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Old 09.11.2006, 05:50 AM   #21
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This must be the quietest 9/11 to date. Looks like everyone's tired of talking about it. I'm not surprised. Next!
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Old 09.11.2006, 05:55 AM   #22
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Old 09.11.2006, 06:06 AM   #23
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i feel sorry for all the people who's loved one's died in 9/11.

you should have any sig you want crypto.
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Old 09.11.2006, 08:05 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Tokolosh
This must be the quietest 9/11 to date. Looks like everyone's tired of talking about it. I'm not surprised. Next!
Yeah, there has hardly been any talk about it.
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Old 09.11.2006, 08:08 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Yeah, there has hardly been any talk about it.

You should come to the UK, there's been nothing BUT programmes about it on the TV this week.
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Old 09.11.2006, 08:12 AM   #26
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Really? Well maybe there are here too, I haven't been watching TV for the last couple of days.
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Old 09.11.2006, 08:19 AM   #27
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Watched Loose Change on tv last night and it was pretty interesting. The music didn't fit the documentary though. Odd.
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Old 09.11.2006, 09:47 AM   #28
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Everyone around me seems to have forgotten september 11th by now. No one was talking about it. Ok, there are a few documentaries, but in the last years, it was different.
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Old 09.11.2006, 09:49 AM   #29
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Hey, I've an idea.

Let's dwell on this tragedy some more!
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Old 09.11.2006, 10:15 AM   #30
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Is it me, or has anyone else noticed how trendy it has become to publicly display their interest in Noam Chomsky and Che?
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Old 09.11.2006, 11:23 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by cheguevara6
Wanted to pose some questions here:

1. Why is september 11th refered to as the "worst act of terrorism in our nations history? Anyone with any background in history, or anyone who makes a cursory look at history will notice atrocities occuring on american soil, or what is now american soil, all the way back to when Columbus "discovered" America. Columbus and his men, would rape the Arawak, sic dogs on them, beat them, and set them on fire at the stake in groups of thirteens (christians know what this is in reference to). White "settlers" massacred an entire people. Native Americans were nearly exterminated. 10's of millions of Africans were transported from Africa to America for a lovely life of beatings, whippings and backbreaking work all to serve whites. 10's of millions of Africans died along the way in the so called Middle Passage. From the 1800's until the mid 1950's, black men were routinely hung/lynched for crimes they may or may not have committed, many revolving around the idea of a black man raped a white woman. The act of enslaving an entire people, is that not a terrorist act? How about giving Native Americans small pox? Or the continueing enslavement of blacks in jails and prisons, or the wanton brutality involved in the wholesale murder of many black males at the hand of raving lunatic pigs in inner cities? The murder of millions of Vietnamese, and use of napalm, is that terrorism? How about the murder of hundreds of thousands of people in Nagasaki and Hiroshima? The forced internment of Japanese Americans, that surely is not a terrorist act right?

Do those atrocities not constitute a terrorist actions? Are we so blind in society that we only care about ourselves? As Noam chomsky said, "september 11th wasnt extraordinary, what was, was the victim" (ie americans).

2. As a society we have to realize as Noam Chomsky suggested to even pursue the war against terror, is laughable. This barb is aimed at both parties. The fact that america is the single greatest purveyor of violence in our nations history makes it laughable we should want to eradicate it. If you feel thats too extreme, none other that MLK said that. He wasnt all that extreme in politics. He wasnt calling for seperatist ideas as malcolm was.
In your opinion is it even worth it to pursue this war on terrorism that is actually, terrorism!?

3. The fact we as a society fail to understand, we were hit on septemeber 11th not because of our freedoms. People under taliban rule didnt bomb a abortion clinic or a antiwar rally or a progun rally. They bombed the WTC because of our foreign policy. Until we realize that, nothing will change.

As ward churchill said :"stop killing our kids, if you want your own to be safe."

Your views are so flawed I don't know where to begin. "Our nation" is only 200+ years old, so lose that Columbus shit. Vietnam and Japan, last I checked, are not apart of the USA. Noam Chomsky is a fucking moron, and I'm sorry you're so captivated by him you've based half of your post on his words.
Look, our nation has done some fucked up things lately regarding foreign policy. I will be the first to admit that. The rest of the world is justified in disliking us, but at the same time must realize that we as citizens don't agree with a lot of it either. Look at Bush's approval rating. However, this rant you're going on has totally shifted from your original question. The statement means that it was the most catastrophic attack on civilians by a "terrorist" organization since this country was formed. Not to be confused with the worst, most despicable act that we have commited domestically or to another country during war-time. Talk this shit tomorrow...don't do this today. For some people this day still has meaning. In the mean time, goggle "Bataan Death March" or "treatment of POWs in vietnam". Nobody's perfect.
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Old 09.11.2006, 11:31 AM   #32
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oh no. al qaeda has infiltrated the SY board under a che moniker. they know we'll listen to che because all the cool kids are wearing che shirts.
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Old 09.11.2006, 11:35 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by fishmonkey
i feel sorry for all the people who's loved one's died in 9/11.

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You really are a gentleman and a scholar aren't!

Down with this sort of thing.
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Old 09.11.2006, 11:39 AM   #34
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Next time our fearless leaders drag out their World War Two analogies to talk about their "war on terrorism," let's remember it took us less than four years after the attack on Pearl Harbor to defeat enemies on two fronts. It's been five years since our "war on terrorism" started, we're mired in a civil war in a country that has nothing to do with terrorism, and Osama bin Laden is still out there. Hmm...
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 09.11.2006, 12:35 PM   #35
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all this balls and yet che has some good points.

oh i am not a communist nor an acolyte of chomsky nor do i have any love for religious fundamentalisms (islamic, christian or otherwise), but let's remember:

a) the british burned washington dc to the ground (that would qualifiy as "worst attack ever on u.s. soil")

b) the u.s. has been exporting violence to the rest of the world for the past century and beyond (mexican american war of 1846 anyone (with then-future president lincoln opposing it)? the invasion of spanish colonies in 1898 with the support of sensationalist journalism? the marines invading the dominican republic? somoza? pinochet? reagan giving chemical weapons & logistical & intelligence support to saddam to attack iran? the invasion of panama (and the creation of panama in the first place)? give us a break...)

c) of course, war is a fact of life, however we don't like to admit it.

d) and still all this crap does not justify or make more palatable the massacre of civilians on september 11.

e) however, rah-rah dunces need to get their heads out of their asses and get some historical perspective. saying that anyone who criticizes this government is a "terrorist" is just a public demonstration of one's personal imbecility.

now, i thought this might be a bad day to be on the board because of this, and maybe i'll be proven right in a few hours (or less).
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Old 09.11.2006, 06:29 PM   #36
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is anybody watching how it happened on CNN? From the begining to the end.

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Old 09.11.2006, 06:30 PM   #37
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i hope they show bush reading "my pet goat" while everything was going to shit
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Old 09.11.2006, 06:31 PM   #38
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I think i remember seeing it. but not sure if it was somewhere else.
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Old 09.11.2006, 06:34 PM   #39
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and the video:

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Old 09.11.2006, 06:49 PM   #40
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what was funny is that he was reading it upside down.
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