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Old 08.05.2006, 08:47 PM   #41
Norma J
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Ahh, I'm glad I'm over my "It's cool to be a degenerate outcast" day's.
I want girls with new-wave hair-doos
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Old 08.05.2006, 08:55 PM   #42
Daycare Nation
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Originally Posted by atari 2600
The reason why no one has named the nerd is that it should be obvious. Here's a clue: he's a pirate thief.

Oh, okay. Now that you mention that it should be obvious, that clears things up.


That dragon ain't the love sweet love.
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Old 08.05.2006, 08:58 PM   #43
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Congratulations! If I were you, I would have spit on those pro-lifers. Not implying I'm political in any way of course...
Sab Kuch Tick Tock Hai
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Old 08.06.2006, 12:49 AM   #44
atari 2600
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Originally Posted by Daycare Nation
Oh, okay. Now that you mention that it should be obvious, that clears things up.

You're such a dumbass.
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Old 08.06.2006, 01:22 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by truncated
How exciting.

I'm not even sure if it's on my 'record' or not.

That's gonna suck for future job opportunities.

Me and my uncle went ridin' down,
South Colorado, West Texas bound.
We stopped over in Santa Fe,
That bein' the point just about half way,
And you know it was the hottest part of the day.

I took the horses up to the stall,
Went to the barroom, ordered drinks for all.
Three days in the saddle, you know my body hurt,
It bein' summer, I took off my shirt,
And I tried to wash off some of that dusty dirt.

When Texas cowboys, they's all around,
With liquor and money, they loaded down.
So soon after payday, know it seemed a shame;
You know my uncle, he starts a friendly game,
High-low jack and the winner take the hand.

My uncle starts winnin'; cowboys got sore.
One of them called him, and then two more,
Accused him of cheatin'; Oh no, it couldn't be.
I know my uncle, he's as honest as me,
And I'm as honest as a Denver man can be.

One of them cowboys, he starts to draw,
And I shot him down, Lord he never saw.
Well I grabbed a bottle, cracked him in the jaw,
Shot me another, oh damn he won't grow old.
In the confusion, my uncle grabbed the gold,
And we high-tailed it down to Mexico.

I love those cowboys, I love their gold,
I loved my uncle, God rest his soul,
Taught me good, Lord, Taught me all I know
Taught me so well, I grabbed that gold
And I left his dead ass there by the side of the road.

Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 08.06.2006, 01:26 AM   #46
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hahahaha fuck.

Such Friends Are Dangerous strikes gold again.

Hit that bong for me bro.
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Old 08.06.2006, 01:44 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by truncated

(I like his sweater though, he should've left off the shirt beneath it.)

I won't go into the whole tale, because it will piss me off to no end, and bring up a topic of debate on this forum that probably should not be addressed.

I was out shopping today, and there was this massive pro-life demonstration going on outside. A few of them tried preaching their business to me, in a less-than-diplomatic manner. I'll simply say this:

1. I hate pro-lifers. Yes, hate them. I don't 'dislike' them, I don't merely hate their beliefs - I hate them, as people. If it were my choice, I would collect pro-lifers across the globe and exterminate them.

2. I hate religious fundamentalists. They are ignorant, pig-headed, weak, mindless, hypocritical fuckbags. Said fundamentalists are usually pro-lifers as well. If they're not, well, kill them too.

3. I hate people shoving their dogmas in my face. My belief system is not up for negotiation. You will not enlighten me with pamphlets, slogan-chanting, threats of hellfire, or gruesome photos. I find NOTHING more insulting and invasive than someone trying to push their credo on me. It's an intellectual rape, and I won't stand for it.

Needless to say, I was rather upset that these people approached me with their tripe. I politely asked them to leave me alone. That did not suffice. I told them I had no interest in what they were saying. That did not suffice either. I told them to try me again after they'd each adopted a few abandoned crack babies, and expressed my concern over their masturbation habits, as surely, wasted sperm is an abortion of sorts.

There was some shouting. I didn't go ballistic and hit anyone; that ain't my style. But the police did break up the altercation, and we got carted away.

Total waste of my day, and I was supposed to get a goddamn haircut.
Wow that sounds like a hell of a journey to the hairdresser trunc!Surely you just went on file but nothing else will be done about it?

