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Old 01.28.2008, 06:34 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Yeah, someone sitting there and absorbing your lectures, not taking any tests and not getting any credit is a real burden. Certainly they will be guaranteed to be more of a burden than someone who pays money to do the exact same thing, but cause you more work by taking tests and calling you during your office hours and such.

They're just SITTING THERE.

I only see this as a problem if budget cuts have made you short on chairs.

good luck finding classes in lalaland. on earth it just doesn't happen, sorry. take it up with the dean?
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Old 01.28.2008, 06:35 PM   #22
Savage Clone
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
good luck finding classes in lalaland. on earth it just doesn't happen, sorry. take it up with the dean?

I couldn't care less, myself. I'm just wondering what the big deal is.
I'm not personally setting foot in another college classroom as long as I live if I can help it.
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Old 01.28.2008, 06:38 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I couldn't care less, myself. I'm just wondering what the big deal is.
I'm not personally setting foot in another college classroom as long as I live if I can help it.

yeah i know. i'm just saying don't give the man false hopes.

when you teach a small class i suppose there is a kind of social contract, the fly on the wall is not a part of it. you know that whole bullshit about quantum mechanics & observation changing the experiment.

i would totally let a friend sit in my class, i've let parents sit in the class (one day), girlfriends too (one day), but really, it's disruptive.

sort of like... imagine having a member of your band that agrees to be there and just do nothing.
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Old 01.28.2008, 06:40 PM   #24
Savage Clone
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I think it all depends on the size of the university, the size of the class and the temperament of the instructor. I know it has happened here, though the acceptance of it is definitely sporadic.
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Old 01.28.2008, 06:43 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I think it all depends on the size of the university, the size of the class and the temperament of the instructor. I know it has happened here, though the acceptance of it is definitely sporadic.

yep. large lectures, as i've said, are easily infiltrated. there's no ID check at the doors of an auditorium.

those deals however are not usually the whole experience-- then you have to do labs & review sessions & whatever with a TA, in small groups. but at least it's something.
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Old 01.28.2008, 07:42 PM   #26
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I may just look into some books to study on my own, and then just find a good lecture to sit in on every now and then. I love lectures for some reason, I seem to learn a lot from them.
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