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Old 05.07.2006, 03:33 PM   #21
Thurston Hunger
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Thurston Hunger ain't too shabby
Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
this is dumbest thread in the whole board

this is like the "what are you listening to?" thread but for people with no music collections or imagination.

Well, it's interesting to me to hear what Sonic Youth fans make of the SY music they're currently listening to. Sorry if it's not interesting to you.
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Old 05.07.2006, 04:05 PM   #22
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Thurston Hunger ain't too shabby
Anyway, right now: The Whitey Album (Needle-Gun). Fantastic stuff!
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Old 05.07.2006, 04:49 PM   #23
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I listened to Rather Ripped last. I do like it, and am liking the poppier side and faster tempos. There are a few lyrical duds though, esp Lights Out (lame lyrics on the chorus) and Sleeping Around (lame lyrics throughout).

It's cool hearing kim harmonize with herself on Rena.
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Old 05.07.2006, 06:04 PM   #24
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A show from 1996 that was dominated by stuff from EJST&NS and Warshing Machine. I thought it was a good time.....I have no complaints.
Confusion is next and next after that is the Truth.
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Old 05.08.2006, 03:12 PM   #25
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Thurston Hunger ain't too shabby
Not strictly SY but am now listening to Psychic Hearts, inspired by that Record Collector review (they rated it higher than The Whitey Album, by the way).
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Old 05.08.2006, 03:36 PM   #26
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SYR1-Anagrama, a couple days ago. Just picked it up (on vinyl) for the first time last week. I like it but not as much as SRY2 and SYR4.
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Old 05.08.2006, 06:16 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by gmku
SYR1-Anagrama, a couple days ago. Just picked it up (on vinyl) for the first time last week. I like it but not as much as SRY2 and SYR4.

been rocking the deluge of sonic youth torrents supplied by tunic on dime, lately.

most recently the seattle gig from the 1998 thousand leaves tour. fabulous!
horse attack
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Old 05.09.2006, 07:25 AM   #28
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being playing sonic nurse regularly since its release.

murray street blew me away as it was a return to form and an amazing change in sound/direction. even though sonic nurse continued that style, I'm starting to feel that its a better album!
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Old 05.09.2006, 01:27 PM   #29
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Been playing my SYR collection (1, 2, and 4) quite a bit, plus the SY EP reissue and Ciccone Youth. But I'm also gearing up to make a mix tape, so who knows what's on the horizon. Over the past winter, Confusion is Sex/Kill Your Idols and Bad Moon seemed to fit the seasonally down mood I was in.
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Old 05.09.2006, 01:28 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by GL-JC
being playing sonic nurse regularly since its release.

murray street blew me away as it was a return to form and an amazing change in sound/direction. even though sonic nurse continued that style, I'm starting to feel that its a better album!

I think murray street is a little more interesting that Nurse. MS tends to be one I can play more often and not get tired of. But I'm also really quite fond of A Thousand Leaves these days, too.
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Old 05.09.2006, 03:13 PM   #31
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Thurston Hunger ain't too shabby
Right now: A Thousand Leaves. Hip Priest won't like me for this, but I think it's possibly better than Murray Street...
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Old 05.10.2006, 12:53 PM   #32
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The last thing I played was Sonic Nurse and I thought it rocked.
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Old 05.10.2006, 12:54 PM   #33
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I'll second Every-n.
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Old 05.10.2006, 01:01 PM   #34
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Reena yesterday. I can't get over that song. It's just so damn catchy in that non-annoying way. SN@ke...TAB IT! PLEASE!
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Old 05.10.2006, 01:13 PM   #35
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I listened to nurse yesterday morning and realized it was a lot better than i remember it being. I love "stones" now. Later that day i played Evol and its still one of my SY favorites. The best part is i start to notice more things in the tracks than before. Like things i never payed attention to suddenly im like damn that sounds good.Same thing has happened with Sister.

Anyone else have this kind of experience when listening to SY ?
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Ill give it right back one of these days
If I dont meet you no more in this world then uh
Ill meet ya on the next one
And dont be late "
-Jimi Hendrix

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Old 05.10.2006, 01:20 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
I just bought "Sonic Youth" the re-issue today, haven't heard it yet though.

Me too. I have the neutral vinyl but haven't had a turntable in about 15 years. Made it through the original stuff on my way to work. I'll be listening to the bonus stuff on my lunch break.
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Old 05.11.2006, 08:41 AM   #37
umjammer atomsk
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I just streamed all of rather ripped yesterday. Pretty good but i think it kind of lacks a distinct personality. I don't know. Maybe i just need to listen to it for awhile. It's quite the easy listen, more so than Nurse. But very good
nonetheless. Some of the lyrics are cringe-inducing but overall solid.

I like rats, reena, incinerate, pink steam, and the neutral. I'm still soaking in the others, but i don't really like do you believe in rapture. And i'm not sure how i feel about or.
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