I want the utopia. I'm not gonna give up. I'd rather try to change things, than whine about that thing's I'll never change, and that I just don't care..
listen man ,communisam is dead ,and is over !!too bad ,it was wonderful at 70's and 80's in yugoslavia ,we were all together ,and now we hate all countries who were in ex yugoslavia (serbia,slovenia,bosnia,macedonia,croatia,monte negro)
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:19 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by DemonBox
But you can't stop figthing man, I want the utopia. I'm not gonna give up. I'd rather try to change things, than whine about that thing's I'll never change, and that I just don't care..

i agree with !@#$%! to a certain extent, or almost completely.
but i also see your point demonbox. i used to think the same.
what do you do to work towards this utopia? in what way are you fighting?
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:30 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh go ahead & try, you're free to try. when you win, you'll be a dictator-for-life like every communist leader in history. but when your state apparatus tries to swallow my individual freedom, i'm going to be waiting for them with a gun. maybe i sound like a stupid cowboy but i hate to be told what to do-- especially by a bunch of fucking bureucrats.

yeah, i know what you mean. But, I have learned from the mistakes, and I want democraty. of course, I hate dictatorship, with a passion, and indivdual freedom is incredebly important for me, and I dislike Stalin, Lenin and Mao for being such control freaks. I'll figth. And if we'll win. If the people get the power, I'll figth everything that takes the power out of the peoples hands.
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:32 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by wax
i agree with !@#$%! to a certain extent, or almost completely.
but i also see your point demonbox. i used to think the same.
what do you do to work towards this utopia? in what way are you fighting?

I don't want a world where money talks, I want a world where the peoples needs is important.
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:34 PM   #97
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anarchic communism...

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Old 09.27.2006, 04:38 PM   #98
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Actually, anarchism and communism are nearly exactly the same thing in their ideal forms. Cooperative and collective living without governmental authority is essentially the goal of both.
Unfortunately, greed and the lust for power are inherent parts of certain segments of the human population.
There will always be people who want dominion and there will always be people who want more than they need. There will also always be people who won't contribute to the collective good.
These things can only work in isolated communities of like-minded people. on a large scale, they are impossible.
The strong dominate the weak, the clever dominate the strong. That's pretty much how it works, no matter how "sophisticated" we think we are becoming.
People suck.
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Old 09.27.2006, 04:38 PM   #99
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Due to ethical reasons i've had to open this thread and ignore a number of posts.No offence intended to certain posters.

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Old 09.27.2006, 04:39 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by DemonBox
I don't want a world where money talks, I want a world where the peoples needs is important.

thats not what i asked.
im interested to know what you do to work towards this. in what way you fight.
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