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Old 09.09.2008, 09:43 AM   #41
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rob... i know man, im on your side.... i was just saying in my non scientific way "what if?"

as i said i know when not to argue the point......
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Old 09.09.2008, 09:44 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by █████████
does the higgs bosom exist?

odds - yes 4.25 no 7.24

paypal me your money now!

what do I get?


If the higgs boson is "seen" then we can determine how matter gains mass.

if it does not "exist" then we need to re-evaluate how aprticles appear to have mass!

either way it is fun times ahead for physics nerds like myself.
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Old 09.09.2008, 09:45 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
stop acting like the calm and rational one, 'tanky.

yr disappointing me.

seriously, what's gotten into you??!

i'm not allowed to take a neutral stance on something that i really don't give a shit about?
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Old 09.09.2008, 09:45 AM   #44
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^^^ absolutely NOT. now get back to work transforming words into anger, young lady!

Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
either way it is fun times ahead for physics nerds like myself.
fun times.......AT THE BOTTOM OF A BLACK HOLE!!
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Old 09.09.2008, 09:47 AM   #45
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as for "what if's" I am more scared of president Dubya Bush getting trigger happy and choosing to start armagedon with the push of a single red button raining thermonuclear devices upon russia. that is MUCH more likely to happen than the Large Hadron Collider causing the end of the earth.

remember how people freaked about nukes? that setting off a niuke would start a chain reaction eating up the whole earth? morons! there ahve been over 3000 nuclear blasts on earth and we are still here having to suffer through animal colective's boring white boy freak folk, like beck with more of daddy's money for equuipment. yeah ! I said it!!
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Old 09.09.2008, 09:47 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
fun times.......IN THE BOTTOM OF A BLACK HOLE!!

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Old 09.09.2008, 09:50 AM   #47
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OMG a black hole ate yr picture.

PS: I changed to "at" the bottom. "in" the bottom didn't sit right.
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Old 09.09.2008, 09:51 AM   #48
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from -FUPPETS-

some of the questions that the LHC is seeking to answer. (my additions are in parentheses)

Is the popular Higgs mechanism for generating elementary particle masses in the Standard Model realised in nature? If so, how many Higgs bosons are there, and what are their masses? (if the Higgs Boson turns out not to exist then the basic theories about how quantum particles gain mass will have to be overhauled. If found, then it would allow confirmation as well as experimentation down the line. Either way it is kick ass.)

Will the more precise measurements of the masses of the quarks continue to be mutually consistent within the Standard Model?
(Every time we humans develop better instruments with which to analyze and measure the Universe we get closer and closer to the underlying structure of our Universe.)

Do particles have supersymmetric ("SUSY") partners?

(In particle physics, supersymmetry (often abbreviated SUSY) is a symmetry that relates elementary particles of one spin to another particle that differs by half a unit of spin and are known as superpartners. In other words, in a supersymmetric theory, for every type of boson (particles associated with "forces") there exists a corresponding type of fermion (particles associated with mass), and vice-versa. Supersymmetry appears to be a fundamental aspect of nature, but we have no real experimental evidence for it.)

Why are there apparent violations of the symmetry between matter and antimatter? See also CP-violation.
(CP is the designation given to the ratio that allows a particle to become it's own anti-particle. Particles and anti-particles are identical, except for their "quantum spin," which is opposite. CP violation happens in weak radioactive decay.)

Are there extra dimensions indicated by theoretical gravitons, as predicted by various models inspired by string theory, and can we "see" them?

(This is a very interesting question. If the LHC allows us to "see" these gravitons, theoretical particles that purportedly carry the gravitational charge, then our theories of relativity and quantum mechanics will have to be re-worked into one unified theory. Amazing stuff. If extra dimensions are shown, then it would give much more weight to the Superstring theorists with their predictions of multiple new dimensions, each one teeny tiny and curled in on itself.)

What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy?

(This one is a biggie! Over the past few decades we have come to understand that nearly all the matter we see in the Universe, all observable matter and energy, only makes up about 10% of the actual matter and energy that should be in our Universe for it to look and behave the way it does on a large macro-cosmic scale. If we can find evidence of dark matter or dark energy with the LHC it would be a whole new world of inquiry opened up to Earth scientists.)

Why is gravity so many orders of magnitude weaker than the other three fundamental forces?
(Gravity is the weakest natural force there is. It is so much weaker than anything else as to almost be negligible. For example, the electromagnetic force is very strong. you can use static cling to hold a paper clip up off of your desk, using a tiny amount of electromagnetic energy to negate the gravitational pull of the entire fucking Earth upon that paper clip. Insane huh? Some people propose in M Theory that gravity spreads throughout all Universes in the multi-verse, the multiple near infinite universes proposed by string theorists. If this is the case, and we can find out why gravity is so unexpectedly weak, then we could verify the "Multi-verse Theory!" Amazing!)
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Old 09.09.2008, 09:53 AM   #49
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higgs bosom?

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Old 09.09.2008, 09:55 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly

fun times.......AT THE BOTTOM OF A BLACK HOLE!!

Old 09.09.2008, 12:52 PM   #52
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gothic sluts are the best

problem is, in real life depressesd chicks do NOT WANT a hard penis impaling them repeatedly.

they just want to sit with a blanket and watch sad movies.

not that sexy!
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Old 09.09.2008, 02:23 PM   #53
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relax, everything is cool til December 2012. then we're fucked
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Old 09.09.2008, 02:25 PM   #54
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oh cool 6 years
Old 09.09.2008, 02:28 PM   #55
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i don't know what's funnier, the overreaction to this or the Mayan calendar of

anyway, the least this goddamn thing could do is wait till after the new
Project Runway tomorrow before it destroys us.
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Old 09.09.2008, 02:39 PM   #56
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i hope they reschedule for next week so i can see carcass before seeing you all in hell.
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Old 09.09.2008, 02:40 PM   #57
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carcass will be performing in hell, though, so you really can't lose.
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Old 09.09.2008, 02:42 PM   #58
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Can any of this really help us though?
My Music(grunge rock)

A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004
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Old 09.09.2008, 02:43 PM   #59
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i know, but that's the band i want to compare "before/after", same with the youth, although i'm guessing half the band will be going upstairs.
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Old 09.09.2008, 02:45 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
Can any of this really help us though?

we don;t know till we do it and LEARN from it!
that is true of EVERYTHING

people laughed at edison's recording machine, thinking it was pointless and useless.

people ridiculed marconi for trying to send signals through "thin air"

people to this very day say genetic research will do nothing for us, but NO ONE KNOWS THE FUTURE!
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