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Old 09.18.2008, 08:51 PM   #21
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Okay, done.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 09.18.2008, 08:53 PM   #22
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If the election was today, who do you honestly think would win?
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Old 09.18.2008, 08:57 PM   #23
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McCain. I'm sorry, but the numbers are showing that, I'm afraid.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 09.18.2008, 09:10 PM   #24
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Obviously I know far less about this than any of you, but from a purely outsider's perspective I'm not altogether sure how well McCain's current tactic of trying to move the debate towards issues of the economy (painting Obama as your typical high-taxing liberal) are gonna work. The collapse of major companies like Lehman Brothers hardly demonstrate his own party's competence when it comes to running an economy. I dunno, beyond just working on stereotypes I really can't see what points the Republicans can score if they draw the debate into strictly political waters. surely they're just better off laying low and hoping the Palin factor continues up till election day.
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Old 09.18.2008, 09:23 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
Obviously I know far less about this than any of you, but from a purely outside perpective I'm not altogether sure how well McCain's current tactic of trying to move the debate towards issues of the economy (painting Obama as a typical high-taxing liberal) are gonna work. The collapse of major companies like Lehman Brothers hardly demonstrate his own party's competence when it comes to running an economy. I dunno, beyond just working on stereotypes I really can't see what points the Republicans can score if they draw the debate into strictly political waters. surely they're just better off laying low and hoping the Palin factor continues up till election day.

The public are idiots, they don't know what's good for them.
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Old 09.18.2008, 09:31 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
I'm not altogether sure how well McCain's current tactic of trying to move the debate towards issues of the economy (painting Obama as your typical high-taxing liberal) are gonna work. .

The R's game plan is to tell the people what they want to hear and paint the D's as doomsayers.

Apparently, Biden said that it should be a patriotic duty to pay taxes. Fox 'News' berated him for that.
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Old 09.18.2008, 09:34 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by akprodr
The R's game plan is to tell the people what they want to hear and paint the D's as doomsayers.

Apparently, Biden said that it should be a patriotic duty to pay taxes. Fox 'News' berated him for that.

OK, fair enough. So it's more a response to Biden's comment than McCain going in unprompted. That's what was confusing me slightly. I have to say, whatever Biden was meant to achieve, he's getting absolutely no coverage here in the UK. (not that this matters politically in terms of the election) It's interesting that Obama too figures very low in the news coverage ratings now, at least compared with Palin. Saying that, McCain has been, and remains, more or less invisible media-wise (which probably suits his campaign quite nicely). I'm sure if you asked the average person in Britain who they thought the election was between they'd say Sarah Palin and Obama.

Originally Posted by pbradley
I don't see why one can't take their own initiative as well as still have faith in the American political system.

But this thread isn't here for you to continue on in your quasi-revolutionary daydreaming. It's here to facilitate election discussion.

I think this is true - not just of this election but of so many that are to come. The 'Left' (for want of a better word) is too easily put off by the thought of compromise. No government is realistically going to change things for the better that radically, but it's certainly true that some parties are going to be less intolerable than others. Besides, I've never understood why ordinary people can't enter into the official political process while at the same time continuing their work for more radical changes outside of that. It isn't an either-or situation. Obama wouldn't revolutionise the country, but even if you look at it in the most sceptical way he'd still be a slightly smaller step in the wrong direction than that taken by McCain. The fact is that whatever anyone's real political beliefs, either McCain or Obama will be president in just over a months time. And unless someone can honestly say that there really is no difference between the two (which there clearly is) then they simply have to choose one over the other.
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Old 09.18.2008, 11:13 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by gmku
McCain. I'm sorry, but the numbers are showing that, I'm afraid.
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Old 09.18.2008, 11:36 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
no, that would be the equal bullshit, vote for yrself and take yr own initiative to go out and make the changes you demand one step at a time.. voting is a dead end.

WHAT??? yes I don't understand - r u saying that people should not vote for Barack??? FUK U 2 deth u dumb shit - um.. that is IF ur saying not 2 vote. Are U gonna let another 4 years of republican world eating take place because u don't want to take part in an ugly process of getting involved w/ the political system?????? Barack represents the 1st rays of hope for this country since Kennedy bro #2 was assassinated. Obama can breathe some new blood into this this dying cancer ridden machine that's sinking into the earth in D.C.PLEASE -Calif. will go obama, but every vote DUUUUZ make a differance. Obama is a gift, we can't turn the other way because the race is terrifying and ugly and immoral. This country will die if it has to endure 4 more years of Republican demolishuns. Money being poured into defense spending that will never be used for anything but making things worse & worse $ worse. Pleaase give Barack a chance to make USA a place to be happy about again. Remember Clinton? It felt good to have the repubicans deperately hold up a blow job as the horrible offense against this country - didn't it feel good to see the Repubs hold up a man getting a blowjob as a reason to impeach him -yeah it was sad, but at least it could be laughed at. I'm so fucking terrified that that kind of innocence will die inthis country. The repubs are killerz - Let Obama give us some hope again -GOD -I'm dyin' for it.
I think if McCain is elected I'll snap and put a chunk of leAD thru his noggin. God, y can't he just die now?
2 many stupid hypnotized zombies out there that want to keep the war going, cuz it makes 'em feel righteous -oh god I've already spilled too much

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Old 09.18.2008, 11:39 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by antnyh
I think if McCain is elected I'll snap and put a chunk of leAD thru his noggin. God, y can't he just die now?
2 many stupid hypnotized zombies out there that want to keep the war going, cuz it makes 'em feel righteous -oh god I've already spilled too much


There's a 1 in 3 chance that McCain will kick the bucket within the next 4 years.
So you probably won't have to put a chunk of lead in his noggin.

