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Old 05.23.2009, 03:56 AM   #41
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How about let's not discuss Tarot and the sad sad sad sad people who follow it and other things like it. It's really a horrible world of sad. All of the people I have met who have these types of interests are the most unstable, insecure, and sad folks I have ever seen. And there are TONS of them in my homestate.
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Old 05.23.2009, 04:01 AM   #42
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there are over 1000 threads on this forum which are NOT about tarot. how about you post in one of those, you sad sad insecure unstable internet person.
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Old 05.23.2009, 04:05 AM   #43
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more seriously..

It's interesting that apparently only the people you meet who have these type of interests have these character traits. As I've met many many people in my lifetime, and for me whether they have an interest in tarot has not played any part in whether they are a goober or not.

I used to work with someone who would get into rants and debates over his hatred of the spiritual and 'all of that rubbish', claiming science and philosphy were the only things he believed in, yet would go huff the Co2 canisters in his spare time. He made a girl I worked with cry. He wanted to be a psychologist.
tiny and lost.
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Old 05.23.2009, 08:04 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by phoenix
I used to work with someone who would get into rants and debates over his hatred of the spiritual and 'all of that rubbish', claiming science and philosphy were the only things he believed in, yet would go huff the Co2 canisters in his spare time. He made a girl I worked with cry. He wanted to be a psychologist.

i think a lot of people who study psychology are trying to understand themselves more than they are other people, i think that guy is one of them
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Old 05.23.2009, 11:13 AM   #45
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Quick questions about the Tarot.....aren't you suppose to ask some kind of question beofre the reading? I don't really understand that part because don't most question require a definite answer? and I know the Tarot doesn't give an exact answer to anything.....but chea.
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Old 05.23.2009, 12:55 PM   #46
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all this talk of buying tarot cards reminded me that I've been told a deck must be given to you (or stolen), but not bought.

at the time, I thought "yeah, gypsies are into stealing stuff" and moved on.

without making me wiki, has anybody else ever heard this?
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Old 05.23.2009, 01:48 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
all this talk of buying tarot cards reminded me that I've been told a deck must be given to you (or stolen), but not bought.

at the time, I thought "yeah, gypsies are into stealing stuff" and moved on.

without making me wiki, has anybody else ever heard this?

Actually I think my friend said he stole his deck or somethin' like that.
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Old 05.23.2009, 02:34 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Shaka Moloch
do infinite radical actions especially when allied with
others as I
would appoint no fool mine

yes, actually, I think that IS the point.

the randomness of event involving both given and stolen items precludes the ability to project yr own will onto the deck, thereby spoiling the reading.

thank you.
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Old 05.23.2009, 03:05 PM   #49
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I like the kind that comes with an all-star Krautrock lineup.

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Old 05.23.2009, 07:39 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
all this talk of buying tarot cards reminded me that I've been told a deck must be given to you (or stolen), but not bought.

I've heard it but never taken in seriously. In fact, now twice in this thread which is more than in the last year or two. I dont know anyone who uses cards who has never bought a deck for themselves. *shrug*

It is along the same line as not paying anyone FOR a reading either. Well, your reader is not meant to ask for any payment for services. But, this is the modern world, and both things occur. When I buy myself a deck, I do so because I'm drawn to it in some way. It's always cleansed before using.. and you spend time getting to know all yr new cards.

Projecting on to a reading what you want to hear is probably possible, and it is a lot more difficult to do a read for yourself.. but personally I've never been told exactly what I'd like, or been shown things completely conflicting of current situations.

Though, if you sit there for an hour, and draw cards over and over in the hopes of getting one you like, sure I guess you could then fuck up a reading enough to say you've tainted it. I think I might have tried that once when I was say, 16... In tarot terms, if you are asking about say, whether you should buy a new car (Im using odd questions to clearly show what I mean), and your deck shows you 'no' but you arent happy with that... you have a lot more chance of it then saying 'popsicle' 'skateboard' 'cookie' at you.. before it gives up a 'yes, sure'. Funny yes, revealing no. If you have any kind of connection with yr cards, your own body, the deck, the world.. It knows what yr up to.
tiny and lost.
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Old 05.23.2009, 07:49 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Quick questions about the Tarot.....aren't you suppose to ask some kind of question beofre the reading? I don't really understand that part because don't most question require a definite answer? and I know the Tarot doesn't give an exact answer to anything.....but chea.

It helps both reader and the quarrent to understand what the reading is about yes. Reader doesn't really need to know yr question though. If quarrant is confused after a reading, it could be because they have more than one thing on their mind and the reading is in parts about both.. Reader can help clarify areas afterward too, because in certain layouts, cards mean things depending on where in the spread they fall.

Tarot wont tell you what to eat for breakfast, no. It's the difference between asking open and closed questions. You can't ask cards closed questions, they are objects and can't tell you what to do. You are a person, have choices.. etc.
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Old 05.23.2009, 09:51 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by phoenix
there are over 1000 threads on this forum which are NOT about tarot. how about you post in one of those, you sad sad insecure unstable internet person.

ze space.

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Old 05.24.2009, 03:00 AM   #53
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I'm speaking of people whom I know personally, to whom I wish I could offer friendly constructive advice, but that is considered rude. People who wear lizard eye contact lenses in public. I'm speaking out of pity, not annoyance.
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Old 05.24.2009, 03:04 AM   #54
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Old 05.24.2009, 07:33 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by EyeballGrowth
I'm speaking of people whom I know personally, to whom I wish I could offer friendly constructive advice, but that is considered rude. People who wear lizard eye contact lenses in public. I'm speaking out of pity, not annoyance.

dude maybe yr friends think yr rude because you call them sad and insecure and what not, either to their face or elsewhere. Not sure what relevance someone's contact lenses have to their general attitude on life though. It seems a little stereotypical to suggest that clothing/choice of adornments = state of mind and personality.
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Old 05.24.2009, 07:21 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by phoenix
dude maybe yr friends think yr rude because you call them sad and insecure and what not, either to their face or elsewhere. Not sure what relevance someone's contact lenses have to their general attitude on life though. It seems a little stereotypical to suggest that clothing/choice of adornments = state of mind and personality.

These are people who I want to help. These are people who are human "trainwrecks" and need help. It's stereotypical to want to help people?
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Old 05.25.2009, 12:12 AM   #57
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Can you steal a deck from another owner?
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Old 05.25.2009, 12:03 PM   #58
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the tarot was just a kind of mnemonic for the Knights Templars, a code language in picture format to tell their stories, plans, activities and history in secret while under the eye of the Popes and the Medici family.. the whole oracle aspect evolved later in ignorance as "pagan" and "superstitious" traditions were blended with the deck, in the same way we added numbers and shit to playing cards and made card games out of them..
Today Rap music is the Lakers
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Old 05.25.2009, 12:23 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
the whole oracle aspect evolved later in ignorance as "pagan" and "superstitious" traditions were blended with the deck

what do you mean in ignorance?
ze space.

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Old 05.25.2009, 12:29 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
the tarot was just a kind of mnemonic for the Knights Templars
Ha ha, SuchFriends, the Tesla of religious matters.
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