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Old 04.09.2007, 11:43 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Why, sir, you are spoiling us with your 'public' hair.

it became public as soon as I talked about it.

now if I can just start my period....I'll be a man!
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Old 04.09.2007, 12:00 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Washing Machine
trust me....you havent met most of the adults I know (just talking from my experience). I just find it quite condesending to put down teenagers all the time. Intellegence depends on the person really.

I remember growing up and hating the fact that I knew loads about politics and these middle-aged Sun reading idiots that would seemingly always be around could go and vote (and vote things like BNP most of the time). And they would argue with me all the time about things and always think they were right (when I had in read hundreds of books on these said topics) sololy because they were older. In particular they would be really condesending about music (something I always knew a great deal about) thinking I could not possibly know anything of the music that came before i was born (when in reality the 70s amounted to no more than the BeeGees and Abba for them). I never had intellegent adults around but the people I hung out with were always very intellegent, well-spoken and could wipe the floor in a debate with anyone twice their age. It instilled in me a respect for teenagers and kids that will never leave me.

I'm trying to tell you that I don't think you're taking into consideration the effect of life experience on a person's intelligence, which should be a greater factor than music, books, and politics combined. And I know that street smarts aren't everything, but I'm assuming these people are for the most part still alive, and they did choose to raise you and your friends, and the way you talk about it, they aren't preventing you from spouting off on message boards and in real life about whatever topics you want. They are giving you your space to grow and develop as you choose, and so in that way they are giving you the control, which takes strength of character on their part. And that's where you and your lot come along, and somehow I doubt that you will be as understanding of the generation to come after you as your parents' generation was of you. The feeling I get on this board is that when all of the teenagers start reproducing, they'll be too busy imposing themselves and their tastes on their children to let the kids have that little bit of extra room to discover things for themselves. And yes, even go through a phase where they listen to atrociously bad music, GOD FORBID. You've set such a high standard for the kids and teenagers you know, that if/when your own children fail to live up to that, I fear that you may go apeshit. So this is just a heads up, to relax a little and enjoy what people can offer rather than expecting them all to be just like you.
"I sweat like a fucking nun on Sunday...I don't even know what that means."
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Old 04.09.2007, 12:58 PM   #43
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Luxinterior you are missing the point slightly. Im not really talking about my family. My mother whist not interlectually inclined is incredably wise in the 'life experience' department. The people im talking about were absolute baboons. They had screwed everything up there entire life and dispite this when you would point the obvious out to them would still think they were right purely on the basis of them being older. They would then live to prove you right. They would argue even when it was clear that they were wrong and could never except that someone younger was in the right. In short idiots!...now being a legal adult (in the great state of wales anyway) I tend to take absolutely no notice of these type of people.

I'm nearly 19 and never talk down to anyone, or assume that just because someone is younger they are less intelligent. My Mother never talked down to me and I will never take such a condescending attitude towards my children. I hate people putting down teenagers because it is just simply unfair. Plus a lot of older people now come to me for advice.

I have also known people to lose wisdom in age. I think people get so comsumed with stress during middle-age that they lose focus. If they were intelligent to start with they usually gain greater wisdom, dignity and are all round nicer people to talk to at around 50. Its just a pattern i've observed and it of course doesnt apply to everyone...

All in all leave the teenagers alone people

How old are you luxinterior? (as a matter of interest)
....Of Course its some kinda cosmic payback for being too ironic!
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Old 04.09.2007, 01:12 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Washing Machine
Luxinterior you are missing the point slightly. Im not really talking about my family. My mother whist not interlectually inclined is incredably wise in the 'life experience' department. The people im talking about were absolute baboons. They had screwed everything up there entire life and dispite this when you would point the obvious out to them would still think they were right purely on the basis of them being older. They would then live to prove you right. They would argue even when it was clear that they were wrong and could never except that someone younger was in the right. In short idiots!...now being a legal adult (in the great state of wales anyway) I tend to take absolutely no notice of these type of people.

I'm nearly 19 and never talk down to anyone, or assume that just because someone is younger they are less intelligent. My Mother never talked down to me and I will never take such a condescending attitude towards my children. I hate people putting down teenagers because it is just simply unfair. Plus a lot of older people now come to me for advice.

I have also known people to lose wisdom in age. I think people get so comsumed with stress during middle-age that they lose focus. If they were intelligent to start with they usually gain greater wisdom, dignity and are all round nicer people to talk to at around 50. Its just a pattern i've observed and it of course doesnt apply to everyone...

All in all leave the teenagers alone people

How old are you luxinterior? (as a matter of interest)

I'm your age, though I'm sure you could have found that out yourself by looking at my profile.

I really do not think I'm missing the point. Basically you're complaining about a group of adults who you portray as deadbeats, yet you still persist in arguing with them over pointless things? You're wasting your time. And you have too much faith in your own generation to change things. It's not going to happen. Kids suck, and I think you're doing them a disservice by insisting that they are better people than they actually are. You make them out to be these great minds, which leaves no room for growth. Unfortunately I think too many people stop growing (intellectually) at such a young age because they're led to believe that they are smarter than they really are. So there's no motivation to improve or change, even though the situation may call for it. If in ten years you look back on yourself as you were at age 18 and are as in awe of your own wisdom as you are right now, then you wouldn't have made any progress whatsoever.
"I sweat like a fucking nun on Sunday...I don't even know what that means."
- Sebastian Bach

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Old 04.09.2007, 01:16 PM   #45
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If I have nothing constructive to say to people in the real life, I won't say much.
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Old 04.09.2007, 01:33 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by luxinterior
I'm your age, though I'm sure you could have found that out yourself by looking at my profile.

