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Old 01.28.2009, 07:12 AM   #21
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whats all this nonsense?
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Old 01.28.2009, 03:43 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
im sorry to korrekt your bad español but jornada del muerto does not fucking mean journey of death, not here not in spain.

jornada relates to journey only insofar as it refers to travel; however, while a journey can last indefinitely, a jornada is the spaced traveled in a day. later it came to mean the work done in a day. jornada de ocho horas = 8-hour workday.

muerto is not death. muerto as a noun is "dead one", in the masculine case, the feminine would be muerta; muerte is death.

therefore jornada del muerto could unpoetically translate as 'day trip of the dead man'.
umm.. I'd hate to break your who ego trip there, but I believe that I already explained the that I was not talking about the concept of death "muerte" but of a personified death, so I believe that the spanish "muerto" which signifies a dead ONE or PERSON or poetically a man doomed to death, was more than appropriate.. and I also intended the Jornado to be a short journey, and not some kind of long term event so it also worked.

I am aware that a pragmatic translation would read, "The Trail or Path of A Man Doomed to Die (ie, because of the trail itself)" but I think that it can equally carry a poetic or even prophetic meaning, after all that is the whole conjecture of prophecy, it stems from common speach, from dual meanings etc etc...

but, I assure you, I did not arrive at this conjecture purely from bad translations as you assumed there.. this is LA..

Mi español tan no como malo como piensas, considerado?

Espanenyaye le Amarenya yeleq no.
(My spanish, from Amarenya, better it-is)

Originally Posted by pbradley
Inventing a science fiction to absolve all responsibility is about as erroneous as SuchFriend's mythology to assign it absolutely.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to pbradley again
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Old 01.28.2009, 03:51 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous

no entiendo
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Old 01.28.2009, 03:54 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to pbradley again
Don't know if this is positive or negative rep but whatev.
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Old 01.28.2009, 03:56 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Lurker
It sure is a red herring, hohohohoh!!! It is different because Soviet Russia was militaristicly aggressive, America at this point was not.

America was not militaristic and aggressive? Explain this than!

Latin American Campaigns 1906-1933
  1. Battle Streamer: Latin American Campaigns 1906-1920
  2. Battle Streamer: Second Nicaraguan Campaign 1926-1933
  3. Bibliography: Between World Wars, 1919-1941
  4. List of Expeditions Formed and Landings Effected by the U.S. Naval Force in Central America, Mexico and the West Indies, From 1901 to May 1, 1929
  5. Medal: Cuban Pacification
  6. Medal: Nicaraguan Campaign
  7. Medal: Mexican Service
  8. Medal: Haitian Campaign (1915)
  9. Medal: Haitian Campaign (1919-1920)
  10. Medal: Dominican Campaign
  11. Medal: Second Nicaraguan Campaign
  12. Occupation of Haiti, 1915-1934
Yangtze Service 1926-1927, 1930-1932
  1. Battle Streamer: Yangtze Service 1926-1927, 1930-1932
  2. Medal: Yangtze Service
China Service 1937-1939, 1945-1957
  1. Battle Streamer: China Service 1937-1939, 1945-1957
  2. Medal: China Service
  3. Medal: Navy Expeditionary
HAITI/ 1914-34/ Troops, bombing/ 19-year occupation after revolts.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC/ 1916-24/ Troops/ 8-year Marine
CUBA/ 1917-33/ Troops/ Military occupation, economic protectorate.
WORLD WAR I/ 19l7-18/ Naval, troops/ Ships sunk, fought Germany.
RUSSIA/ 1918-22/ Naval, troops/ Five landings to fight Bolsheviks.
PANAMA/ 1918-20/ Troops/ 'Police duty' during unrest after elections.
YUGOSLAVIA/ 1919/ Troops/ Marines intervene for Italy against
Serbs in Dalmatia.
HONDURAS/ 1919/ Troops/ Marines land during election campaign.
GUATEMALA/ 1920/ Troops/ 2-week intervention against unionists.
WEST VIRGINIA/ 1920-21/ Troops, bombing/ Army intervenes
against mineworkers.
TURKEY/ 1922/ Troops/ Fought nationalists in Smyrna (Izmir).
CHINA/ 1922-27/ Naval, troops/ Deployment during nationalist revolt.
HONDURAS/ 1924-25/ Troops/ Landed twice during election strife.
PANAMA/ 1925/ Troops / Marines suppress general strike.
CHINA/ 1927-34/ Troops/ Marines stationed throughout the country.
EL SALVADOR/ 1932/ Naval/ Warships sent during Faribundo Mar
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