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Old 08.06.2006, 06:42 AM   #48
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i assume the charge will be disorderly conduct. i have previously been arrested in a similar situation, however because i am a minor and it wasn't anything too serious they dropped the charge.
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Old 08.06.2006, 10:46 AM   #49
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Right, to clarify:

This was not an 'exciting' event. I think arrests were made for the sake of public appearance; it wasn't an exceptionally violent altercation.

I was not formally charged, but I am not sure if that was because a. the arrests were for procedure's sake or b. (this sounds tacky) I work with the police, and yes, I took advantage of this and made the appropriate phone calls to get my ass out of trouble. However, I don't think any of the pious pricks were charged, either.

Irrelevant information: You're allowed to protest/demonstrate on public property here as long as you don't disrupt what is considered to be ordinary traffic. i.e., you can picket retail establishments as long as you don't significantly block store entrances or prevent customers from entering in some other manner.

So I suspect the police got involved only because it was near a shopping center, and to observe municipal law, they were sort of obligated to break it up and create the appearance of keeping peace.


The arrest isn't the point, and nor is the issue of abortion, technically. Under other circumstances, I wouldn't have gotten involved in any way, because my stance on such an issue isn't really any of these people's business. I'm certainly not going to change their minds, so I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of baiting me.

What DOES vex me, however, is the underlying idea of people who IMPOSE upon you. No matter how personally objectionable I may find an idea, I ordinarily do not take issue with other who may hold it - whether you're a Christian fundamentalist, extreme leftist, hell, if you're into bestiality - as long as you KEEP IT CONFINED TO YOURSELF. Once you enter my sphere, that's an unforgivable violation of boundaries.

I simply cannot understand people who do not respect individual opinion. You have NO RIGHT to hold my behaviors to YOUR moral standards. You have NO RIGHT to APPROACH me, attempting to sell your ideology. You have NO RIGHT to DISRUPT MY DAY in an attempt to further YOUR personal agenda.

I abhor pro-lifers with every fiber of my being, but I, unlike them, am content to let each of us hold our respective opinions. They are not, and therein lies the difference.

My long-winded rant is not confined to this particular group of people, but to that general mentality that causes people to try to convert you to their 'side.' The people who attempt to pressure you into various social activities. The people who act with complete disregard for those around them, because they ASSUME that their standards are the only ones by which others should abide.

I'm pissed off because I didn't get a haircut, all because some self-important assholes decided that their opinion was worthy of being broadcast to the masses. I generally abide by "Live and let live," and still maintain that those who do not should be collectively shot.
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Old 08.06.2006, 10:52 AM   #50
Savage Clone
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Originally Posted by truncated
I generally abide by "Live and let live," and still maintain that those who do not should be collectively shot.

Best quote ever.
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Old 08.06.2006, 11:12 AM   #51
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I totally agree with truncated.

Those folks with God on 'their side'...are compelled to witness to others...it's mandated in their doctrinal directive !!!

They can't allow a live and let live philosophy...they feel personally responsible about saving as many souls as they can....they're warriors in their battle for rightwinged morality......can't stop till ya win !!!!!

Don't play what's there, play what's not there.

Do not fear mistakes. There are none

Miles Davis
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Old 08.06.2006, 11:37 AM   #52
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Great job truncated, really that's fucking fantastic!
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Old 08.06.2006, 12:09 PM   #53
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you shouldn't have been arrested in the first place.

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Old 08.06.2006, 12:12 PM   #54
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There are too many people whose aim is to prevent you forming and maintaining your own opinion; there was a brief incident involving myself and a couple of Greenpeace representatives recently, although the security present were pretty decent, and happy for different opinions to meet. The Greenpeace people just felt that disagreeing with or questioning any part of their dogma was an affront to humanity though.

Anyway, fuck these people; society's going to shit and it's largely because hateful bigots get their own way too often.

Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

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Old 08.06.2006, 02:13 PM   #55
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society has been going to shit ever since it began....

what kind of haircut are you going to get?
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Old 08.06.2006, 02:30 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by truncated
Right, to clarify:

This was not an 'exciting' event. I think arrests were made for the sake of public appearance; it wasn't an exceptionally violent altercation.