I really do not think I'm missing the point. Basically you're complaining about a group of adults who you portray as deadbeats, yet you still persist in arguing with them over pointless things? You're wasting your time. And you have too much faith in your own generation to change things. It's not going to happen. Kids suck, and I think you're doing them a disservice by insisting that they are better people than they actually are. You make them out to be these great minds, which leaves no room for growth. Unfortunately I think too many people stop growing (intellectually) at such a young age because they're led to believe that they are smarter than they really are. So there's no motivation to improve or change, even though the situation may call for it. If in ten years you look back on yourself as you were at age 18 and are as in awe of your own wisdom as you are right now, then you wouldn't have made any progress whatsoever.

Of course I dont argue anymore its pointless but getting treated like an idiot by a punch of actual idiots at 15 years old tends to make one cranky to say the least. People tend not to grow interlectually when treated like they are full of crap. Not long ago I was sitting by this 14/15 year old year (dont ask..) and her mother was having a go at her whist she was making a perfectly valid point. And I was sat there thinking the women was an idiot (someone I knew actually). Thinking there were so many better ways to deal with the situation. I'm not in awe of my own wisdom or intelligence im just irritated by the moronic nature in which the rest of society conducts itself. That has been a reoccuring theme ever since ive been about 14. I'm just a disenchanted miserable old hag and will nothing will ever change that.

On the subject of Teenagers. I Find when you treat them as you would other people, an intellegence, wisdom and personality comes out that you wouldnt have expected to exist. You just have to stop talking down to them...trust me I DO have experience in this field.
....Of Course its some kinda cosmic payback for being too ironic!
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Old 04.09.2007, 01:34 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
The call and response beween the two above posters prove that life exists and is thriving.Much kudos to both, rather than vulgar rep. Last post by Lux reminded me, almost crudely, of Alice Miller's The Drama Of Being A Child book. Fucking A.

Thanks sarramkrop!
And as usual I love your posts!
....Of Course its some kinda cosmic payback for being too ironic!
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Old 04.09.2007, 02:00 PM   #48
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Eric Begosian is a bad ass fucking playwright.

Talk Radio is a great fucking movie. Begosian rules!
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Old 04.09.2007, 02:03 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
You never give anything constructive to the world. Go on , defend yourselves if you can. I'm here to hear all about it.

yawn. Slint wrote spiderland when they were 21. full stop.

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Old 04.09.2007, 02:20 PM   #50
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We give our young, nubile bodies. What more do you want?
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Old 04.09.2007, 02:42 PM   #51
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Bring on the nubiles.
The elderly in modern times try to act and behave like their younger counter parts, by listening to mainstream, popular music and buying into the new trend of absurd anti-ageing products.
I say bring in euthanasia. (only messing!)
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Old 04.09.2007, 02:45 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by SonicSam
yawn. Slint wrote spiderland when they were 21. full stop.

and they have been milking it ever since.

its true that some teen/twenties do take up way too much room.
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Old 04.09.2007, 03:42 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
You never give anything constructive to the world. Go on , defend yourselves if you can. I'm here to hear all about it.

Wait! Don't post - it's a trap. Doesn't the number of responses to this thread sort of verify the above statement?
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Old 04.09.2007, 03:57 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Washing Machine
"Shitter level of intelligence"

I don't get this. I'm 18 and still more intelligent than most of the older people I know. Hell not to be too arrogant but I was at 15 too!

My point was that I'm more intelligent than I was then now. So are most people I know. Not necessarily more intelligent than *I* was at that age - I was pretty fucking clever - but more intelligent than they *themselves* were at that age. I think I'm right in saying that intelligence doesn't regress as you age until you get an awful lot older.

Point being, most individuals are more smart at 20 than they were at 15. Like I am.

N.B. Yeah, there are a lot of differing types of "intelligence" but you know exactly where I'm coming from here.
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Old 04.09.2007, 04:01 PM   #55
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noone, outside of the arts and sciences (the "creative" endeavors) really does anything of worth in the world until they are past 30, most well past 30 years old.
It's just how it is.
which is why teens and young adults are alowed to act the fool and get stupid and raise hell and sew their oats. it does not matter.

most people do not get politically active until they have children and their children get a bit older.

the kids are allllllllllllright.

the young womenb still got tight big asses and wet coopappies and the guys still have rock hard bones they have NO IDEA what to do with to pleasure a woman.

all the better for the older guys giving it good to the young women out there who want someone to actually rock their world, instead of using them as cumbuckets,.

work sucks.
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Old 04.09.2007, 04:03 PM   #56
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rob instigator, i thought you where 16.
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Old 04.09.2007, 04:05 PM   #57
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hahah! Nope. I am just a child at heart! ha ha!

I am a 33 year old texarican
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Old 04.09.2007, 04:06 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
hahah! Nope. I am just a child at heart! ha ha!

I am a 33 year old texarican

yes i can see how its easy to mix those things up.
Sarcasm[A] is stating the opposite of an intended meaning especially in order to sneeringly, slyly, jest or mock a person, situation or thing

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Old 04.09.2007, 08:10 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by sarramkrop
You never give anything constructive to the world. Go on , defend yourselves if you can. I'm here to hear all about it.

OH. Excluding me, right?
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Old 04.10.2007, 03:56 AM   #60
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