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Old 03.23.2010, 06:24 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by tesla69
I'd say no one is forcing you to get insurance, but I'd be wrong!

I don't like the way it is forced on people. When I'm unemployed, i don't have money to pay for Cobra or insurance. SO then the new IRS police will show up? FUCK THAT! (they'll just grab my bank account)

If yr poor, you can get medicaid.

If yr too rich for that, you can get subsidies for insurance.
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Old 03.23.2010, 08:44 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'm tired of the whole 'educate people' argument. Just ban all the stupid things that only stupid people buy. they're too stupid to actively oppose it anyway.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to demonrail666 again.

(the only problem is that often times, its stupid people who define what is stupid in the first place)

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Old 03.23.2010, 08:47 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the insurance companies will NOT benefit, which is why republicans, bankrolled by insurance companies, have been fightiong this.

insurance companies will LOSE money (as they see it, actually just a smaller profit) because they will have to continue paying out to people with long debilitating sicknesses, as well as they will have to cover and pay out for people who are older, already sick, or in "unhealthy" brackets.

fuck insurance companies.

they are a con game, a racket, a grift.
they take money from the people they choose (chosen becaus ethey are unlikely to ever need expensive medical care)
they set limits on how much they are gonna pay uyou, even if your cancer bills run far higher than the arbitrary $100,000 cap
They choose not to insure those who need it most, older people, poor people, and already sick people.
insurance companioes ideal customer is a 24 year old white male who will never get pregnant, not get cancer until they are older and hav epaid tens of thousands into the insurance racket already, etc.

fuck the insurance companies.

they decide, THEY (a fucking accountant, a fucking actuary, someone who is NOT a health professional nor trained in medicine, nor knows the actual client/patient involved or his/her health issues apart from what is written in the "record") decide what treatment is possible, what pills they will pay for, what doctor can perform what surgery. it is fucking BULLSHIT.

FUCK the insurance companies.

you should sing that to a really aggressive chaos/anarcho/crust punk song..
Originally Posted by tesla69
I'd say no one is forcing you to get insurance, but I'd be wrong!

I don't like the way it is forced on people. When I'm unemployed, i don't have money to pay for Cobra or insurance. SO then the new IRS police will show up? FUCK THAT! (they'll just grab my bank account)

subsidies duh.. by the waywho was going to pay for it if you end up in a country emergency room after a car accident or getting deathly ill
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Old 03.23.2010, 08:54 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by akprodr
If yr poor, you can get medicaid.

If yr too rich for that, you can get subsidies for insurance.

Not true. You have to have kids or be on disability. That is one of the major reasons we needed reform..
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Old 03.24.2010, 09:51 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by akprodr
If yr poor, you can get medicaid.

If yr too rich for that, you can get subsidies for insurance.

It is not that black and white. There is a class of people between rich and poor. In order to get medicaid you have to be but ass poor. Living in Government paid communities with no job or one at burger king. Then ypu have me. I make too much to get Medicaid, but I can't even afford child care let alone any type of insurance. I am hoping that thias will ACTUALLY make it affordable. Then there are the rich who can choose whatever they want, though they are already taxed 35% of thier income for federal income tax , plus state income taxes, and sales taxes, now plus whatever they slap on them for this program. I don't want to be rich.

I read in an Article about a fine being imposed if you choose to not have any insurance. I downloaded the bill and don't understand most of it and don't see anything about that. I hope that is just rumor cause that is fucked up. I should have the right to not get healthcare if I want.
Old 03.24.2010, 11:38 AM   #86
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Yes, if you choose not to buy health insurance, you will be fined. However there are exceptions for poverty.

But, back to my point, the 'points' at which you can and can't get medicaid will be changed.

Obviously, this is based on my beleif of what the law says. What it actually turns out to be may be totally different.
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Old 03.24.2010, 11:55 AM   #87
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most of the law will not go into effect until 2014

Maybe by then we can also add a public option.

pathetic that in the richest country in the world, in whih our taxes pay for universal roads, universal utilities, universal public education, universal federal police, etc., the whole fucking country goes aghast at the idea of universal healthcare.
fucking morons.
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Old 03.24.2010, 12:06 PM   #88
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It'll be interesting to see how the right will attempt to bring in the public option only crowd (I'd call them liberal populists, if I may) in to helping them repel the bill.

You can tell floatingslow secretly does want to vote for Sarah Palin, deep down in his silent wishes.
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Old 03.24.2010, 01:10 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by akprodr
Yes, if you choose not to buy health insurance, you will be fined. However there are exceptions for poverty.

But, back to my point, the 'points' at which you can and can't get medicaid will be changed.

Obviously, this is based on my beleif of what the law says. What it actually turns out to be may be totally different.