I was not formally charged, but I am not sure if that was because a. the arrests were for procedure's sake or b. (this sounds tacky) I work with the police, and yes, I took advantage of this and made the appropriate phone calls to get my ass out of trouble. However, I don't think any of the pious pricks were charged, either.

Irrelevant information: You're allowed to protest/demonstrate on public property here as long as you don't disrupt what is considered to be ordinary traffic. i.e., you can picket retail establishments as long as you don't significantly block store entrances or prevent customers from entering in some other manner.

So I suspect the police got involved only because it was near a shopping center, and to observe municipal law, they were sort of obligated to break it up and create the appearance of keeping peace.


The arrest isn't the point, and nor is the issue of abortion, technically. Under other circumstances, I wouldn't have gotten involved in any way, because my stance on such an issue isn't really any of these people's business. I'm certainly not going to change their minds, so I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of baiting me.

What DOES vex me, however, is the underlying idea of people who IMPOSE upon you. No matter how personally objectionable I may find an idea, I ordinarily do not take issue with other who may hold it - whether you're a Christian fundamentalist, extreme leftist, hell, if you're into bestiality - as long as you KEEP IT CONFINED TO YOURSELF. Once you enter my sphere, that's an unforgivable violation of boundaries.

I simply cannot understand people who do not respect individual opinion. You have NO RIGHT to hold my behaviors to YOUR moral standards. You have NO RIGHT to APPROACH me, attempting to sell your ideology. You have NO RIGHT to DISRUPT MY DAY in an attempt to further YOUR personal agenda.

I abhor pro-lifers with every fiber of my being, but I, unlike them, am content to let each of us hold our respective opinions. They are not, and therein lies the difference.

My long-winded rant is not confined to this particular group of people, but to that general mentality that causes people to try to convert you to their 'side.' The people who attempt to pressure you into various social activities. The people who act with complete disregard for those around them, because they ASSUME that their standards are the only ones by which others should abide.

I'm pissed off because I didn't get a haircut, all because some self-important assholes decided that their opinion was worthy of being broadcast to the masses. I generally abide by "Live and let live," and still maintain that those who do not should be collectively shot.

dude, you are being as self important an asshole as anybody for having dragged out this ridiculous thread for so long. I tried to make a complete mockery of it to kill it, in a grand ol west shoot out, but alas, it is back! Self Importance is equally destructive on both sides of an opinion. THe Less Important you see yourself as being, the more important you actually become to the harmony and benefit of the Universe in general....
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 08.06.2006, 02:35 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
dude, you are being as self important an asshole as anybody for having dragged out this ridiculous thread for so long. I tried to make a complete mockery of it to kill it, in a grand ol west shoot out, but alas, it is back! Self Importance is equally destructive on both sides of an opinion. THe Less Important you see yourself as being, the more important you actually become to the harmony and benefit of the Universe in general....

suck it, hippie.
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Old 08.06.2006, 02:35 PM   #58
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I recently had a near miss confontation at the grocery store with a Church lady. My friend and I were minding our own business, looking at canned peppers, when this red wigged woman, with freckles walks past us, turns back around, and tells my friends that Jesus is her friend, and that she needs 'get rid of those tatoos, take that eye brow ring out, and turn from Satan.' I said something back to her about her wig, and she just walked away.

She was bugging people in the parking lot when we were leaving. Creep.
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Old 08.06.2006, 02:38 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
dude, you are being as self important an asshole as anybody for having dragged out this ridiculous thread for so long. I tried to make a complete mockery of it to kill it, in a grand ol west shoot out, but alas, it is back! Self Importance is equally destructive on both sides of an opinion. THe Less Important you see yourself as being, the more important you actually become to the harmony and benefit of the Universe in general....
That's like saying you should just ignore the problems you have with your boyfriend/girlfriend because it's 'selfish' to address your own intrests. Sounds great when you say it, but just see if you don't both end up miserable. It's a dangerously faulty idea.
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Old 08.06.2006, 02:39 PM   #60
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i say take your preconcieved notions about other people and shove them up your fucking righteous ass.
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