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View Poll Results: what generation do you belong to?
The Baby Boomers (1946 - 1964) 1 2.13%
Generation X (1965 - 1981) 9 19.15%
The MTV Generation (1975 - 1985) 11 23.40%
Generation Y (1980 - 1994) 26 55.32%
Voters: 47. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 04.21.2008, 12:36 AM   #81
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I don't know my mac is pretty good. However each to his own.
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Old 04.21.2008, 01:54 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you have a mac don't you? and you think it's the greatest thing ever, right? confess.

As it happens I have a mac-mini at home, but I use a PC all day at work. I hardly think the $400 computer I bought is the greatest thing ever, though it doesn't have any of the problems you seem to find with them. I run a non-native (i.e. not made specifically for the Intel processor) version of Photoshop which has never once timed out or crashed on me. I record music in Garage Band that sounds better than what I used to get out of a 4 track tape deck, but then I was pretty happy with Audacity too. The only thing that sometimes crashes is Firefox, which seems to happen most on CNN.com, so I kind of doubt it has anything to do with the OS. I don't like Safari (imagine that I'm not actually a Steve Jobs worshipper either) so I'm willing to suffer with that occasional problem a bit.

I do prefer Macs (at least over Microsoft products, if I had time to learn Linux, I might well do so), but I have actually never heard the Magick Markers and find Adam's constant out of the blue comments about how much they suck very similar to yours about Macs. You seem to want somebody to fight you about this when I think the computer world is developing in a way where the old fight is becoming a moot point. I know some Mac users who are just as fanatical about this as you are, and I find them just as silly, despite the opposing viewpoint.

So you prefer PCs. Great. What brand do you think makes the best hardware? What OS do you think is the most user friendly, which is the most interoperable, and are those achievable in the same system or mutually exclusive? Do you have anything other to say about the subject besides "Macenshit" and "they suck" and "they suck so bad, they're shit"? Saying that type of stuff over and over about anything only weakens your arguments and makes people overlook what you have to offer. You seem to know some interesting tech stuff, maybe you'd like to share that with the class, rather than the same outbursts you've already posted 100 times?

I don't know, I'm probably just being an old man here. I'm sure it's a generational thing. Oops, sorry to get back on topic...
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Old 04.21.2008, 02:15 AM   #83
m1rr0r dash
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
no but i read some company was offering a clone for $400 this past weekend

the one i got is the 17" macbook pro. what a piece of crap. but anyway, i'm back at my chunky pc keyboard-- sweet punching of the keys.

but i digress. find this shit here

actually, i want to spend even less... or around the same but on different stuff.

i already have a mac keyboard. i already have a generic beige box. i have a motherboard and hard drives and pci cards, etc. i just need to know which chips will work best for a hackintosh, and if any of them fit my motherboard....

then i just need an OSX disk and some minimal instructions.

oh... and i need to kniow how to set it up with boot camp or some equivalent so i can still run XP.
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Old 04.21.2008, 02:36 AM   #84
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Originally Posted by Dead-Air
something very dull

about as interesting as...

no, not even.

Originally Posted by m1rr0r dash
actually, i want to spend even less... or around the same but on different stuff.

i already have a mac keyboard. i already have a generic beige box. i have a motherboard and hard drives and pci cards, etc. i just need to know which chips will work best for a hackintosh, and if any of them fit my motherboard....

then i just need an OSX disk and some minimal instructions.

oh... and i need to kniow how to set it up with boot camp or some equivalent so i can still run XP.

any core2duo will do i believe.

you just need the patched distro from BT.

oh wait, apparently no hacking is needed! awesome.


or more exactly, here.

yep, you'll still need BT
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Old 04.21.2008, 03:20 AM   #85
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I guess I fall into the 'MTV generation' back when M(usic) TeleVision actually played music.

check Do you remember Strawberry Shortcake?
wat? Wuzzles?
check Pogo Balls?
check He-Man and She-Ra?
check How about Fraggle Rock?
check ALF?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you are a child of the '80's.

check Maybe you listened to Madonna, the Bangles, or Cyndi Lauper... + folk music when my parents had npr on... they dug the idea of a "radio show" ...used to tune into jack benny over dinner... or woody's children - the folk music show.
check You skipped off to school with your Cabbage Patch Kid lunchbox, if you were a girl anyway. transformers, gi joe - made out of metal if you were cool. If you were a boy, maybe you rode to school on a BMX bike with your lame plastic Thundercats lunchbox in tow.

