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Old 04.27.2006, 01:44 PM   #21
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You know, you maybe right. I just can't keep myself from talking about those ego-centric, faux-enlightened, politically ignorant dicksteppers from Hollywood. I should just know when to cut myself off.

--Atari 2600
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Old 04.27.2006, 01:48 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
some artists are compelled to speak out in times of crisis. that often does not make for good art--- it's more propaganda, but it's still a valid form of expression.

around the time of the military coup in chile neruda wrote a poem calling for the destruction of nixon. it was a bad poem but it was necessary for him to write in a time of terror and brutality. he died 12 days after the "other" september 11, when pinochet killed allende and over power. decades later we know without a doubt what kinds of monstrosities the chilean dictators carried out under the sponsorship of the cia. what was worse? a bad poem, or pinochet? please, get your priorities straight...

"Let's Impeach the President" will surely not go down in history as a peice of art but rather a peice of crap. There are certainly good protest songs, and Neil has some of the best. But for god sakes any third grader could have scratched out those lyrics before math class. That's just embarrassing.

I think it's great that there are the peaceniks out there. I don't happen to agree with them, but again, simply as a protest song, Neil has given us a real stinker.

--Atari 2600
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Old 04.27.2006, 03:31 PM   #23
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yeah, "invitacion al nixonicidio" was also a piece of crap as poetry goes, even though neruda was an awesome poet. that's exactly my point. i haven't heard or read the lyrics of that neil young song. but the priorities-- belt something out before it's too late-- are what matters here. between fancy words and genocide, how do you choose? strauss cried over the destruction of his beloved opera house while ignoring the millions of jews being gassed. hello???
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Old 04.27.2006, 03:38 PM   #24
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Well really tho, anybody with half a brain knows Bush is by far the worst pres. of all time. Bush is a liar, a traitor, an egomaniac, a partisan, arrogant..haha..the list really goes on and on. Jimmy Carter? Bush's numbers are the worst of all time. Record debt, spending etc..even the gas prices have been worse, relatively, than Jimmy's era.

good for neil young too. neil has some history knowing what's up. Vietnam made him protest with song and so does GW's war..

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Old 04.27.2006, 03:46 PM   #25
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the worst of all time? have you guys done yr homework or what? the office of president has been held by dozens of the worst motherfuckers to walk the earth. personally, morally, intellectually, however you want to look at it, some seriously fucked up people have held the reigns of good ol America. Uncle Sam is generally a twisted guy, and in the natural selection of American so-called Politics, it is the fitest of the fit (whic most fucked up of the moral fuck ups). they have always been murderers, adulterers, liars, cheats, con-men, and morally bankrupt beyond compare. this is history. it is why I-man have no business with the Amerikkkan shitstem, or its politricksters. them are all undisciplined savages, and that is people discplined enough to die for what you believe in, but to undiscplined to know right timing, blow themselves up all the time. the shitstem is undiscplined and unprepared. take advantage for the time of its undiscpline is short, it knows the end is near. the fitest of the fitest shall remember them!
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Old 04.27.2006, 03:57 PM   #26
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In that case, it's all relative. There is a worst. let's not forget 9/11 happened under his watch too. they had numerous warnings, and did squat...the infamous Connie memo. THAT WAS FUCKING HILARIOUS when she read the title of that memo out, and did squat at the time 6 monthes before the attack. Clarke and others, hot on the heels of this mofo, bin laden, were screaming about it, getting pushed out, silenced, smeared. it's a disgrace.

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Old 04.27.2006, 04:36 PM   #27
atari 2600
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Originally Posted by bucklebone
"Let's Impeach the President" will surely not go down in history as a peice of art but rather a peice of crap.

hmm, spelling or typographical? the error occurs two times in a row there...i'm assuming it's a spelling error.


"Piece Of Crap"

Tried to save the trees
Bought a platsic bag
The bottom fell out
It was a piece of crap

Saw it on the tube
Bought it on the phone
Now you're home alone
It's a piece of crap

I tried to plug in it
I tried to turn it on
When I got it home
It was a piece of crap

Got it from a friend
On him you can depend
I found out in the end
It was a piece of crap

I'm trying to save the trees
I saw it on TV
They cut the forest down
To build a piece of crap

I went back to the store
They gave me four more
The guy told me at the door
It's a piece of crap

You're ignore listed, bucklebone (your new name)


