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Old 09.18.2018, 08:55 AM   #4621
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Originally Posted by h8kurdt
Rather a "trannie" with brains than a rich white male with shit for brains
but shit for brains is what tessie is all about...
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Old 09.18.2018, 04:34 PM   #4622
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Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
“It’s not clear why Manafort agreed to flip after a year of refusing to do so.”.

I think Manafort is going to take down Podesta & Group - and I keep hearing Weiner's laptop is back in play. One can hope!
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Old 09.18.2018, 04:47 PM   #4623
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No shit sherlock. Do you use Amazon? I stopped several years ago when I realized my quest to save 25% was a quest to destroy my literal community and how they bottom feed every other job from warehousing to delivery, destroying real workers real union jobs.

I think you people are the most beautifully deluded generation ever, I say 'well, I think that might be good' and I'm automatically 100% Trump for Life + some drunken slur - I won't have your ideology forced on me and many people feel the same way. Generation Deluded!
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Old 09.18.2018, 05:41 PM   #4624
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Trump is a certified moron, watch this video and be amazed

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Old 09.18.2018, 05:54 PM   #4625
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"If Dr. Christine Blasey Ford said you pinned her on a bed and tried to rape her, would she be lying?"
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Old 09.19.2018, 03:33 AM   #4626
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Originally Posted by tesla69
No shit sherlock. Do you use Amazon? I stopped several years ago when I realized my quest to save 25% was a quest to destroy my literal community and how they bottom feed every other job from warehousing to delivery, destroying real workers real union jobs.

I think you people are the most beautifully deluded generation ever, I say 'well, I think that might be good' and I'm automatically 100% Trump for Life + some drunken slur - I won't have your ideology forced on me and many people feel the same way. Generation Deluded!

Ooh he's an angry elf!

I actually don't get what you're babbling on about. I'm pointing out how you post about the Chinese government using facial recognition and how HORRENDOUS it is (which it is and bad sign of the directions we're heading in). I just replied back with the fact that your own government is quite happily using them. I wasn't attacking you in anyway. Just trying to highlight some flaws in your arguments. Don't point to another country and say what they're doing is so wrong when your own is doing the exact same thing.

Actually, seeing I started pointing out your flaws I'll carry on.
I love how you profess to care about workers and "real union jobs" when your hero of the hour Trump has started the strangle to kill union jobs. But of course, let your obsessive hatred for my "generation" blind you. Even though a)you have no idea how old I am or anything else about me and b)the reason workers rights even exist is because of the left.

Once again, Trump and his cronies couldn't give a fuck about you and your workers rights, and will happily try to destroy every bit of it.

Anyway, cheer up doll.

Down with this sort of thing.
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Old 09.19.2018, 01:06 PM   #4627
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i’ve been saving this to read since it appeared the other day and now im in the middle of it

since i’m not big on patience i came here to post the link to it

“a manifesto for renewing liberalism”


pretty good so far!
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Old 09.20.2018, 10:53 AM   #4628
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"what happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep, that's been a good thing for all of us" ---Brett Kraven-augh 2015 Columbus School of Law speech

audience laughed their asses off
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Old 09.20.2018, 11:04 AM   #4629
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here is the essay with analysis and policy proposals that go with that thing above. lots to digest:


i didn’t know the economist was so old! bananas. ok.
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Old 09.20.2018, 05:54 PM   #4630
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Originally Posted by tesla69
We have a president who is protecting us against Chinese dumping and slave labor and the transnationalists all go WAAH!! Trump is horrible, we want a trannie for president!

What exactly would be the problem with an LGBTQIA+R/-R/RW president anyway?

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Old 09.20.2018, 06:14 PM   #4631
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hey tessie check this out

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Old 09.20.2018, 07:19 PM   #4632
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Dude, where's my wall?
Trump complains about lack of funding for border wall in 'ridiculous' GOP spending bill

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Old 09.21.2018, 02:35 PM   #4633
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Kathleen Parker in the WP :

"Is there a Kavanaugh doppelganger?

As crazy as that sounds, it wouldn't be unheard of. And, given the high regard in which Kavanaugh has been held throughout his life, including during high school, it would make the most sense. Could there be a Kavanaugh doppelganger?"

https://www.washingtonpost.com/opini...a7 1ca9c03115

Wonkette's reply:

