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Old 05.02.2011, 07:41 AM   #21
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I find it disgusting to see pictures like these (http://www.ndtv.com/news/images/stor...ecentre295.jpg) in the wake of all of this. I've even seen "Osama Bin Laden is Dead" pub crawls (complete with t-shirts) in my face book thread. This changes nothing. It removes Obama's original justification for continuing the war on terror, but I'm positive that the the war on terror will continue anyway. The very fact that Americans are celebrating this kind of thing only proves that the initial causes of September 11th are completely unknown to them. For these people, 9/11 happened "because they hate us", overlooking the decades of unwarranted presence the US has had in the Middle East, both economically and militarily. People taking to the streets, reveling in an event that WILL NOT change their day-to-day life, is only a symbol to the rest of the world that US aggression is truly mutual; the people of the US back the occupation that compromises these nation's to achieve a real democracy.

It's another reminder that any faith I have in the American public is unwarranted. My little bubble of optimism has popped once again.
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Old 05.02.2011, 07:51 AM   #22
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they've already "buried him at sea".

how long before the next tape?

how long before bombs go off in Europe (America is safe)?
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Old 05.02.2011, 08:05 AM   #23
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They're losing the war on drugs, so they have to be seen to be winning the war on terror.
A cynic may think that he actually died last week, but the news was held back to avoid possible reprisals at some wedding that was televised worldwide to a huge audience from a major city, then dumped the body at sea when the maggots may have given the game away regarding the freshness of the corpse, haha.
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Old 05.02.2011, 08:10 AM   #24
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Old 05.02.2011, 08:52 AM   #25
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Why didn't ride horses and hold his head from town to town so people could celebrate? Why didn't they throw his corpse to the crowds so they'd play football with it?
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Old 05.02.2011, 09:06 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by knox
Why didn't ride horses and hold his head from town to town so people could celebrate? Why didn't they throw his corpse to the crowds so they'd play football with it?
Exactly. William Wallace's head was attached to a London bridge until his flesh became so decomposed that it fell off into the below river AND his body parts were strewn throughout England to be mocked. I think Osama Bin Laden deserves something even worse than THAT surely.
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Old 05.02.2011, 09:23 AM   #27
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If you only assasinate the head of state you're not
eliminating the state itself or its army. I don't find it surprising that some Americans view this death as some sort of victory because there's never really been much of a terrorist threat over there the way some other western countries experienced on a more regular basis, particularly in the 70s and the 80s. The mass hysteria that ensued with 9/11 was inevitable because of the amount of human lives lost and the ''one-offness'' nature of the episode. To many of those people chanting victory on the street today politics are easily digested when they are explained in a linear and uncomplicated way to follow.
More than pointing the finger at them in a judgemental way, I find it more worrying the fact that in the US there doesn't seem to be any other way, for the time being at least, to approach political protest with a more coherent theory/tactic which doesn't involve the sloganeering in bites of an ever so week left or the general extremism of thought that would only benefit a fascistic sci-fi scenario.
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Old 05.02.2011, 09:24 AM   #28
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the CIA won't like what I have to tell you, but I love you, so I will anyways: they "buried him af sea" because they didn't bury him at all.

by saying that he's at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, they prevent having to "follow islamic tradition" or give a billion unwashed fanatics a martyr's grave.

he's on ice aboard an aircraft carrier. likely with Petty Officer Suchnsuch taking posed pictures of his very tiny penis with a peace sign on one hand and thumbs up on the other.

gotta catch em all.
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Old 05.02.2011, 09:32 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Derek
Exactly. William Wallace's head was attached to a London bridge until his flesh became so decomposed that it fell off into the below river AND his body parts were strewn throughout England to be mocked. I think Osama Bin Laden deserves something even worse than THAT surely.

I picture Mel Gibson's head.
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Old 05.02.2011, 09:38 AM   #30
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another terrorist active on US soil died last week, only this one was protected by old man Bush.

