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Old 02.20.2011, 03:05 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
I love this one. Covox's cover of Computer Love is phenomenal.
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 02.20.2011, 04:51 PM   #22
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"Shooby Taylor, The Human Horn"


it's a guy scatting on top of cheese-ball organ accompaniment. songs include somewhere over the rainbow, just a closer walk with thee" etc.... there is some talent in there somewhere.....

here's a video of him at amateur night at the apollo.

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Old 02.25.2011, 04:35 PM   #23
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aidan walsh and the masterplan - the life story of my life
(1987 kaliedoscope)


self claimed master of the universe, aidan became a cult figure in dublin and on irish media during the mid to late 80s. he was one of the original owners of temple lane studios which spawned early my bloody valentine rehearsals among other stuff and became one of the premier venues in dublin city and still is to this day, aidan has nothing to do with it since around 1990. legend has it that his flat/squat in dublin used to contain 2 of everything, kitchen sinks, ovens, beds,"in case one broke down". the guy is a legend and a complete nutbag to boot.... i met him once around 1995, 5 years later he gave me his shome made cd version of the album, signed and remembered my name, this seemingly is common place for aidan, he never ever forgets a face!

in 2001 a documentary film by shimmy marcus was released about his life, a strange life indeed, it was available on vhs but never made it to the digital format. fantastic film about a genuine character. to this day he still promotes young bands, albeit in venues rarely bigger than his own flat but his heart has never been in the wrong place and always wears a smile...and a tatty old baseball cap!

this album was recorded with the aid of then popular band "the golden hoarde" and gavin friday among others. its quality is tangable but if you cant laugh at his version of the hokey cokey then you have no soul.
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShg_BncvGBDbKMS6LcwcVdhQU8UeK59 3il0y3-slmobnUceLUH

download in full

"If you try to kill me, the knife is transferred back to kill you directly, it won't kill me. I'm not human, I'm only a robot on the planet earth"

trailer for the documentary

short film he made as well spoofing the private investigator films of the seventies

short recently shot interview with shay healy which includes a rendition of the hokey cokey-pokey

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Old 02.27.2011, 07:31 PM   #24
Rob Instigator
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Gotta spread more sonic rape around before I can shout out to atsonic. They sell chicken fried steak sammiches at Sonic!
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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Old 02.27.2011, 07:38 PM   #25
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Old 02.28.2011, 04:37 AM   #26
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