Your mom always made you a Fluffernutter sandwich, with a Hunts Snack Pack (those little pudding snacks), a Frito Lay Snack Pack, and maybe some chicken soup in your Thermos. And a juice box, of course. or a roast beef sandwich on homemade french loaf, with organic lettuce and tomato and chives from your own garden and a splash of balsamic vinegar. wrapped in thick wax paper like from the butcher shop. with carrot sticks from the garden... also neatly wrapped in wax paper. and maybe some milk in your Thermos. And a juice box, of course.

arguably a delicious meal - embarassingly unhip in the 4th grade.

check You always brought your Trapper Keeper.
check At school you were bombarded with "Just Say No" propaganda.
Maybe you watched with awe right in your classroom as the Challenger took off, and cried out in fear and confusion when it exploded. yep - and the only person in the class who missed it was on vacation in florida... or on the their way back actually, and saw it from the plane ... brought us pictures... crazy.
check You were taught about "diversity". And you loved the playground.
check Ronald Regan was president,
check Micheal Jackson was the coolest guy around, and everyone was really into hairspraying their hair until it was practically vertical. The bad perm was in. Neon colors and flashy-looking clothes were everywhere. ...except in my closet, apparently. "shut up mom! Jams are cool. everyone else has them..."

You might have watched ...PBS... back in the days when there were hippies on sesame street and the electric company. maybe you watched with awe right in your living room as Big Bird asked where Mr Hooper was, and cried out in fear and confusion when Susan explained that he was dead.

check Back To The Future.

Maybe you made your mom and dad sit through both Care Bears movies. Microwave popcorn was in. Did you ever sneak microwave popcorn into the theatre instead of paying for movie theatre popcorn?
The Dark Crystal

On Saturday mornings, you woke up extra early to watch

The Smurfs
Mighty Mouse

You probably watched a lot of PBS
And if you didn't have cable, there were still PBS

You ate lots of Doritos and Oreos, and drank lots of Coke. Did you drink New Coke, Cherry Coke, or Classic Coke?
no soda. ever. no chips. ever. only pepperidge farm cookies. or home made waffles risen with brewer's yeast - hot, crispy, tasty with fresh raspberries, and alcoholic - part of a healthy breakfast! only milk only juice. and granola. and vegetables. and chicken, and fish, and beer.... never really missed soda much growing up or ever. oreo never struck me as real cookies.

You were constantly bombarded with square school cafeteria pizza.

And what about those Chester Cheetah commercials? You probably were dying to know if the Trix Rabbit would ever get those Trix.
M&M's still had light brown, and there was no green or blue!

what!! they're not like that now? ....guess i don't eat m&m s that often,.. or mentally they look they way they should because i don't pay attention when i eat them.

And Crest came out with a pump kind of toothpaste! You probably played with Care Bears and Cabbage Patch Kids or Transformers and GI Joe. And collected Garbage Pail Kids! ... hells yeah!

If you are a boy, you probably stuff.

You probably had a Dukes of Hazzard Big Wheel.

You waited impatiently for the sound of the ice cream truck, counting your change to make sure you could get something good.

And you lived for Light Brite. You probably started on Duplo - and when you outgrew that, you moved on to Playmobil. and when you outgrew that, you moved on to Lego. and when you outgrew that, you moved on to Quadro. and when you outgrew that you moved on to the tree fort... I bet the 64 Crayola Crayon box with sharpener was gone two weeks after you bought it. i bet you thought the Caran D'Ache watercolor set you got for christmas was the most insanely deluxe art supply man or anyone else had ever invented.

Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. was the hottest game in town, and Street Fighter's Chun-li was the hottest babe in town and everyone at the local video arcade knew it.

After a long tough day of being a kid, you were exhausted. You probably hated going to sleep so early, as most kids do. And you always felt like you missed "the really good TV shows". You brushed your teeth with your special Muppet Babies toothbrush, using sparkly Crest For Kids toothpaste, and went off to bed. You charged up your Glo-Worms each night, so they'd glow like night lights as you fell asleep under your Garfield comforter.

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Old 04.21.2008, 03:28 AM   #86
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I read in a newspaper article that the current round of 'young people' are to be known as 'Generation Sex.' 'The advent of social networking sites has meant a constant stream of parties and boys for so and so...'

Made me LOL.

Either way, I am Generation Terrorists.
"Thurston's gonna spin 'till he's dizzy... and that's the right move!"



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Old 04.21.2008, 03:58 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by Kegmama
Do you remember Strawberry Shortcake?
Pogo Balls?
He-Man and She-Ra?
How about Fraggle Rock?

If you can answer yes to any of these questions, you are a child of the '80's.
I don't know. I remember Pogo balls (never could get that shit to work), He-man (and the Masters of the whole muthafuckin Universe), and Alf. But I was only 5 when during the 89 to 90 new years. I'll just say I soaked in cartoons like a sponge at that age. Besides, I do miss things about the 80's.
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Old 04.21.2008, 04:01 AM   #88
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Originally Posted by raging_nelly
I read in a newspaper article that the current round of 'young people' are to be known as 'Generation Sex.' 'The advent of social networking sites has meant a constant stream of parties and boys for so and so...'
Hopefully this means we'll have a second baby boom generation to take care of my geezer ass with some fat social security checks. Chuch.
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Old 04.21.2008, 04:19 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by raging_nelly
Either way, I am Generation Terrorists.

good point.

what was 9-11/anthrax/eta basque/indonesian al queda/afghanistan/iraq like from a teenager's perspective? i was already married, two cars and a dog and a job when it happened... probably a little different than what i remember from Gulf War I when i was in high school.... maybe i should dig out my "no blood for oil" sign from 1990.