I have to admit this whole thing really confuses me. I can only hope that it will be a good change for me. I just hope they don't end up screwing us someway with this fine shit.
Old 03.24.2010, 01:38 PM   #90
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haha, i just realized how the dems just fucked themselves over for 2012... like seriously... Obama just gave Limbaugh/Palin a victory. good lawd, end of the world is nigh

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Old 03.24.2010, 02:28 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by davenotdead
haha, i just realized how the dems just fucked themselves over for 2012... like seriously... Obama just gave Limbaugh/Palin a victory. good lawd, end of the world is nigh

sure, just like people want medicare, the equal rights amendment, emancipation and school segregation repealed now that it's the law of the land.

once it starts kicking, the fake hysteria will melt away like a dog turd under heavy rains. there will always be some wingnuts out there, of course-- like the christian homeschoolers, the white supremacists, jehova's witnesses, etc. it's a big country and there will always be fringe groups
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Old 03.24.2010, 02:49 PM   #92
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i'm not talking fringe... my facebook homepage is ablaze with +++ ppl joining 'h8 new healthcare' groups.... my friends are a pretty even split of dems/reps too

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Old 03.24.2010, 02:52 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by davenotdead
i'm not talking fringe... my facebook homepage is ablaze with +++ ppl joining 'h8 new healthcare' groups.... my friends are a pretty even split of dems/reps too

you think there wasn't a shitstorm when schools were desegregated? negro please...!
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Old 03.24.2010, 02:58 PM   #94
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i'm not calling it a shitstorm... i just think whatever edge the dems had that got them the win in 08... now looks to be equalized by this healthcare. the people who were borderline or didn't like mccain/palin aren't going to care as much who's running in '12 now...

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Old 03.24.2010, 03:26 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by davenotdead
i'm not calling it a shitstorm... i just think whatever edge the dems had that got them the win in 08... now looks to be equalized by this healthcare. the people who were borderline or didn't like mccain/palin aren't going to care as much who's running in '12 now...

i think you're wrong, i think this is a hysterical reaction by some fraction of the public that's been fed crap by extreme right-wing fearmongers, and that hysteria will subside once reality sets in and people realize they like their fucking health care then better than they do now.

anybody who even took palin seriously is obviously going to be bait for the "socialism" squeals, even though this plan is something nixon would have probably signed (though for different reasons, and it was a different time). so it's not like these "borderline" people were reasonable in the first place ("borderline", ha ha-- a type of mental illness).

anyway, your political predictions have proven consistently wrong since 2008 or so, therefore i suggest you take your own omens with a grain of salt and consider that between now and 2012 a lot can happen and palin is a fucking joke who's now going to narrate an alaska travelogue for the discovery channel (i'm not joking, though it sounds like a joke).

in any case, fearmongering and hysteria have failed-- no use in beating the same dead horse rush limbaugh has been beating since he came back from his oxycontin scandal.

fearmongering + hysteria = FAIL
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Old 03.24.2010, 03:58 PM   #96
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political predictions wrong? i didn't vote because i knew Obama had 08 in the bag... unless you mean before the election... i don't remember what i was predicting back then. but I knew it was obama's election, and once Nate Silver predicted it, i knew it was a sure-thing

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Old 03.25.2010, 11:04 AM   #97
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posting from a phone is hard.
- so now people are forced to pay private insurance even if they dont want to? Lol.
- im a cunt but, did i see someone who claimed to have spent to have spent thouaands on drugs say they cant afford health care? I cant even ssee this and i wanna be jeremy'kyle
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Old 03.25.2010, 11:25 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by knox
posting from a phone is hard.
- so now people are forced to pay private insurance even if they dont want to? Lol.
- im a cunt but, did i see someone who claimed to have spent to have spent thousands on drugs say they cant afford health care? I cant even ssee this and i wanna be jeremy'kyle

You think you are a smart one huh? In a bad mood today? Need to bet some aggresion out Marla?Well that was about 5 years ago and at that time I had healthcare and extra money. So no I was not always poor. And I was a child of 26. Now that I am older I see everything I did in that decade was childlike. I will probably think the same when I'm 42 about my 30's. I know it was dumb I do not claim that was'nt. That is why I am rehabilitating. And it is not something you can do in a day. It takes years to totally overcome some demons but what really matters is that you are going through the process and coming back out on the other end. Not that I need to explain myself to some dicksnot trying to pick a fight. Also I have chosen not to purchase healthcare because it is a scandal. I spend less by just paying the doctor or the pharmacist. I can spend an average of $95 per month instead of $1000 plus the deuctable you have to meet before they cover anything and a copay. By the way most of that shit was prescibed to me.

And as usual you will come back with some brilliant thought "you spent all your money on drugs thats why your poor now" No Lawn care service (I own) and bad economy = less profit. Lawn care people can do themselves and we lost most of our residential based clients because they had to cut expenses. We pulled $100,000 for a few years and put credit into the business, paid workers comp, liability insurance, employee salaries plus we had to match thier Social security and pay unemployment taxes for them. So we dropped our employees to get rid of the extra taxes. Now we are hanging in with our clients that have stayed over the years.

Talk about judgemental
Old 03.25.2010, 11:30 AM   #99
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Sleepwalking into communism is what you guys are doing.

Although I will say this-the joys of the NHS. God bless the old Welsh Bevan.

Down with this sort of thing.
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Old 03.25.2010, 04:01 PM   #100
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I start with im a cunt and judgemental is supposed to offend me.
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