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Old 03.25.2006, 11:17 AM   #81
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HAHA @ the word "fuckwads."
I pretty much agree with you though, Fred.
^ check out my 2010 "cover" of Blink
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Old 03.25.2006, 11:29 AM   #82
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Probably cocaine.
I stay away from it because it is terribly addicting. But the high is great.
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Old 03.25.2006, 11:31 AM   #83
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xpresswaytoyrskull ain't too shabby
Used to be LSD. Now it's marijuana.
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Old 03.25.2006, 11:39 AM   #84
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I tend not to bother with drugs....always seemed like a waste of time. I find I'm a enough of a uselss, lazy waster without them thanks very much. I like a bit of caffine though but mostly in small quantities through wonderful Tea.

I'm sure drugs work out fine for most people though....I know they do. I actually know people who smoke ridiculous amounts of weed and aren't tedious cunts. Imagine that!
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Old 03.25.2006, 11:40 AM   #85
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Originally Posted by Fred Cracklin
thanks for all your wonderful testimonials. I will now be forwarding this information to your respective local law enforcement agencies.

Help me, I'm surrounded. Not by police. But by little fuckwads.

Diesel sounds like he actually does some drugs. A pity. He's too dumb to be doing drugs. The rest of the people posting have done some drugs, but they do not do drugs. They're squares. Like the guy who wrote "datura". This is a sad joke written by a sad joke of a person. Another writes "brown mexican heroin" because he doesn't want to just admit he's a little worm that's afraid of his own shadow.

Sad little fuckwads.

so what's your story, people who don't take drugs are squares but people who do get grassed up to the police?
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Old 03.25.2006, 11:57 AM   #86
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Also, about the Coin Locker Babies film. I really hope it will be great but I have a feeling it will be totally awful. As far as I recall, the casting so far sounds like a complete hipster toss-fest. I'll concede that it's an unknown quantity though....the director, writers and producers have barely a film credit between them so who knows. I imagine it's either going to be a cult smash hit out of left field or complete garbage. My guess is complete garbage....not just because I am being pessimistic but mainly because Sean Lennon is one of 4 people credited with writing the screenplay.
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Old 03.25.2006, 12:10 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Fred Cracklin
thanks for all your wonderful testimonials. I will now be forwarding this information to your respective local law enforcement agencies.

Help me, I'm surrounded. Not by police. But by little fuckwads.

Diesel sounds like he actually does some drugs. A pity. He's too dumb to be doing drugs. The rest of the people posting have done some drugs, but they do not do drugs. They're squares. Like the guy who wrote "datura". This is a sad joke written by a sad joke of a person. Another writes "brown mexican heroin" because he doesn't want to just admit he's a little worm that's afraid of his own shadow.

Sad little fuckwads.

I've got mixed feelings about this guy - he makes sense to a degree, but the hardass/shock value approach is getting a bit tedious.

Why even waste the time reading the thread and weighing in, Fred, if it's that sad? That's a question of genuine curiousity, mind you.

And Toilet & Bowels made a good point - you're damning both categories, so, er, where's the happy medium?
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Old 03.25.2006, 12:25 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
Did you ever stop to consider that maybe ganja enhances you senses. I wrote some of my best artisrtic material when I was blazed.

Weed doesn't work some kind of mythical magic on your intellect. It simply weakens your inhibitions, because it's a fuckin depressant. Did you ever notice how you start to get a bit wacky when you've gone without sleep for an extended period of time? Same phenomenon. Weed relaxes you, helping to break down your mental boundaries, so to speak.

Exactly why put the Doors in the category of overrated bands - everyone lauds Jim Morrison for his abstract genius, but the guy was just fuckin wasted all the time. The less sense lyrics made in the 60s and 70s, the more people worshipped the songwriters. Go figure.

I'm not criticizing people who smoke weed for enjoyment. To each his own. I just can't stand the people who advertise it as a sign of credibility/'coolness,' or say they smoke it for artistic purposes. That seems to be a fallback excuse for them - "Doesn't that song RULE, I wrote it when I was baked!" or if it turns out real shit - "Yeah man, I know that totally sucks, but I wrote it when I was wasted, what do you expect"

And it'll get you fat.
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Old 03.25.2006, 12:42 PM   #89
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when i was a teen i used to be addicted to slimming tablets and i wouldnt sleep for weeks.Those were the days(ha ha).Ive had the luck to have a brother who tried anything under the sun but i still find drugs generally boring,destructive and counterproductive.And more than anyone i cant stand drug bores.

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Old 03.25.2006, 01:31 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Fred Cracklin

Diesel sounds like he actually does some drugs. A pity. He's too dumb to be doing drugs.

Well Fred, unlike Diesel, whose posts are quite often fact-laden and informative, the posts of yours I've seen thus far have been pretty much baseless, instigatory attacks on random board members.

When you stop posting inflammatory bullshit and start contributing something worthwhile, then perhaps you can pass judgement on others' intelligence.
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Old 03.25.2006, 01:39 PM   #91
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it seems i think that some people on this and the old board have multiple personalities and multiple log in names so that they can rile up the rest of us for some boring reason that is only funny to them. i think fred cracklin might be a case of that.

as far as people who use drugs and then talk about it for the rest of their lives type people, i have known many of them and find them utterly tedious. i recall a guy i knew talking endlessly about his speed addiction, when he did speed maybe 10 times over a six month period. he did this to impress a bunch of kids who mostly fell for it hook line and sinker and threw hi into somekind of god like status. its that sort of person and armchair pundits that talk endlessly about it that i find dull.
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Old 03.25.2006, 01:46 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by jon boy
i recall a guy i knew talking endlessly about his speed addiction, when he did speed maybe 10 times over a six month period.

i had a flat mate like that, she tried coke for the first time last summer did it on average once a week until christmas and then signed up to narcotics anonymous in the new year. thankfully she moved out too.
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Old 03.25.2006, 03:17 PM   #93
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drugs are disgusting as is "ganga" or whatever it is.
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Old 03.25.2006, 03:23 PM   #94
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None for me.
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Old 03.25.2006, 04:21 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Iain
I tend not to bother with drugs....always seemed like a waste of time. I find I'm a enough of a uselss, lazy waster without them thanks very much...

my stance on drugs, that's the way i feel

caffeine, nicottine withstanding
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Old 01.01.2009, 11:24 PM   #96
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drugs are bad, the only thing close to one ive had is caffine
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Old 01.02.2009, 04:59 AM   #97
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Mmmkay, Drugs Are Bad. And If You Do Drugs You're Bad. 'Cause Drugs Are Bad.






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Old 01.02.2009, 05:35 AM   #98
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Old 01.02.2009, 06:10 AM   #99
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Yesterday, aspirin for the hangover.
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Old 01.02.2009, 07:23 AM   #100
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i smoked some marajuana last week and it was the first time i enjoyed smoking it in about 8 years
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