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Old 12.15.2008, 05:01 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
sarramkrop, it is only obvious to those who already know. I would venture that 95% of the USA population has no idea what taking off yr shoes and throwing them at someone MEANS, and if the method by which info is disseminated,the news media, does not cover it, even in passing, those 95% will never ever know

95% might never know, no matter what-- but there's no "disinformation campaign" as far as i can see; the washington post features ample discussion on the subject.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/community/groups/index.html?plckForumPage=ForumDiscussion&plckDiscu ssionId=Cat%3aa70e3396-6663-4a8d-ba19-e44939d3c44fForum%3a118311bf-3643-438e-bc41-c9fdc29ce4aeDiscussion%3ae354a258-54c4-4e35-bf2c-29435ea4ace0

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/community/groups/index.html?plckForumPage=ForumDiscussion&plckDiscu ssionId=Cat%3aa70e3396-6663-4a8d-ba19-e44939d3c44fForum%3a1a2d74ae-8f34-4030-981d-e66a0cda15f1Discussion%3a0f2f526e-79e5-44a2-8302-b86a6e26d507

if people choose to get their news from kiddie-level tv then it's their own idiot choice. i mean, 50% of people on this planet have an IQ under 100, right? it's gotta be expected...
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Old 12.15.2008, 05:04 PM   #42
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I think it was Maxwell Smart, in disguise, who threw the shoes. Didn't you hear it in the video where he goes, "Mr. President, it's for you. The Kremlin."
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 12.15.2008, 05:09 PM   #43
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Hmmm, Rob, you do have a point, though, 'cause I've asked a housemoute if he could please take the rubbish bag out the other day, and he told me that in his culture it is bad luck to do that bacause it attracts evil spirits into the house. With a straight face. True story.
Old 12.15.2008, 05:19 PM   #44
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"It is far better to prepare one's home for the cockroach than the evil spirit." It is a saying in the old country.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 12.15.2008, 05:42 PM   #45
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I did not say nor try to imply that there is a disinformation campaign, just that what passes for news in the USA is low level cow pie.
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Old 12.15.2008, 06:06 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I did not say nor try to imply that there is a disinformation campaign, just that what passes for news in the USA is low level cow pie.

yeah for the most part it's utter shit, but it's "what the public wants"-- news of rapes, murders, and carjacking, fires and catastrophes big and small, but nothing of what can help you make up your mind about your actions in the world.

same thing happens in most countries too though.

just because england has the bbc doesn't mean that all limeys get their news there.

to wit:



The Sun is a tabloid daily newspaper published in the United Kingdom and Ireland with the second highest circulation of any daily English-language newspaper in the world and the biggest circulation within the UK, standing at an average of 3,121,000 copies a day between January and June 2008 and with a daily readership of approximately 7,900,000, of which 56 per cent are male and 44 per cent female[1]. By circulation it is the eighth biggest newspaper in any language in the world,[2] one place behind its Sunday stablemate the News of the World, although their circulations are close and these places were briefly reversed during May 2008[3]. It reaches 2.9 million readers in the ABC1 demographic and 5.0 million in the C2DE demographic, compared to the 1.5 and 0.1 million respectively of its upmarket stablemate The Times.[1] It is published by News Group Newspapers of News International, itself a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation.[4][5]
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Old 12.15.2008, 06:16 PM   #47
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I remember the fall of the Saddam Hussein statue and anti-Baath Iraqis hitting the statues face with their shoes.

It was then explained by somebody in the news about the significance of the gesture.
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Old 12.15.2008, 06:24 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeah for the most part it's utter shit, but it's "what the public wants"-- news of rapes, murders, and carjacking, fires and catastrophes big and small, but nothing of what can help you make up your mind about your actions in the world.
Media criticism is one of my schools favorite subjects next to gender studies. Often they're all satisfied with condemning the big brother media that are trying to keep them dumb but then they leave class and turn on Gossip Girl.

There seems to be a lot of doublethink (sorry for 1984 allusion) when it comes to collective intelligence. Democracy is a beautiful idea but we hate it when we see it in our lowest common denominator media and then blame it on the media moguls. When you appeal to the idea of bettering the intelligence of the media, you then get liberty freaks saying they don't want to be brainwashed by the whatever agenda. Rob hates fascists but hates free media.
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Old 12.15.2008, 06:35 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
in the arab culture, taking off your shoes and throwing them at someone is the utmost in DISRESPECT. No one on crack ass white folks merica news seems to be talking about that aspect of it.

Really? I gotta be honest with you, I work at a CBS news radio station and that aspect has been mentioned extensively in just about every news package I've seen or heard about this story. Not just on CBS either.
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Old 12.15.2008, 07:34 PM   #50
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Throwing shoes isn't that easy... they are neither symmetric or aerodynamic. Try for yourself if you can hit someone standing on the other side of the room.
Bush' reflexes are fine, but he gets alarmed in advance because the Iraqi guy starts shouting before he throws. He should've just thrown the first one in silence.





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Old 12.15.2008, 09:25 PM   #51
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you know, if someone did that here they'd be shot down in a second right?

and when I seen it i was thinking, damn, that was a smooth juke by the president for being unexpected.
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Old 12.15.2008, 09:59 PM   #52
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Whether you like Bush or not...He has fast instincts
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Old 12.15.2008, 09:59 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
and when I seen it i was thinking, damn, that was a smooth juke by the president for being unexpected.
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Old 12.15.2008, 10:50 PM   #54
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Well, he's spent a lifetime dodging reporter's questions, sobriety tests, and [etc, etc, etc]... he should be excellent at dodging a SHOE.

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Old 12.16.2008, 12:05 AM   #55
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there are already a couple of games for this on the net. i noticed that the bodyguards were in no hurry to step in, give the man a prize i say.
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Old 12.16.2008, 01:30 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by pbradley

actually, it did seem a little set up don't you think? I mean, smooth NFL juke move by the president, smug smile on his face, no secret service shooting anybody, president says its not big deal in a later press conference, when hello, somebody threw a shoe at the fucking president of america, that is a big fucking deal. I say kudos if it is legit, but it sure smells staged to me..

But if it was legit, than I love it! Take that you ameri-nazi bastard! and I say, throw one at Obama to keep the motherfucker on his toes! all these dudes are the same evil, I say bring on the fucking righteous shoes!

in fact, they should be God's shoes to have that much more of an impact!


or these:

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Old 12.16.2008, 01:53 PM   #57
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I laughed when I saw it because Bush juked it, and GRINNED and then juked it again!!!! ha ha ha!

I think the secret service probably triple checked everyone in that room already so when homeslice took off his shoe they were just dumbfounded.

for SURE homie got a beat down immediately afterwards!

people in Iraq are taking to the streets to support the mad shoe tosser
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Old 12.16.2008, 01:58 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
actually, it did seem a little set up don't you think?
Only because the dude yelled "This is a goodbye kiss, you dog!" in arabic before throwing.

Then again I have no false sense of victimization to nurture.
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Old 12.16.2008, 03:12 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by pbradley

Then again I have no false sense of victimization to nurture.

where was that directed exactly? I think its safe you are implying me, as I am sure that Iraqis' have no false sense of victimization..

and you, you are silly, do you even know me? how can you know whether or not I have been victimized? I don't even tell y'all my personal history, you are inferring far too much..

maybe that shoe should in your mouth as well as the president's?

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Old 12.16.2008, 03:46 PM   #60
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