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Old 06.18.2007, 12:18 PM   #21
Washing Machine
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Police in the UK couldn't give a shit about most things, that's why the country is in such deep anti-social shit.

Ive never come across this anti-social distopia the tabloids like to talk about. Really all I ever hear is a friend of a friend of a friend got his car broken into and it usually turns out he pissed someone off. There are increases in crime in some places and decreases in others, its always, always been like that. I dont believe its as bigger deal as its made out to be. I for one am quite happy how things are in my area, and yet my local Am's whole election arguments revolved solely around 'anti-social behavour'. Its more Public paranoia than anything else.

and yes i understand there are some rough areas, and that certainly needs sorting out (although this extra policing crap will not help those areas one bit) but for the majority of the country its pure bullshit.
....Of Course its some kinda cosmic payback for being too ironic!
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Old 06.18.2007, 01:23 PM   #22
Danny Himself
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Perhaps thats true for where you live, but not here.

Where I live now would be classed as middle-class. Houses are between 200-300K a pop- and is it worth the money? Not one fucking bit. Gangs of about 50+ teens used to just 'hang' right outside my mothers house, wrecking cars, tagging walls, robbing from the Spar and on one occasion they broke into to one of the houses (in clear sight). Once, when a neighbor confronted the gang.. well this happened;

Neighbor: Go on, get out of here.
Kid: Oh, I'll get out of here. When I'm done having a piss.

He was pissing on her house. There's just one example, but really, I see and hear it all. A guy got murdered down the street in his own house, and the next day it was the talk of school, and everyone knew who it was but nobody had told the police. The guy was arrested later on. He was 17. He went to preschool with my sister and now he's a murderer. I don't know how many school folks I've seen drop out and become drug addicts. Even my sister got herself involved in that scene- and what did it get her? You really don't want to know.

This new generation, at least in Liverpool (and therefore I could probably assume its the same in London, Manchester, Glasgow, etc) is almost entirely promiscuous, drug-addled, needlessly violent scum.

I don't really want to write off a whole generation, but I'll be forced to someday. So, no, it is not pure bullshit, not at all.
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Old 06.18.2007, 01:32 PM   #23
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If these children would only find the word of God at a young age, all this wouldn't happen. They need to become one with Jesus and find their true selves.
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Old 06.18.2007, 01:35 PM   #24
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I don't know whether you're being sarcastic or not, so if I agree with you I am setting myself up for potential ridicule.

There's lots of things that would help these kids- a decent education system (yeah, the uk needs one), better fucking policing to catch them early enough to turn them around, and yes, a bit of Jesus Christ.
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Old 06.18.2007, 01:53 PM   #25
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remember... the day the country died?

you know every time I have been arrested for herb it has been for something petty like a half a gram? fines, misdimeanor record, and no FAFSA financial aid for college.

this whole probation, drug program, jail time thing for herb is getting to be ridiculous. Everytime I leave Califoolya I run into people who were excessively punished for possession of herb. I don't understand it....

when you get busted by the FEDs for possession its just a fine and thats it, and it doesn't even stay on yr record....
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Old 06.18.2007, 02:30 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Perhaps thats true for where you live, but not here.

Where I live now would be classed as middle-class. Houses are between 200-300K a pop- and is it worth the money? Not one fucking bit. Gangs of about 50+ teens used to just 'hang' right outside my mothers house, wrecking cars, tagging walls, robbing from the Spar and on one occasion they broke into to one of the houses (in clear sight). Once, when a neighbor confronted the gang.. well this happened;

Neighbor: Go on, get out of here.
Kid: Oh, I'll get out of here. When I'm done having a piss.

He was pissing on her house. There's just one example, but really, I see and hear it all. A guy got murdered down the street in his own house, and the next day it was the talk of school, and everyone knew who it was but nobody had told the police. The guy was arrested later on. He was 17. He went to preschool with my sister and now he's a murderer. I don't know how many school folks I've seen drop out and become drug addicts. Even my sister got herself involved in that scene- and what did it get her? You really don't want to know.

This new generation, at least in Liverpool (and therefore I could probably assume its the same in London, Manchester, Glasgow, etc) is almost entirely promiscuous, drug-addled, needlessly violent scum.

I don't really want to write off a whole generation, but I'll be forced to someday. So, no, it is not pure bullshit, not at all.

Like I said I can only speak for Wales, but you generally find crime decreases in one area and goes up in another. Older people often say "when i was younger there wasnt half the amount of crime". Well thats because when you were younger this suburb of cardiff was merely a village with a maximum of 100 people. So its important that there is context when debating crime increases and decreases. Im not wholly convinced that tougher punishment and police presence is the answer. Sure there are areas that need sorting out. But there is a tendancy among the working and middle classes to blow everything out of proportion and I think it hurts the places that really do have a problem. I mean I lived in a council estate (i now live in beautiful Barrett home suburbia) and it seemed to me to be grossly exaggerated.

Perhaps its just I hate moral panics, declorations of the country turning into the wild west. There is no reasoned debate on this subject that is the problem, theres just a load of old people ranting and raving.

Anyway back to the subject. Its should look like things are being done when it comes to weed but there should be a consenus not to do anything. In that way the south wales police have got their policy just right. The police's resourses are better spent in other areas.
....Of Course its some kinda cosmic payback for being too ironic!
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Old 06.18.2007, 02:34 PM   #27
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Old 06.18.2007, 02:40 PM   #28
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its all their fault.
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Old 06.18.2007, 02:43 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by floatingslowly

I laughed like a fucking loon at this. Really.
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Old 06.18.2007, 03:57 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
it was a half gram
a pinch, basicaly

They arrest you for half a gram in texas? Here if you have under 5g, they take it away from you and let you off. Sorry I can't help with any info Crypto, I don't smoke it anymore and I'm not too sure about legal concequences, especially in the USA which is much different from canada
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Old 06.18.2007, 05:10 PM   #31
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yeah, its a bit silly...
but, its the law, you know?
thanks though
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Old 06.18.2007, 05:11 PM   #32
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You know what I'd do if I were you? I'd go get stoned and stop worrying about it. What's the worst that can happen? You lose a little money, you get thrown in jail and make a few new friends? Meh. Piece of cake. A walk in the park.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 06.18.2007, 05:12 PM   #33
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Old 06.18.2007, 05:13 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by gmku
You know what I'd do if I were you? I'd go get stoned and stop worrying about it. What's the worst that can happen? You lose a little money, you get thrown in jail and make a few new friends? Meh. Piece of cake. A walk in the park.

yeah, a big friend with a tattooed cock.
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Old 06.18.2007, 05:14 PM   #35
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Now, now, let' s not scare the poor young man. Most of them will just have your ordinary run of the mill big cock.
Ever notice how this place just basically, well, sucks.
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Old 06.18.2007, 05:15 PM   #36
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ive got a good lawyer.
dont think ill be doing jail time.
even if i had a shitty one, first offence cases dont normaly get jail time
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Old 06.18.2007, 05:23 PM   #37
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what if his cock looks just like this

Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
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Old 06.18.2007, 05:26 PM   #38
Danny Himself
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Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
ive got a good lawyer.

You should represent yourself!

Do the chewbacca defense.
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Old 06.19.2007, 02:05 AM   #39
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that'd be funny for, like, a second
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