It could actually be his evil identical cousin. Like Patty Duke and David Duke.
It was his doppelganger, but much like Princess Gina/Hope on Days of Our Lives, said doppelganger was actually someone who got plastic surgery to look exactly like Brett Kavanaugh and pretended to be him in order to win back the love of his life/go around trying to rape ladies at shitty house parties, and the REAL Brett Kavanaugh was trapped in a cage the whole time!
The doppelganger is actually Dark Brett Kavanaugh from another dimension, in which he is a vampire and wears a lot more PVC than the regular Brett Kavanaugh from this dimension.
It actually was Brett Kavanaugh but he has a split personality, but he doesn't know he has a split personality on account of how it only ever comes out when he wants to sexually assault someone or rule against women's reproductive rights.
It actually was Brett Kavanaugh, but he was under an evil witch's spell, like Evil Charity on Passions.
Brett Kavanaugh and Bart O'Kavanaugh were separated at birth because their real mother couldn't afford to keep both of them and so she gave Brett to her employer to raise as her own -- and the rich one, the real Brett Kavanaugh, is the one who tried to rape Christine Blasey Ford. BUT, the poor one murdered him and took over his life. Like in the Bette Davis movies Dead Ringer and A Stolen Life and also kind of like in Blood Brothers, but not really because they both die in that.
Dr. Blasey is actually the one with the secret twin, and her secret twin was dating Brett Kavanaugh, and they were very into role play, and Brett Kavanaugh thought she was her own twin, which she wasn't.
It was Brett Kavanaugh, but he was possessed by an evil inter-dimensional entity named BOB -- known to be prone to both rape and murder -- at the time, so he is not responsible for his actions at this time.
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Old 09.22.2018, 12:23 AM   #4634
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Jesus Crap on a cracker, now it feels like the shit's really close to hit the fan (as we all knew it eventually would). This motherfucker better lose both houses in November — otherwise get ready to see the Four Horsemen of the Saturday Night Massacre Trumpocalypse descend on D.C.

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Old 09.22.2018, 12:37 PM   #4635
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^House alone would be enough to prevent a lot of damage, has the budget power and the power to start holding hearings about a whole lot of shit. And a great group of chairs of committees, too. Looking forward to Nov!!
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Old 09.22.2018, 08:55 PM   #4636
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K.T. McFarland revised her statement on Flynn

McFarland, who served as Flynn's deputy on the National Security Council, was first interviewed by the FBI without a lawyer at her Hamptons home in summer 2017. She said at that time she didn't have a precise memory of whether Flynn had spoken to the then-Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak or what they may have discussed.

But shortly after Flynn pleaded guilty in December 2017 to lying to investigators about his conversation with Kislyak about sanctions, McFarland spoke to the special counsel's office. She had reviewed her notes and documents by then and walked back what she previously said — this time saying that she could infer from a general conversation with Flynn that he had discussed sanctions with Kislyak.


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Old 09.23.2018, 12:10 PM   #4637
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Old 09.24.2018, 11:05 AM   #4638
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Beto emulates Keith Moon

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Old 09.25.2018, 05:31 PM   #4639
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This Friday, Stand with Bandcamp to Protect Voting Rights for All

In just seven weeks, the United States will hold its midterm elections—a vitally important moment that will determine whether the country stays on its current path, or renews its commitment to democracy.

As a community built around the idea of empowering and amplifying individual voices, Bandcamp is doing two things to bolster the democratic process in this historically consequential election.

Voter Registration

First, we’re encouraging U.S. visitors to Bandcamp to register to vote, and helping them do that on our site. The unfortunate fact is that most people don’t vote in midterm elections: only 17% of young people voted in the 2014 midterms, and 40% of eligible voters overall. Turnout for the 2016 presidential election was not much better, with the predictable result being a government that reflects the values and priorities of the very few. We can change this, but only if more of us vote. You can register or find your polling place here.

A Fundraiser to Protect Voting Rights

More immediately, we want to help protect the right to vote itself, which is increasingly under attack by elected officials who seek to stay in power by undemocratically and illegally disenfranchising minorities, young people, and the poor. According to a recent study, 20 states have passed new, restrictive voting laws since 2010, which include arbitrary cutoff dates for early voters, unnecessary burdens on the voter registration process, and a tightening of voter ID requirements. Now more than ever, we need to make sure that every person who wants to exercise their right to vote can do so easily, without hassle, anxiety, or obstruction.

And so this Friday (from midnight to midnight Pacific Time), for any purchase you make on Bandcamp, we will donate 100% of our share of the proceeds towards the Voting Rights Project, a program led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law to advance and protect the right to vote and ensure that right is afforded equally to all.

To participate as a fan, simply purchase music through Bandcamp on Friday and we’ll donate our share of the sale to the Voting Rights Project. To participate as an artist or label, send some or all of your share of Friday’s sales directly to the Voting Rights Project here, and let us know your plan in the comments below so that we can help spread the word.

And of course, if you are a U.S. citizen, register to vote today and get out to the polls on November 6th—it’s not hyperbole to say that our future depends on it.

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Old 09.25.2018, 09:49 PM   #4640
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Sarah Sanders: "The president wants this process to come to a vote because that's what's supposed to happen. In every single one of these instances where someone is nominated, they go before, they have a hearing and then the senators vote on it."



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