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Old 05.09.2006, 06:23 PM   #21
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This album takes repeated listens, or else it won't really grow on you ...its not an immediate favorite like perhaps, sister or ddn.
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Old 05.09.2006, 06:33 PM   #22
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If only my computer didn't suck! It'll play like 3 seconds then stop for 10. So annoying, maybe if I let the whole song download it'll play the whole thing. But so far the enitire songs I've heard are Reena, Incinerate, and Sleeping around(all great) and about 40 seconds of Rats(AWSOME!).
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:12 PM   #23
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Kim's songs are great, but I'm not too big on Thurston's. I find Do You Believe in Rapture kind of boring, but it might grow on me ^_^
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:14 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Inhuman
Kim's songs are great, but I'm not too big on Thurston's. I find Do You Believe in Rapture kind of boring, but it might grow on me ^_^

I feel the same way.
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:24 PM   #25
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This cd really reminds me of other sonic youth stuff, I just cant place it.
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:48 PM   #26
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hmmm, now that we have the stream, there's no need to purchase it when it comes out!
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Old 05.09.2006, 08:12 PM   #27
little trouble girl
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funhouse ain't too shabbyfunhouse ain't too shabby
ahh i think the new album is really really good

i cant get over it
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Old 05.09.2006, 08:19 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
So far, I agree. And Kims songs are the best ones which is odd, coming from me.

said it before, i'll say it again . . . maybe it's because kim is, uh, actually singing as opposed to squealing? and does anyone see striking similarities between turquoise boy and dude ranch nurse?

and yes, thurston is at a low point in his career. do you believe in rapture is an abomination. (yes, i'm being harsh . . . but this is NOT what sonic youth is capable of putting out. seriously, t -- we've seen you do better!) --edit-- i take that back . . . sleepin' around and lights out are good.

rats, however, is quite good . . . figures lee would save the album.
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Old 05.09.2006, 08:52 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Inhuman
Kim's songs are great, but I'm not too big on Thurston's. I find Do You Believe in Rapture kind of boring, but it might grow on me ^_^

perhaps more gain might bring your interest up....
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Old 05.10.2006, 01:27 AM   #30
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Aghh, Im still trying to hold out for the CD release, but its getting tougher and tougher, especially with the audio stream right in front of me.
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Old 05.10.2006, 02:55 AM   #31
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the album is really good, i just couldn't wait anymore with the stream.. i've listened to it twice, and it was even better the second time.. can't wait to see this live!
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Old 05.10.2006, 03:11 AM   #32
Jef Mertens
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They really should bring out the acoustic guitar when performing Or live. I heard it in Paris but the recorded version is much more awesome!

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Old 05.10.2006, 04:07 AM   #33
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The whole album is fucking great!. I don't care what any of you have to say.
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Old 05.10.2006, 09:20 AM   #34
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i really can't comprehend why rather ripped is so bad, especially when the helen lundeberg/eyeliner 7" is so utterly fucking bodacious!
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Old 05.10.2006, 09:35 AM   #35
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sonikjuice has a brilliant futuresonikjuice has a brilliant futuresonikjuice has a brilliant futuresonikjuice has a brilliant futuresonikjuice has a brilliant futuresonikjuice has a brilliant futuresonikjuice has a brilliant futuresonikjuice has a brilliant futuresonikjuice has a brilliant futuresonikjuice has a brilliant futuresonikjuice has a brilliant future
I think the new album is great. The only songs I'm not digging are Sleeping Around and What a Waste. And really its only the lyrics that bother me with those two songs. The rest of the album sounds amazing.
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Old 05.10.2006, 10:18 AM   #36
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Was going to wait for the release date but... fuck, cds here are twice the price of those back home.... Then I'll make my biannual pilgrimage to L'Oblik and hopefully nab some tickets at the same time, should they play in Montreal, like I did with Nurse.

I'll wait for the sun to set tonight, light up a joint, and listen to it while browsing the forum. Can't wait to lose my RR virginity!
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Old 05.10.2006, 04:35 PM   #37
Disgruntled Youth
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One listen & I love it as much as Sonic Nurse if not more. I think they have gone in a cooler more mellow direction. I <3 the youth & the Youth <3 it's kids. I love the album so far. I think they're doing what they want to do & head in the direction they want to. I don't think SY would put out anything their fans won't like or appreciate ,for that matter something they wouldn't like. HAIL SY Hail...........
Duppy know a who fi Frighten

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Old 05.10.2006, 04:48 PM   #38
Pax Americana
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I just listened to the whole thing. So far only a few songs stick out as being really good in my opinion. Although it'll probably take a few listens for me to really get into the album. I didn't like Sonic Nurse that much when I first heard it either, but it really grew on me.
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Old 05.10.2006, 05:07 PM   #39
Disgruntled Youth
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Pink Steam & Turquoise Boy are kick ass, one Lee song that's gotta suck for Lee fans. I believe Kim outdid herself in this album. Major props to Kim you kick ass in this new album.
Duppy know a who fi Frighten

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Hate Guinness & die"
Lee "Scratch" Perry
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Old 05.10.2006, 05:07 PM   #40
umjammer atomsk
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Just got through all of it; I like most of it but it has some really strange and/or not-so-great parts. I don't know, definitely an easy listen though.

Good, i say! But exactly how good is to be determined in like a month or so once i've listened to it 100+ times.
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