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Old 06.15.2007, 03:55 PM   #41
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Not if Hayden is in attendance. That'd be more like asking for trouble.
Old 06.15.2007, 03:56 PM   #42
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That one made me laugh. Good one, kroppie.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 06.15.2007, 04:49 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
OK, so coolness is actually achievable via heroin addiction and playing with your back to the crowd because some of them might have the wrong amount of melanin in their skin.

Check and check.

miles david was cool decades before he played with his back to the crowd
and by the way the main reason for playing with his back to the crowd was that he was playing with a rockfusion band, one that in no way was as capable of following miles as his older jazz quintet, nonet, or quartet.
he was keeping the young cats in check.
and he KICKED heroin all by himself, with no drama. COOLNESS SUPREME
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Old 06.15.2007, 05:02 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I played with my back to the crowd for the first couple of years I played shows.
It wasn't because I was cool though; it was because I was terrified.

It's usually quite easy to tell the difference between the scared band and the 'oh so cool' band. Personally, I wouldn't ever play with anyone who didn't face the audience, fucking rude if you ask me. But I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing if people do. Not talking to the audience often infuriates me as well. But I'm not the judge of all music. Just most of it.
Message boards are the last vestige of the spent masturbator, still intent on wasting time in some neg-heroic fashion. Be damned all who sail here.

Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Last time I was in Chicago I spent an hour in a Nazi submarine with a banjo player.
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Old 06.15.2007, 05:07 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Glice
It's usually quite easy to tell the difference between the scared band and the 'oh so cool' band. Personally, I wouldn't ever play with anyone who didn't face the audience, fucking rude if you ask me. But I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing if people do. Not talking to the audience often infuriates me as well. But I'm not the judge of all music. Just most of it.

I face forward now. I did a transitional period where I sort of faced sideways for a little while though.
I'm pretty big on not talking to the audience though. I'm up there to play some music. I currently have the set constructed so that every piece segues into the next, with no pauses until the end. I think there's something to be said for doing your thing and getting out of the area. I do say "thanks" at the end, but that's pretty much it.
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Old 06.15.2007, 05:09 PM   #46
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I heard Miles turned his back simply because he was shy.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 06.15.2007, 05:10 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
miles david was cool decades before he played with his back to the crowd
and by the way the main reason for playing with his back to the crowd was that he was playing with a rockfusion band, one that in no way was as capable of following miles as his older jazz quintet, nonet, or quartet.
he was keeping the young cats in check.
and he KICKED heroin all by himself, with no drama. COOLNESS SUPREME

I was pretty much joking about Miles, but if "coolness" is taken to mean "hard to rile," then I wouldn't say he was cool at all. He was pretty reactionary and pretty violent. Musically though, very cool. Definitely a fascinating character.

Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
COOL means, unable to be fazed.

you either pretend at it, or you have that inner stillness, which allows you to deal with everything that comes without spazzing out.

I don't think these characteristics were necessarily part of Miles' personality. There was a lot of rage there.
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Old 06.15.2007, 06:27 PM   #48
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Reading this thread, I'm just totally confused. Now I think cool is good again, which is TOTALLY cool.

But remember, there is good cool:


and there is bad cool:


And the day we confuse the two we become:

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Old 06.15.2007, 06:33 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Regarding people singing along at shows, the problem is not about it being "cool" or "uncool." The problem is that it's super fucking annoying.

i fucking hate that, particularly when i have paid 80-100 bucks to hear the band sing
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Old 06.15.2007, 06:37 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
Reading this thread, I'm just totally confused. Now I think cool is good again, which is TOTALLY cool.

But remember, there is good cool:


and there is bad cool:


And the day we confuse the two we become:


You should have watched 'They Live' by John Carpenter a long time ago. You missed the memo, so you are paying the price for it.
Old 06.15.2007, 06:37 PM   #51
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The best gigs ive been to have been the ones where theres been a bit of a sense of "togetherness", which has included singing along. But most of these occurred a long time ago. Something about the forthcoming Daydream Nation gigs thats interesting is that its going to be one of those events where everyone is going to be excited, and i wonder if that will spill over into people really losing themselves and singing/shouting/going mad, or if more seasoned gig-goers will make it a quiet affair.
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Old 06.15.2007, 06:38 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
You should have watched 'They Live' by John Carpenter a long time ago.

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Old 06.15.2007, 06:40 PM   #53
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Put those sunglasses on, and you'll see.
Old 06.15.2007, 06:41 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by demonrail666

I'm getting increasingly tired of the way so many people I meet seem to think that a certain lack of engagement, a reluctance to believe anything or a general 'so what' mentality makes them somwhow superior to those of us 'naive' enough to think otherwise.

hi welcome to >1983
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Old 06.15.2007, 06:43 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Put those sunglasses on, and you'll see.

Now everything just looks darker. And i keep bumping into furniture.
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Old 06.15.2007, 06:46 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by phoenix
hi welcome to >1983

As with any thread I start, my posts usually get better about three pages in. I promise you.

This is on the third page, and I think you'll notice a marked improvement. I'm one of life's late starters, strong finishers. I'm the Bolton of threads.
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Old 06.15.2007, 06:47 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
Now everything just looks darker. And i keep bumping into furniture.
20/20 on Tottenham Court road. Warned.
Old 06.15.2007, 06:52 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
20/20 on Tottenham Court road. Warned.

Now you're just being cryptic
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Old 06.15.2007, 06:55 PM   #59
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Ok. If you haven't seen the movie, it's well worth it. Do what you like, you're an adult.
Old 06.15.2007, 06:59 PM   #60
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Anyway, the only rule i'll never break is the one that tells me that a woman will always be cooler than a man.
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