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Old 06.07.2008, 11:49 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by fugazifan
i agree. and i missed suchfriends point of dictatorships are better. fuck that. but what i do belive is that although america is democratic, not every country has to be, and america does not have the right to force its way to every place that it wants.
im so fed up with everything... fuck politics.
btw, what 3rd world country are you from?

and i agree that the way to prove that suchfrinds, although may not live in the best place, its still not a dictatorship is that he is free to leave whenever he wants

was born in peru & lived in mexico & the u.s. and of all of them i prefer the last one. (i spent almost a year in israel too). here you can bitch about the government all you want, you don't just suddenly "disappear" and then turn up in a mass grave-- well not until recently anyway.

what pisses me off is the way people have let the bill of rights go down the toilet in the name of "national security"-- but i believe that shameful era is coming to an end. hopefully we'll elect a president who is a constitutional scholar & will respect rather than rape the constitution. and then there is a huge grassroots movement of people getting organized to change things-- obama's campaign is in fact a grassroots organization.

there is a reason why people from all over the world want to come here, and it's not just economics. the freedoms you enjoy here are a rare treasure in what is mostly a brutal motherfucking world.

im not saying that suchfriends defends dictatorships per se, but he never answered my point-- however, you realize his signature is the picture of a so-called "emperor", right? the fact that he was a benevolent one and a relatively enlightened man doesn't change the fundamental anachronism and aberration that is a belief on the divine right of kings.
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Old 06.07.2008, 02:47 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by fugazifan
i agree. and i missed suchfriends point of dictatorships are better. fuck that. but what i do belive is that although america is democratic, not every country has to be, and america does not have the right to force its way to every place that it wants.
im so fed up with everything... fuck politics.
btw, what 3rd world country are you from?

and i agree that the way to prove that suchfrinds, although may not live in the best place, its still not a dictatorship is that he is free to leave whenever he wants

I never made such a point, in fact, my whole point has been that because America lives under a pseudo-democracy with a federal dictatorship. that is why I am leaving to begin with, to try my luck in another dictatorship because my heart and soul feel in trouble and absolute perrill here. !@#$%, if you think America is so great stick around, but when the police kill your friends in the street and tell you its not their problem, when you are sitting in a county jail where you haven't seen daylight in days, when you can't afford to pay any of yr bills and so yr kicked out of yr pad to look the streets for shelter, and suddenly find out that in the United States many many people live in the same third world conditions, and even worse, the vast MAJORITY of Americans, live in the same hell in their minds that the peope in the "third world" live under, a condition which we in Rastafari call sufferation, then you might know and understand.

Sufferation is universal, Babylon is universal. I-man is not escaping it in Ethiopia, I just feel closer to the earth there because of culture and history. I would rather suffer where my heart feels free then where it does not. This is no joke thing, you take it half-seriously because it is on the internet, and that is fine, I dont actually know any of you on a serious tip, so I would not expect that. But take my testimony as an American very very serious, because I AM an american, who lives in America, and was raised by America, and I am rather intelligent and well-informed about what goes in America, and I have collected a rather thick notebook of experience which is not even appropriate to discuss here, but none-the-less, think what you like about me, I am that I am, but here in America, it is what it is, and the testimony of I-man to you all as that it is fucked up!

hey cantankerous, take that love it or leave it shit and shove it up yr ass, people who think like that are what force people like me leave this dump behind rather then stick around and do some good for my homeland, but y'all dont want to hear it so I'm out. peace and love.
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Old 06.07.2008, 02:56 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!

im not saying that suchfriends defends dictatorships per se, but he never answered my point-- however, you realize his signature is the picture of a so-called "emperor", right? the fact that he was a benevolent one and a relatively enlightened man doesn't change the fundamental anachronism and aberration that is a belief on the divine right of kings.

did you realize that your judgement of Haile Selassie as a dictator is equally an anachronism in the opposite direction?

Originally Posted by !@#$%!

there is a reason why people from all over the world want to come here, and it's not just economics. the freedoms you enjoy here are a rare treasure in what is mostly a brutal motherfucking world.

these are called "plantation politics", its where you provide the people just enough resources so that they feel protected, attached, oblivious to the absurdity of their enslavement. In the US rent is out-rageous, property ownership is man against man, whatever happened to 'land or death'? [wrong Americans I guess, but maybe you already know what I am talking about !@#$%] Americans are slaves to their own economy, if they do not follow the taskmaster they will fall into extreme sufferation, in Los Angeles County alone there are over 50,000 homeless women and children, cursed to wander around like the refugees and squaters Americans think only exist in the third world.....

the bullshit civil liberties which individuals possess are just there to encourage them to continue to support the shitstem and remain slaves on the plantation. If the people ever just realized this, they might demand more. In America if you really try to challenge the status quo you will find out quickly that freedom here is illusory.
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Old 06.07.2008, 04:13 PM   #44
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Nobody deserves to spend their life in a country that gives them 'sufferation'. Maybe you should copy all the hostility you get on here and use it to claim asylum status. Tell the Ethiopian authorities you can never go back to the US for fear of mass neg-reps. It's a crazy plan, but hey, it might just work!
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