Like richechex wrote, anyone should know that Bush, Jr. is the worst president ever. I mean, Warren G. Harding & some others too had administrations that were very corrupt, & Harry S. Truman dropped the bombs on Nagasaki & Hiroshima. Bush's stage-setting lead-ins: Nixon, Reagan & Bush, Sr. were all horrible presidents. Bush's mismanagement still outdoes every other president.
Like I wrote earlier, usually it takes a generation or two to gain perspective, but Bush has fouled-up so monunmentally that anyone who is truly patriotic about America & who has educated themselves on this matter know that Bush is the worst ever. Why do I believe this to be true? What follows is just the tip of the iceberg really, but:
We've seen numerous court cases where Bush cronies have gotten busted. The IL, CA & VT State Legislatures have issued criminal charges against Bush which were listed in a post above & include the WMD lie, the Plame leak & the illegal domestic spying activities. The national debt is closing in on ten trillion thanks to Bush's outright incompetent fiscal policies. Bush is the only president in U.S. History with negative job growth....not only in his first term, but in both! The RICO act was updated in 1996 by the Clinton administration to include employers that hire illegal immigrants, but Bush, who heads the exective (law enforcing) branch of government, has not enforced the law so that his supporters (these guys: http://www.billionairesforbush.com/index.php) can make more money & then when the whole problem eventually blows up (as it has now), the Republicans can always spin it into a wedge issue. His administration has spied on leftist groups to concoct dirt & even on average Americans. The Jefferson Muzzle award was very recently bestowed upon him for his adminstration's suppression of freedom of speech, the most basic of our constitutional rights. His administration conspires with Fox news to create government propaganda. He was elected by a Supreme Court decision & without a the majority of the popular vote both times. He went AWOL from the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War. He was busted & found guilty of cocaine possession. His wife killed her allegedly abusive college boyfriend. His great-grandfather helped to finance Hitler.
The central charge against Prescott Bush has a basis in fact. In 1942, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, the U.S. government seized several companies in which he had an interest. Prescott at the time was an investment banker with Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), which had funneled U.S. capital into Germany during the 1920s and '30s. Among the seized companies was the Union Banking Corporation (UBC) of New York, which was controlled by German industrialist Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen had been an early financier of the Nazi party--in fact, in 1941 he published a book entitled I Paid Hitler. Ergo, Prescott helped finance the Nazis.
An article by journalist Toby Rogers posted on Loftus's Web site makes an even more explosive charge. Another company in which Prescott and his associates had a stake was the Silesian-American Corporation (SAC), which owned several industrial concerns in Poland. The Auschwitz death camp was established in a district where SAC already had a steel plant. The plant allegedly used forced labor from Auschwitz during World War II. The article asserts that "a portion of the slave labor force in Poland was 'managed by Prescott Bush,' according to a Dutch intelligence agent." (See www.john-loftus.com/Thyssen.asp.) His father, coming off his short term as CIA director, was instrumental in masterminding a black budget & distribution channels for cocaine & arms (among a multitude of other sins...it blew-up briefly under the Iran-Contra scandal but the operation continues to this day). The first money for Junior's first oil drilling company came not from his father but rather directly from bin Laden's family, for Lord's sake. He ignores the intelligence of his own staff, the National Security Agency & the CIA (many of who quit afterwards) & instead decides to lie to the people of the United States repeatedly to justify a war against the sovereign nation of Iraq. Sure, Saddam Hussein was a dictator, but the country's government was Pan-Arabic secular & now it's gonna be run by Shi'ite Muslim religious extremists. And it was all done for a piece of the oil pie & for a pipeline into Europe & some military installations & so that Bush & co. could skim money out of departmental & military sub-contracts.
The whole gang (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Rove) are some of the scariest bunch you'll ever witness. Of course we all know of (or certainly should) of Cheney's extensive Halliburton holdings & how all that ties in (read: http://www.onpointradio.org/shows/20...622_b_main.asp) & his Enron involvment, etc. (http://www.thenation.com/doc/20020415/nichols) Rumsfeld is in way deep with the miltary subcontracting industry (specifically The Carlyle Group) (read: http://www.publicintegrity.org/pns/report.aspx?aid=424) & has repeatedly fouled-up U.S. relations with the Middle East for profit; he also was the architect (along with Bush, Sr. & others) of the mujahadein led by Osama bin Laden to fight (then) Soviet invaders of Afghanistan. The Bush's Brain documentary contains the staight dope all about Karl; the guy is just simply pathologically & psychotically dishonest. After already obtaining a degree from Cornell, Wolfowitz specifically attended the University of Chicago to study under perhaps America's foremost scary neoconservatist political philosopher, Leo Strauss. One could go on like this forever, Bush is that bad. The worst president ever. A true piece of crap.

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Old 04.27.2006, 06:39 PM   #28
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Yeah, no doubt about it. With the leak case alone, Bush and his other voice, McLellan, have repeatedly lied about Rove's, Libby's, involvement. It's so easy to prove these people are liars and and are repsonsible for treasonous activities..nevermind fitzgerald, i could prove it myself with their quotes in the press alone. one day rove or libby or bush say one thing, then a few days later they say something else, contradicting themselves. it's such a joke

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Old 04.28.2006, 12:09 PM   #29
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Atari, you have to chill on your posts. You make them unreadable by including so much. Give us the executive summary next time. That would be a big help.

And ricechex, you continue to wallow in your own feces over the Bush presidency. I'm thinking he will be around until January of 2009 and then ride off into the sunset with Laura, Barbara, Jenna and their cute little schnauzer trailing behind.

Good luck though...as I tell my two year old, the only thing whining will get you is a BIG FAT TIMEOUT.