...or should i hide under my desk like i did in the 80s? .... because in the 80s school desks would protect you from nuclear blasts - maybe that's why Bush and Cheney thought that two layers of plastic and some duct tape would protect us from terrorist attack.
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Old 04.21.2008, 04:48 AM   #90
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I was in high school on 9/11/2001. Must have been freshman year. Am I apart of this generation terrorists, too? All it did was make me disillusioned with "adult rationality" and political rhetoric that lives on today. I read a newspaper article that said more students are majoring in Philosophy nowadays than ever before, in part inspired by the confusion of a post-9/11 world. Well I'm a Philosophy major, but I wouldn't attribute it to only that. I would also think that it woke a lot of my generation and the following one out of our fun-for-fun's-sake pop-punk Blink 182 type shit.
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Old 04.21.2008, 05:34 AM   #91
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i am not really sure what generation i am supposed to belong too. i dont really like to class myself in any generational way. you tell me, i was born at the end of the 70's.
Sarcasm[A] is stating the opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing

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Old 04.21.2008, 05:39 AM   #92
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you are Generation X and part of the MTV generation.

but if you never really watched that much MTV, then you would fit better in Generation X.
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Old 04.21.2008, 06:34 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Kegmama

You probably woke up in the morning and ate Fruity Marshmallow Krispies and drank Tang. yes

You always brought your Trapper Keeper. At school you were bombarded with "Just Say No" propaganda. You were taught about "diversity". And you loved the playground. yes

Ronald Regan was president, Micheal Jackson was the coolest guy around, and everyone was really into hairspraying their hair until it was practically vertical. The bad perm was in. Neon colors and flashy-looking clothes were everywhere. yes

On Saturday mornings, you woke up extra early to watch Pee-wee's Playhouse. And Jem and the Holograms or the Pound Puppies show. yes

You probably watched a lot of Nickelodeon too.You Can't Do That On Television, Belle and Sebastian, and even DangerMouse and Pinwheel. hell yes

If you were really well-to-do, you might have even got cable, like the Disney Channel or HBO. had a black box so we even got ppv for free

And if you didn't have cable, there were still muppets to be found on Sesame Street and The Muppet Show. There was even a show about Muppet Babies. yes, muppet babies were my fav show of the time

You ate lots of Doritos and Oreos, and drank lots of Coke. Did you drink New Coke, Cherry Coke, or Classic Coke? cherry

M&M's still had light brown, and there was no green or blue! yes

If you are a girl, you probably loved Rainbow Brite, Popples, and My Little Ponies and Shera. Did you have a Teddy Ruxpin? How about a Rub-A-Dub-Doggie? not sure what it says i remember that better

And you liked to play games like Trivial Pursuit, CandyLand, Mouse Trap, Clue, or Hungry Hungry Hippos. Trouble was always fun too. Did you think the Pop-A-Matic Bubble was cool? yes

You probably had a Big Wheel though and a Skip-It. a knight rider big wheel infact

Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. was the hottest game in town, and everyone loved to go down to the local video arcade and play Hogan's Alley, or Pacman, or Q-Bert. yes

that took me back
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Old 04.21.2008, 07:29 AM   #94
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The posts in here are getting way too long. Brevity, people, brevity.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 04.21.2008, 07:38 AM   #95
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i'm not american.
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Old 04.21.2008, 07:40 AM   #96
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None of the ones in the poll.
Old 04.21.2008, 09:41 AM   #97
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Originally Posted by pbradley
I was in high school on 9/11/2001. Must have been freshman year. Am I apart of this generation terrorists, too? All it did was make me disillusioned with "adult rationality" and political rhetoric that lives on today. I read a newspaper article that said more students are majoring in Philosophy nowadays than ever before, in part inspired by the confusion of a post-9/11 world. Well I'm a Philosophy major, but I wouldn't attribute it to only that. I would also think that it woke a lot of my generation and the following one out of our fun-for-fun's-sake pop-punk Blink 182 type shit.

What he said.
We Kill Homosexuals!!!
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Old 04.21.2008, 12:07 PM   #98
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~Fruity Marshmallow Krispies~

Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 04.21.2008, 02:45 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by screamingskull
I feel more 80's than i am (i was born in 1988)
But thats because the four main TV shows i grew up watching were





I must agree on the power rangers. I have to admit though, I still watch the first series. MMPR is a freaking cool show.
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Old 04.21.2008, 03:10 PM   #100
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born in 85, so whatever Im in two generations?

Im this gen.



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