Either way, you're pretty smart. Repped.
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Old 09.18.2008, 11:42 PM   #31
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i was at the grocery store today and there was a truck in the parking lot with a friggin huge mccain/palin flag painted on the back. sry to the hippies out there.

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Old 09.19.2008, 12:01 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by terriblecanyons
There's a 1 in 3 chance that McCain will kick the bucket within the next 4 years.
So you probably won't have to put a chunk of lead in his noggin.

Either way, you're pretty smart. Repped.

Thanks, but McCain will already have his VP and cabinet set up by that time - too late. He need to ditchBEFORE he's elected. I know- dumb commentary cuz unless I really have the stones to take im out b4 the election it's pointless -if he wins, alot of things will become pointless is my point.
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Old 09.19.2008, 12:05 AM   #33
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all of this talk sounds a lot like what was said when Bush was re-elected. did any of you fuckers actually move out of the country? did any of your lives get ruined? have the last 8 years been the worst years of your lives? i don't think alec baldwin moved, either, what a cunt. it's all talk

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Old 09.19.2008, 12:15 AM   #34
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sure they could have. but they haven't been awful. i'm sure most everybody has maintained their quality of living or even improved it. the economy ain't great right now, but that happens. i'm just sick of all the people who think the world ends every time a republican gets elected. it doesn't, and all the people who talk drastic never end up doing anything or changing their lifestyles anyway.

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Old 09.19.2008, 12:27 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by swa(y)
true. i mean, so many people coulda been a bit smarter. lots of folks are talking shit about the economy (and rightfully so) but how many of them live in a house way tooooo big and drive a hummer? im sure alot of them are regretting that at this point, but its their own damn fault.

some did do something about it. gwyneth paltrow moved out of the country. but shit, she also named her kid apple and married that dude from coldplay so im not so sure that says anything. haha. jk. least shes a good actress.

i still see a ton of hummers near where i live. i think if someone wants it enough, he will buy it. gas is still cheap for us compared to europe/the rest of the world.

paltrow did move cuz of marriage i think, to that ugh, english man... an ugly and stupid one at that. but i read something where paltrow talks a lot of shit about america and the people, and thinks the english are god's gift to mankind. and what kind of bitch names their kid apple?

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Old 09.19.2008, 12:39 AM   #36
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Yeah, but gas is high because Bush's friends are in the oil biz, and bush is in the oil biz and well y'know...teue, many people live waaayy out of there means and on credit cards and all of that. Me and my family live simply and we still are struggling. Times are harder than 8 yrs ago and that is a fact. I've had to adjust by riding my bike to work over driving. Thats 20 miles a day i ride and therefore around $300 in gas I save a month. Whatever...me riding my bike isn't the issue, the issue is that people have changed and will have to continue to change their lifestyles, just to keep up with everyday things. America in general still has a lot to learn about how the rest of the world works.
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Old 09.19.2008, 12:45 AM   #37
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gas inflated when Carter was prez too.

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Old 09.19.2008, 12:48 AM   #38
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But oil co.'s weren't turning in record profits.....
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Old 09.19.2008, 01:03 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by davenotdead
all of this talk sounds a lot like what was said when Bush was re-elected. did any of you fuckers actually move out of the country? did any of your lives get ruined? have the last 8 years been the worst years of your lives? i don't think alec baldwin moved, either, what a cunt. it's all talk

Don't guess what's in other people's hearts or minds - it's really immature. I've been so infuriated by what this administartion has done that it has affected the quality of my life.
For some it's not that big of a deal, but for me it sucks, and I am starting to really hate this country - and I also hate the people that say if you don't like it move away -the whole point of this country's supposed ideology is that if you don't like it, try to change it -and that IS exactly what I do my best to do - doesn't sound to me like you do, but then -I'm only guessing.
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Old 09.19.2008, 10:27 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by davenotdead
but [the last 8 years] haven't been awful. i'm sure most everybody has maintained their quality of living or even improved it.

damn, you must be living a sheltered life. are you on a trust fund?

i know a lot of people out of work right now.

Originally Posted by davenotdead
i still see a ton of hummers near where i live.

palm beach?


seriously man, the u.s. economy is not doing well-- wall street has been doing well based on the inflated valuation of worthless assets, but that is finally changing, and the markets will crash like the housing market crashed. credit cards are next-- mark my words. this is a fucking house of cards.

the real economy, i.e., where people live, eat, work, fuck, sleep, and draw a paycheck, has been stagnant or in decline for some time now. sure it's not the great depression, but the real purchasing power of wages has diminished, unemployment is high, the dollar is weak and the increase of exports is no magic bullet, bankruptcies are at an all-time high, science and high-tech have been moving elsewhere (like singapore), high paying jobs keep being exported and are being replaced with shitty service jobs that pay crap, unemployment has been going up since last year, and looks like it will keep going up, and while the rich can still play stock market games, buy treasury bonds or gold or whatever, the middle & working classes are going in reverse.
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