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Old 03.22.2010, 09:37 PM   #61
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Old 03.22.2010, 09:43 PM   #62
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So (and excuse me for sounding like an idiot here) what about those who aren't working or are on really low income? How will this affect them?

edit. ok, thanks

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
low income people will get help to pay if they can't afford it.


small businesses will get tax credits to pay for employees

there willl be other public programs to help those who can't pay.
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Old 03.22.2010, 09:47 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
So (and excuse me for sounding like an idiot here) what about those who aren't working or are on really low income? How will this affect them?

they'll get subsidized to buy insurance which they can't do now.

right now there are programs for the indigent in most places but they are limited. i.e. this friend of a friend (poet) goes to this sliding scale hospital in new york. but it's on an emergncy basis. not sure how they would deal with, say, chemo.

i can't get insurance self-employed so i have a deal with the local hospital, and i go to a clinic that is grant-funded-- if i crack my head outside the city or state i'd be in real deep shit (and debt). but w/ the reform i can get my business to join large buyer pools which will give me the bargaining power i currently lack.

having been without health insurance for over 6 months makes me pretty much ineligible anywhere in my state. the cunts.
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Old 03.22.2010, 09:50 PM   #64
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sorry, ive edited & reedited so its not yr fault (i think). but im done, gotta go have dinner etc.
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Old 03.22.2010, 10:23 PM   #65
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how dare you accuse me of listening to Glenn Beck.

I have no political bias, simply a deep understanding of how healthcare in this country "works".

it doesn't work. it's broken as fuck, corrupted by large money-siphoning hospitals and this will make it worse.

money to help the poor? from state Medicaid? in four years? lol?

I'm sorry, I'm not a republican, I'm a realist.

ps: WTS bridges
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Old 03.22.2010, 10:26 PM   #66
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public option or gtfo

political cache
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Old 03.23.2010, 06:30 AM   #67
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The new healthcare is a tentative step towards universal healthcare because it's mandatory to get it, but that seems to be its only saving grace.

I know it doesn't affect me directly (THANK FUCKING FUCK!) but it does seem that it is a case of 'better than nothing'.

I think it's also a case of hurrah from those who will benefit which includes !£$etc obviously and the insurance companies.

Now you all need to pray (yeh I know) over there that we don't get David Thatcher for PM over here or else they'll fuck with our health system a bit more. Maybe finish off the job Margaret Cameron started (see wot I did there?).
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Old 03.23.2010, 07:15 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by Pookie
but it does seem that it is a case of 'better than nothing'.

Exactly, its not a panacea and its not the end of the world. I hope we actually get a chance to see what it can do before the repub's try to dismantle it.
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Old 03.23.2010, 02:49 PM   #69
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"Nothing" is preferable to the UK's NHS at present. You've got more chance of remaining alive! You go into one of it's filthy hospitals for a simple op and come out in a body bag after picking up the superbug MRSA!
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Old 03.23.2010, 03:00 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
"Nothing" is preferable to the UK's NHS at present. You've got more chance of remaining alive! You go into one of it's filthy hospitals for a simple op and come out in a body bag after picking up the superbug MRSA!

shut up you spoilt little girl.
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Old 03.23.2010, 04:22 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by knox
shut up you spoilt little girl.

Yeah, I can't get enough of MRSA.
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Old 03.23.2010, 04:34 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
how dare you accuse me of listening to Glenn Beck.

you sound like him! (at times)

Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I have no political bias, simply a deep understanding of how healthcare in this country "works".

so how would you fix it, considering the senators your state sent to washington?



Originally Posted by floatingslowly
it doesn't work. it's broken as fuck, corrupted by large money-siphoning hospitals and this will make it worse.

this bill will add customers for the insurance, yes, but it will also pound them into some kind of submission, add controls, tie premiums to expenses, etc.

Originally Posted by floatingslowly
money to help the poor? from state Medicaid? in four years? lol?

"LOL"? what's happened to you. you used to be articulate.

Originally Posted by floatingslowly
I'm sorry, I'm not a republican, I'm a realist.

sometimes cynicism wants to pass for realism, but it isn't

Originally Posted by floatingslowly
ps: WTS bridges

where? how much?

Originally Posted by floatingslowly
public option or gtfo

political cache

i'm for the public option too and i hope some day it will be added but with the public option the bill was going to bomb. no chance. period.

so, we got what we could. better than nothing. consider the yahoos! goddammit.
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Old 03.23.2010, 04:37 PM   #73
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Old 03.23.2010, 04:50 PM   #74
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the insurance companies will NOT benefit, which is why republicans, bankrolled by insurance companies, have been fightiong this.

insurance companies will LOSE money (as they see it, actually just a smaller profit) because they will have to continue paying out to people with long debilitating sicknesses, as well as they will have to cover and pay out for people who are older, already sick, or in "unhealthy" brackets.

fuck insurance companies.

they are a con game, a racket, a grift.
they take money from the people they choose (chosen becaus ethey are unlikely to ever need expensive medical care)
they set limits on how much they are gonna pay uyou, even if your cancer bills run far higher than the arbitrary $100,000 cap
They choose not to insure those who need it most, older people, poor people, and already sick people.
insurance companioes ideal customer is a 24 year old white male who will never get pregnant, not get cancer until they are older and hav epaid tens of thousands into the insurance racket already, etc.

fuck the insurance companies.

they decide, THEY (a fucking accountant, a fucking actuary, someone who is NOT a health professional nor trained in medicine, nor knows the actual client/patient involved or his/her health issues apart from what is written in the "record") decide what treatment is possible, what pills they will pay for, what doctor can perform what surgery. it is fucking BULLSHIT.

FUCK the insurance companies.
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Old 03.23.2010, 04:52 PM   #75
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So how do you really feel about insurance companies, rob?
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Old 03.23.2010, 04:58 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
they decide, THEY (a fucking accountant, a fucking actuary, someone who is NOT a health professional nor trained in medicine, nor knows the actual client/patient involved or his/her health issues apart from what is written in the "record") decide what treatment is possible, what pills they will pay for, what doctor can perform what surgery. it is fucking BULLSHIT.

I'd say no one is forcing you to get insurance, but I'd be wrong!

I don't like the way it is forced on people. When I'm unemployed, i don't have money to pay for Cobra or insurance. SO then the new IRS police will show up? FUCK THAT! (they'll just grab my bank account)
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Old 03.23.2010, 05:21 PM   #77
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fuck the insurance companies.
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Old 03.23.2010, 05:24 PM   #78
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goddamn insuirance companies charge doctors offices MILLIONS each year in malpractice insurance.
that raises the cost of medical procedures, which in turn raises the deductibles everyone must pay which means the insurance companies actually pay out LESS than they should, even when they are earning billions in profit, pure profit, yearly.

fucking insurance companies lobbied the crooked fucking politicos in austin tx to get a law changed which mandated that malpractice insurance for midwives was to be higher than for doctors, even though midwives are used by most hospitals, and have a very low malpractice rate. This essentially made hospitals in austin have to fire their midwives, leaving their overwhelmed OBstetrics department to take up the slack.
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Old 03.23.2010, 05:35 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
goddamn insuirance companies... (etc)

Taking the long view on health reform
By Katrina vanden Heuvel
Wednesday, March 24, 2010;

How historic is the health-care reform bill that President Obama signed into law this morning? The bill only begins the long task of taking back control of the health-care system from rapacious insurance and drug companies. We must work to include a real public option and to eliminate the insurance industry's antitrust exemption.

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Old 03.23.2010, 06:04 PM   #80
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now, sue them for 44,876769 cancer murders please.
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