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Old 07.27.2009, 11:58 PM   #61
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I like what Albert Camus wrote on suicide.
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Old 07.28.2009, 12:09 AM   #62
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i had severe anxiety... sometimes i still do. and a lot of times i go through a lot of depression. and i find it odd, being a christian, especially with all the evangelical people who speak to you promising "born again" and all that jazz...that i'm depressed a lot. but then sometimes i think i just gotta remind my self that more often its going to be the little moments that are going to make your life seem more fulfilling as the "lightbulb" moments are mostly vain to try to grasp for and rare at that. And I do find it odd that a lot of intelligent people are depressed, but with that being said, being more emotionally and intellectually perceptive are something that we can use to our happiness and advantage if we give ourselves the choice. Religious, spiritual, or not, I think that the existentialist view that YOU are the ultimate reason for being and the ultimate reason for your happiness can really destroy this mentality that we are a slave to fate, or predestination or whatever... idk i guess when i think about that it picks me up a lil bit.
I'm not talking to you no more, never ever going back to your door , no way!
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Old 07.28.2009, 08:31 AM   #63
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depression? what is that?
tiny and lost.
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Old 07.28.2009, 08:33 AM   #64
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I prefer opression

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Old 07.28.2009, 08:34 AM   #65
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repression? concessions? obsession?
tiny and lost.
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Old 07.28.2009, 08:34 AM   #66
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"I love meth." - batreleaser
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Old 07.28.2009, 09:16 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
I sure do love it when people post with obnoxious colors so I can't even read what the hell the post said so I just skip it
I do too! Fuck color. Only White is worth reading anyway.
Old 07.28.2009, 09:46 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by Satan


on the topic: i somehow managed to escape the depression bitch. my receipt? try to find something to look forward to. as simple as that - may it be tomorrow's breakfast or holiday next month or a good shag or whatever.

you're the boy

that can enjoy
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Old 07.28.2009, 03:59 PM   #69
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A: We are Devo
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Old 07.28.2009, 04:06 PM   #70
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:dogs of modem=heart of the techno-junkies' cadaver mechanism that attacks the different vital=plug that was opened chemically is accelerated virus....hypercontrols the BDSM_soul/gram of a chemical=anthropoid....=>artificial sun of scream=of=I murder the emotion of our fly that does the internal organ medium of the adrenalin performance of the cadaver city that dashes the brain system of the era respiration-byte of the virtual nightmare that renders the mass of flesh-module to the acid cruel device of the human body pill script to acidHUMANIX.
:her rave cadaver feti murder-protocol of the human body pill that is parasitic to eye spherical condition on the acidHUMANIX_soul/gram that flip on PLAY--.
:the hydromaniac murder region of dogs feed back=I suck the soul/gram that was biocaptured techno-junkies....the genomics BDSM circuit of chemical=anthropoids is inserted....the brain=molecule of her cold-blooded disease the chloroform larvas that did the blue different vital=plug-in of the sky hunting for the grotesque to softwarable with the era respiration-byte download the cadaver city made of retro-ADAM.
:so the ecstasy of the era respiration-bytes of chemical=anthropoids is streamed to the BDSM_gene=TV system of the cadaver city that ejects her acidHUMANIX_brain cell the techno-junkies' cadaver feti internal organ medium switching.... The parasite guy made of retro-ADAM who was infected HIV the modem=hearts of her acid murder nature=desire-protocol creatures noise.
:the digital=vamp soul/grams of dogs turned--the murder-protocol made of retro-ADAM her data=mutant existence-code to techno-junkies' vital-junk eyeball device into the cadaver feti state thread the human body pill to the BDSM_cerebral cortex of a chemical=anthropoid LOAD....the gay guy of the cadaver mechanism who emulates her acidHUMANIX_planet invades a quantum unstable mass of flesh-module I am raped to the murderous gene=TV system of the artificial sun so....
:her hydromaniac gene=TV system accelerates to the techno-junkies' DNA-bomb state existence-code virus=>the drug embryo of the era respiration-byte of the cadaver mechanism with the genomics strategy=mode of the internal organ medium of the artificial sun that rapes acidHUMANIX_soul/gram the streaming_eyeball of her scream different vital=plug-in cadaver feti....the HYPE_mass of flesh-module of boy roid nature gimmick to control external of the nightmare-script that was infected HIV of dogs!
ur acidHUMANIX_murder-protocol genome with the different vital=plug that rave chemical=anthropoids of which flip on fully opened=links the scream of her cadaver mechanism that emulates to the data=mutant strategy screens of dogs so covered the mass of flesh of the drug embryo that output the brain system=....the hyperreal BDSM circuit of the human body pill that artificial sun was secreted 0.8 milligrams of fucks game.
:the BDSM circuit of the soul/grams of chemical=anthropoids I suck acid with the brain system of her era respiration-byte....the emulators of the acidHUMANIX_different vital=plugs that were opened@dogs which data=mutant stream the existence-code that accelerated to her cadaver feti internal organ medium the spiral mechanism guerrilla the mass of flesh-module that got deranged]]] the hyperreal mimicry screen of her human body pill that tortures the parasite guy made of retro-ADAM who accesses in the hunting for the grotesque-site of the apoptosis consciousness of the artificial sun.
ur data=mutant brain hypercontrols....fills to the hyperreal different vital=plug of the boy roid nature that was connected the chemical nightmare-scripts of dogs to the techno-junkies' cadaver feti eyeball with the murder-protocol of the era respiration-byte of the artificial sun.... The vaio-code of her acid soul/gram grows thick to the monitor screen of gene-dub of the drug embryo that was emulated by the cold-blooded disease animals of the chromosomal aberration which reproduce the acidHUMANIX_download net of the cadaver city....

