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Old 05.21.2009, 01:46 PM   #21
Dr. Eugene Felikson
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Wait until you see The Emperor.
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Old 05.21.2009, 01:57 PM   #22
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Do you have a pic of the Emperor card?

These are nice:
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Old 05.21.2009, 02:00 PM   #23
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Check it:

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Old 05.21.2009, 02:07 PM   #24
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Lol. That's brilliant! I'm definitely getting that set. Roll on payday. Cheers!
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Old 05.22.2009, 02:26 AM   #25
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This is how it will all end: not with floods, earthquakes, falling comets or gigantic crabs roaming the Earth. No, doomsday will start simply out of indifference.
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Old 05.22.2009, 02:42 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Yes, my deck's based on acknowledging death as part of the circle of life. Hence the spooky skeletons.

most pagan ritual, and tarot itself, acknowledges and embraces this as a part of life and change. But yeh the deck looks pretty interesting. It might be an especially good deck to use at samhain?

I find it's fairly difficult to get the wrong deck for you. Most people don't buy something they are not drawn to in some way. The only thing I wouldn't really suggest is buying a deck that has absolutely no help from its author in interpretation unless you have a little experience in tarot and are strongly drawn to the deck in regards to energies or vibes you feel when looking through it and so on. You know. There are definately decks of cards I have that get used more, and are my favourites.. that I feel a stronger bond with. But even the ones I use less, they have their uses. Generally the decks I use less, are the more mischievous? I have an elven deck that I get really odd vibes from if I try and use it when it isn't especially calling out to be played with. It prefers to be left alone unless it has something to say.(http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/elves/index.shtml)

Practice makes perfect. Start with a lot of quiet time with yr new cards and getting to know them. I always use white sage with a new deck, and when using them, try to have candles appropriate for the time of year. Try simple reading layouts, don't start off with really big spreads. If you don't you might end up getting frustrated and confused if you end up with a bunch of seemingly conflicting cards. When you can, try and do simple readings for friends. One or three card draws, simple clear HONEST questions from them. Don't pick friends who are going to tell you they are asking about one thing, but really have something else on their mind. It wont help you one bit.
tiny and lost.
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Old 05.22.2009, 02:48 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly
(^^^ I read that first one as Knight of Dicks)

I would be interested in seeing the type of reading I would get from demonrail.

granted, he may not "know me" very well, but phoenix had me hanged.

inb4 phoenix explains that this is my fault and not her's.

it's your fault, and not mine.

fault is wrong word, though. It implies bad thing that happened because of something. Tarot just shows feelings and energies and pathways.

I dont know why you focus on that card so much, it's certainly not a bad one. To be honest I forget all the cards that came up but it was no way negative over all.
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Old 05.22.2009, 03:10 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
So, let's discuss.

I've never been attracted to it.

I like this better


(no, it's not "space invaders")

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Old 05.22.2009, 06:52 AM   #29
Toilet & Bowels
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A Podcast I like:

Episode 22: Tarot-rama

Wed, 24 May 2006 15:40:00 EST
In your near future we see an hour long episode dealing with these mysterious and misunderstood cards. Out There science news returns with military-funded tongue sensors, and we discuss the esoterically banal "Smith Code."

About.com's tarot resources page

Wikepedia entry for "Tarot"

Article on tongue sensors

Alfred Douglas. (1991). The Tarot : The Origins, Meaning and Uses of the Cards. Penguin.
Paul Huson. (2004). Mystical Origins of the Tarot : From Ancient Roots to Modern Usage. Destiny Books.
Ronald Decker, Michael Dummett. (2002). A History of the Occult Tarot: 1870-1970. Duckworth Publishing.
Download Episode

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Old 05.22.2009, 01:49 PM   #30
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I recently got really into this..

Life cards are really interesting.. add up your birthdate and look through to see what you find. I have the Heirophant. Which is pretty accurate. A holy card, dead set on changing the world. But also the people around them. Positives and negatives you know.

I heard from someone that the only time your deck is accurate is when its given as a gift. I told my friend that so as a going away present she bought me a pocket deck. So far its been really really good to me.

Each card has a huge symbolic meaning.. But usually you can interpret from the pictures themselves on the card. And after you do readings more often you get your own interpretation of the card and its meaning... Its sort of like dreams in my opinion. Cryptic and deep rooted subconcious.

ze space.

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Old 05.22.2009, 02:21 PM   #31
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Old 05.22.2009, 07:21 PM   #32
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looks like giger!

(just looked it up and it seems to be)

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Old 05.22.2009, 08:39 PM   #33
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I'm with the woman I'm spending my life with due to a tarot reading, though I'm not sure it wouldn't have happened some other way if I hadn't had one.

I a way, "self-definition, and guiding free will based off of Jungian archetypes" is the same thing as "foreseeing the future". The future won't happen if we don't get off our asses and make it. At least that's what my reading said. That was eight years ago, and I really haven't needed one since.
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Old 05.22.2009, 11:05 PM   #34
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No one is going to respond to my baiting?
This is how it will all end: not with floods, earthquakes, falling comets or gigantic crabs roaming the Earth. No, doomsday will start simply out of indifference.
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Old 05.23.2009, 01:11 AM   #35
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it has its place ^

tarot is .. fun. so is any type of scrying. For me it is to do with understanding patterns in yourself and around you.. If you believe inthe interconnectedness.. of all things.
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Old 05.23.2009, 01:37 AM   #36
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Periods of depression and elation in my life definately correlate with how much inter-connectedness I see.
At some points I get filled up on only a certain level of connections and not be able to delve any deeper or apply these connections to a particular scheme, and organize them, and end up becoming full and frustrated and eventually I realize I've become apathetic and unfocussed in general again.
And every time that happens, the ability to regain focus is less and less.

Phoenix, how do you know what candles to use during the year?
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Old 05.23.2009, 02:30 AM   #37
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I guess it probably depends on yr own beliefs also, but I generally use colours and smells related to pagan sabbats, or the full moon. Depends when I'm using cards.
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Old 05.23.2009, 02:36 AM   #38
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I love my Thoth deck but haven't pulled it out in quite a while...I've probably forgotten everything by now.
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Old 05.23.2009, 03:10 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Lamont Cranston
No one is going to respond to my baiting?
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Old 05.23.2009, 03:13 AM   #40
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And if you can't appreciate the art of a tarot deck for what it is, then what can you appreciate?
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