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View Poll Results: Washing Machine Vs. New York, Ghost, & Flowers
Washing Machine 52 77.61%
New York, Ghost, & Flowers 15 22.39%
Voters: 67. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05.09.2006, 11:53 PM   #21
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Washing Machine.
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Old 05.09.2006, 11:57 PM   #22
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Washing Machine
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Old 05.10.2006, 02:22 AM   #23
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washing machine big time.

you're the boy

that can enjoy
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Old 05.10.2006, 04:37 AM   #24
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Machine, it got me thru college
"Pescescimmia ha grandi bulbi oculari blu, ognuno attaccato su un lato della sua testa, in modo tale da risucire a guardare indietro senza girare la sua testa pesciosa"
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Old 05.10.2006, 07:30 AM   #25
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washing machine way way way over NYC ghosts & flowers.

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Old 05.10.2006, 08:22 AM   #26
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it's been so long since we've had a decent sy discussion that i think i'll do a good post now.

for once, i can't really vote on this thread because i don't have either album, however i know many of the songs on them, plus i have bootlegs where they play many of the songs in these albums.

washing machine is considered a return to their more arty and experimental nature, nycg&f in a way relates to that same sense in that their song structures went away from the pop rock ones. wm does have one of the most beloved and simply plain "best ever" sy songs, the diamond sea, which makes it a fan favorite by that and that alone, yet it's charm doesn't end there because many more of those songs are amazing and underrated, and i mean underrated since the band has been discontinued to play them live, which is a shame. in a way, wm is sort of an evolution and sofistication of experiemental jet set trash & no star.

nycg&f is pretty abstract and it shows more of their process (as documented by the first 3 album on the syr series) than their songwriting process. i like side2side, renegade princess, lightnin', nycg&f...as i said before, i've heard just the live version and they seem fantastic to me.

well anyway, that's my opinion.
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Old 05.10.2006, 09:22 AM   #27
Rob Instigator
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The Diamond Sea is the single most beautiful skronk ever put on tape , twenty minutes of heaven.

it is what life should sound like.
diamond sea is the world in our minds
the diamond sea is the mirror we all look at ourselves in, with all it's illusions.

The diamond sea is heaven.
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