--Atari 2600
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Old 04.28.2006, 03:32 PM   #30
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wow, someone said the Colbert Report is the only news show that matters. Wow. I love these people who just watch shit like the daily show as their only news source
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Old 04.28.2006, 04:05 PM   #31
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i love these people who watch FOX right wing government propaganda and listen to right wing talk radio and treat it like it's actual news..c'mon people. atari and i and a few others round here would instantly destroy O'Reilly or Cavuto in a debate. I know that's not saying much. but it's laughable to defend bush. bush is a contradiction to most of his party ideals. it's hopeless trying to defend him.

bucklebone is still sipping the kool-aid at the compound.

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Old 04.28.2006, 04:25 PM   #32
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i think the compound is losing some members tho. come November, baby, the R's are gonna stay home, and they're gonna say to themselves, justifying it " we need to go back the other way a little bit.." and they'll stay home and not vote.

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Old 04.28.2006, 08:18 PM   #33
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Oh yeah, Fox news is fucking bullshit. I heard O'Reily told that jewish caller to " Move to Israel " when he said he's offended when christians try to convert him. Maybe O'Reily should talk about how big his penis is like he talked about with that girl he called like 50 times.
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Old 06.29.2006, 04:17 PM   #34
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The (admittedly liberal) college town of Berkeley, CA put together a ballot for its citizens to vote on whether or not Bush/Cheney should be impeached & it was made public today on CNN (& other news outlets as well probably,) Pundits said that it was more of a symbolic gesture than anything since "the House has to be the one to vote for impeachment." This is not entirely true, however, as is evidenced in this thread. Through the clause discovered by Karen Yarbrough, impeachment can be charged by a state legislature as well, but a committee must approve it before it goes before a vote by the House. So, feasibly, if enough state legislatures made the petition for impeachment, it would just about have to happen. I haven't heard anything else about the IL & VT legislatures bringing forth charges as I posted initially. Hopefully, today's announcement coming out of Berkeley will get the ball rolling a little more.
Several resolutions calling for impeachment have passed in cities around the country, but a ballot initiative allowing voters to weigh in on the issue would be unique. Constitution Summer, a coalition of student activists from more than a dozen universities, believes that Congress’ reluctance to investigate the merits of impeachment justifies taking the question to the people.
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Old 06.29.2006, 04:56 PM   #35
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These are all only symbloic gestures!!!! Only Congress can impeach the president and they most likely won't. They basically love to "service" the president ten times a day.

Trust me, no one would love to see the legal and peaceful removal of the Bush regime from power more than I, but it probably won't happen unless ther American people really convince Congress that Bush and his cronies have broken serious laws (which G. Bubya and his good ol' boys have done).
"No way, man! Cuz dyin' would be a stone groove! Got any messages for Jimi Hendrix?"

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Old 06.29.2006, 05:14 PM   #36
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Its really not going to change much is it. Bush is gonna die wealthy and happy about fifty years from now. Its almost like the presidency was just one of those things he wanted to get done, he'll tick it off and go swimming with dolphins next. All I know is that both him and Blair were in charge when things took a sudden turn for the worse in the world, and I personally think its due to disempowering the UN, Bush in particular has been pretty guilty of that appointing John Bolton for instance as UN ambasadors' kind of like hiring Louise woddward to babysit your kids.

You know when you try and wrap your head around the motivations of these people it kind of shudders and stops, politics is crazy, its about self interests and masking those interests from your neighbours and citizens. Or so it seems from where I'm sat. Bush may be a pretty bad president but the whole apperatus is fucked too. We've had 500 years of Hobbesian state conflict, its getting better though, no thanks to our current leaders mind.
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Old 06.29.2006, 05:22 PM   #37
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The only good thing about all this is that the rest of the world may realize that all of this crap they hate us (Americans) for isn't something we necessarily support or "stand for" either.
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Old 06.29.2006, 05:46 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Neongod
The only good thing about all this is that the rest of the world may realize that all of this crap they hate us (Americans) for isn't something we necessarily support or "stand for" either.

good point. i hope so. i don't see why people think there r no grounds for impeachment. they have been breaking our laws since the very begginning. they're on an entirely different level altogether than lying about a blowjob. it's surreal in comparison. they need to be taught the definition of democracy.

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Old 06.29.2006, 05:46 PM   #39
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Stupid "elected officials." Whatever happened to duels? I think that would be a supremely efficient way of selecting leaders. Not to mention, more people would pay attention.
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Old 06.29.2006, 06:05 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by me
Pundits said that it was more of a symbolic gesture than anything since "the House has to be the one to vote for impeachment." This is not entirely true, however, as is evidenced in this thread. Through the clause discovered by Karen Yarbrough, impeachment can be charged by a state legislature as well, but a committee must approve it before it goes before a vote by the House. So, feasibly, if enough state legislatures made the petition for impeachment, it would just about have to happen.
Originally Posted by kingcoffee
These are all only symbloic gestures!!!! Only Congress can impeach the president and they most likely won't. They basically love to "service" the president ten times a day.

Trust me, no one would love to see the legal and peaceful removal of the Bush regime from power more than I, but it probably won't happen unless ther American people really convince Congress that Bush and his cronies have broken serious laws (which GW and his good ol' boys have done).
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