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Old 07.28.2009, 07:48 PM   #71
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Old 07.28.2009, 08:02 PM   #72
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If depressed, I usually have to put things into perspective a lot in my mind and after a little while I get things right. Talk to people, it really helps. Focus on positive things- this may sound like oprahish bullshit but it beats being miserable. Someone mentioned it, the existentialists had thems shits down, read "Nausea" by sartre
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Old 07.28.2009, 08:07 PM   #73
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Anyone wanna talk about God?

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Old 07.28.2009, 10:18 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Anyone wanna talk about God?

It's pretty good, nothing special. I enjoy it when it's there but it's not an especially tasty fish. Salmon wins any day.

EDIT: I misread that as 'cod.'
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Old 07.29.2009, 12:04 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by amerikangod
It's pretty good, nothing special. I enjoy it when it's there but it's not an especially tasty fish. Salmon wins any day.

EDIT: I misread that as 'cod.'

Even so cod is pretty delicious.
I'm not talking to you no more, never ever going back to your door , no way!
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Old 07.29.2009, 12:10 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by tbannach
Even so cod is pretty delicious.

It's no salmon.
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Old 07.29.2009, 06:39 AM   #77
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If you're depressed take acid on your own with some rope in your room
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Old 07.29.2009, 06:46 AM   #78
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nice topic for how im feeling tonight

i find that i get so low that i cant stand to look at my self and it controls me
like tonight for example i felt so shit about my self that i wasnt able to leave my house to go get me food for the night so i just had weet bix for dinner.

i hate being like this , it really is no fun.

it took me all day to eventually get out of the house to go to the bank and that was such a struggle
Old 07.29.2009, 07:06 AM   #79
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Dan what happened to that girl?
(PM if it's personal)
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Old 07.29.2009, 07:16 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
nice topic for how im feeling tonight

i find that i get so low that i cant stand to look at my self and it controls me
like tonight for example i felt so shit about my self that i wasnt able to leave my house to go get me food for the night so i just had weet bix for dinner.

i hate being like this , it really is no fun.

it took me all day to eventually get out of the house to go to the bank and that was such a struggle

oh my god but really, organic weat bix for dinner/'supper' is something I do fairly often..

hope yr feelin okay. It's this place. This island. It is.
tiny and lost.
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