Orlando Bosch, a prominent Cuban exile militant charged and then acquitted in the bombing of a Cuban jetliner in 1976, died in Miami Wednesday. He was 84.

Bosch’s most famous attack occurred Sept. 16, 1968 when he and other exiles allegedly fired a recoilless rifle at a Polish freighter docked at the Port of Miami.
Found guilty in the attack, Bosch was sentenced to 10 years in prison but after being paroled fled abroad.
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Old 05.02.2011, 10:16 AM   #31
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Fuckin A!
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Old 05.02.2011, 10:30 AM   #32
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yesterday "news":
osama is still alive, fear of terrorist attacks worldwide.
today "news":
osama is dead, fear of terrorist attacks worldwide.
11:11 11-11-11 I Ascended.
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Old 05.02.2011, 10:36 AM   #33
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Old 05.02.2011, 10:49 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
11:11 11-11-11 I Ascended.
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Old 05.02.2011, 10:59 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Genteel Death
If you only assasinate the head of state you're not
eliminating the state itself or its army. I don't find it surprising that some Americans view this death as some sort of victory because there's never really been much of a terrorist threat over there the way some other western countries experienced on a more regular basis, particularly in the 70s and the 80s. The mass hysteria that ensued with 9/11 was inevitable because of the amount of human lives lost and the ''one-offness'' nature of the episode. To many of those people chanting victory on the street today politics are easily digested when they are explained in a linear and uncomplicated way to follow.
More than pointing the finger at them in a judgemental way, I find it more worrying the fact that in the US there doesn't seem to be any other way, for the time being at least, to approach political protest with a more coherent theory/tactic which doesn't involve the sloganeering in bites of an ever so week left or the general extremism of thought that would only benefit a fascistic sci-fi scenario.

i grew up in a country plagued by terrorism and i have no illusions about this shit, but i still think the killing of trash bin laden was fucking awesome-- it's been 10 years overdue and there's a sense of relief that it's finally over for him. if he had only been found earlier there would have been much less of an excuse for the neocon cowboy expedition to iraq. motherfuckers probably let him go on purpose. the consolation prize is that this was done with obama as president and not with the idiot that fucked it all up in the first place.

yes, there is this easy way in here in 'merica of labeling your enemies "evil" which implies that you're "good" and can do no wrong, and it's naive and stupid and self-deluded and dangerous, but that doesn't change the fact that this turd needed to be shat for the past 10 years-- longer even, since clinton was out to get him before the kamikaze airliners.

anyway good fucking riddance and yeah, we opened a bottle and celebrated last night. i'm sure you know people who will do that the day berlusca croaks, even if they know his mafioso cronies will continue his corruption.
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Old 05.02.2011, 11:12 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by afonso
No fancy hanging this time, eh?
Justice would've been to bring him to the international court. Not this.

fuck that. good kill.

re: fancy hanging. that was bush and cheney's invention, the motherfuckers. they are the ones that should be brought to international court for invading iraq, but unfortunately that's not going to happen. good riddance to osama though.
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Old 05.02.2011, 12:22 PM   #37
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The President said so, so it MUST be true.
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Old 05.02.2011, 12:23 PM   #38
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Old 05.02.2011, 12:33 PM   #39
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and no for some serious comments.

What the fuck is up with all this fucking Yee Ha high five atmosphere going on? Its not news that the president (or any of our presidents) assassinate people across the world, these days Obama assassinates someone in Pakistan practically every day. But it is usually quite hushed as it is in obviously poor taste. All these people chanting "USA" in the streets make me nervous. The crowds gathering in New York and DC screaming out a jubilant blood lust, that is disheartening. I mean if a decade of war(s) hasn't dampened the anger and hatred, what will? This is actually very dangerous, if Americans celebrate assassinations as justice, how can the expect justice to prevail in our own country with such skewed and immoral standards? Kyrie Eleison!
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Old 05.02.2011, 12:38 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by EVOLghost

Originally Posted by Youth_Against_Facism


Originally Posted by StevOK

and best of all!!
You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
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