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Old 04.23.2006, 07:02 PM   #21
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Anybody visit those pro Ana sites? Seems to be popular with a lot of girls. I find it all disturbing myself, but I have a friend who is overweight and she is always in love with skinny boys and shit, and I guess its partly a jealously thing for her, and likes really skinny celebrities because she thinks thier like at the ideal weight. I try to tell her that thinking is bullshit but you can't really change people's perceptions of themselves I guess.
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Old 04.23.2006, 07:27 PM   #22
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oh, gross!!! anorexics give me the fucking willies. and their self-obsession makes me wanna puke. why don't they just take a fucking flight to some famine-stricken region & relieve us of their presence? plus, those countries could benefit from their tourism dollars.
darfur awaits you!
choose your fucking destination!
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Old 04.23.2006, 08:04 PM   #23
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when im home alone, i eat unhealthily.
My Music(grunge rock)

A part of this blue shit since June 24th, 2004
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Old 04.23.2006, 08:13 PM   #24
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I have horrible eating habits. I'd kill to lose weight, but those ana girls make me feel kind of happy to have a few extra pounds.

I put cayenne pepper on everything, save dessert-y foods and fruit.
fuck i'm frustrated, freaking out something fierce, would you help me? i'm hungry and i stuffer and i startle, i struggle and i stammer til i'm up to my ears in miserable quote unquote "art"
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Old 04.23.2006, 10:28 PM   #25
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I love Japanese food, especially sushi. Some people can't get over the fact that it's raw fish, but whatever. I also love pasta, noodles and rice (how Asian of me), steak and crepes. My least favourite food are peas. They taste horrible.
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Old 04.24.2006, 12:41 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by samantha.
I love Japanese food, especially sushi. Some people can't get over the fact that it's raw fish, but whatever. I also love pasta, noodles and rice (how Asian of me), steak and crepes. My least favourite food are peas. They taste horrible.

hah, women who love their food rule! down with frigid eaters!
ive heard of people who are grossed out with the *idea* of the raw fish but-- such fools! sushi is awesome.

now about the peas: if they aren't cooked right they taste awful.

here's a suggestion: cook them lightly, in only a bit of water, and put some lettuce leaves in the pot (they balance out the sweet i guess, lettuce being slightly bitter, you don't have to eat the lettuce, it's only for flavor). or steam them. you can actually steam them between lettuce leaves (no iceberg!). when ready add a little butter -- delicious!. you can cook w/ shallots too. anyway DO NOT OVERCOOK, or they will taste like... farts, hah
hah. overcooked boiled vegetables are the worst whatever vegetable they are.
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Old 04.24.2006, 09:07 AM   #27
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i like toast.
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Old 04.24.2006, 12:23 PM   #28
atari 2600
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i am toast

glad you like me

i toasted an "everything" bagel today & had cream cheese on it...
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Old 04.24.2006, 12:27 PM   #29
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mmmmm bagel... miss those...

that and a lovely poutine in a drunken state...

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Old 04.24.2006, 12:47 PM   #30
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i am a "plant-eating pussy," according to nomadicfollower. ironically my diet is MORE well-rounded since i became vegetarian since i knew i'd have to branch out so i wouldn't get sick of the same things. now i eat almost anything that is vegetarian . . . except brussels sprouts (how stereotypical of me). (check that . . . i'm not big on desserts, with the exception of the occasional italian ice or cookie -- i'm anal about health.)

i'm also a pasta nut, and i make tea almost every day when i'm home.
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Old 04.24.2006, 12:53 PM   #31
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sushi gives you great energy & awareness

i love peas. ealry, sweet, canned or dried ones that are soaked

i really love split pea soup, but i do use a lot of salt & also add dried onion &/or minced onions, thyme & pepper, but i don't use ham in it at all

when i was younger i wouldn't like to eat brussel sprouts, broccoli or turnip or mustard greens, beets all that but i would eat it to "clean my plate" & now i actually like those foods...
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Old 04.24.2006, 12:56 PM   #32
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what movie was that where a woman cries & says "my mother was a horrible cook"?

ah yes! i think it was BIG NIGHT. beautiful little film.

my mother used to overcook vegetables. she still does. hence i hated them. but since i learned to cook i love them. because i kick ass in the kitchen
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Old 04.24.2006, 01:00 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by qprogeny79
i am a "plant-eating pussy,"...

ha ha, me too, for a long time now. It's the right choice, no question.

I made garlic bread from scratch tonight, the first time I've done so. It was fantastic.

My favourite foods are: curries, rice, mushrooms and cheese. And anyhting (veggie) from the chippy of course.

I use a lot of fresh vegetables, and quite a lot of soya, tofu and red lentils.

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Old 04.24.2006, 02:47 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Hip Priest
ha ha, me too, for a long time now. It's the right choice, no question.

I made garlic bread from scratch tonight, the first time I've done so. It was fantastic.

My favourite foods are: curries, rice, mushrooms and cheese. And anyhting (veggie) from the chippy of course.

I use a lot of fresh vegetables, and quite a lot of soya, tofu and red lentils.

why did you become vegetarian? i did because the idea of chewing on a dead animal grossed me out since i was a kid, and at the age of ten my parents were finally convinced that it isnt unhealthy


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Old 04.24.2006, 02:55 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by ploesj
why did you become vegetarian? i did because the idea of chewing on a dead animal grossed me out since i was a kid, and at the age of ten my parents were finally convinced that it isnt unhealthy

I became vegetarian nearly 23 years ago (I was 12). It was a variety of reasons, including yours, and the fact that our farming methods are so unfair, and that it's just not very healthy. But basically, I think I realised that I don't need to eat animals - I come from a pretty wealthy country, and I've never been so desperate for food that something else has had to die just to fill my stomach.

I hope you stick with it, because if you're anything like me then you'll be glad you did when you're older. I was the only veggie in my family, and I'm kind of proud that I stuck at it, especially since back then I could actually eat very little - even things like plain biscuits had animal fat in. Vegetarian food is much more available and affordable now, which is a good thing. I thonk there were relatively few vegetarians for a long time, but it really picked up around the time that I changed to it. I'm sure that the 'movement' (for want of a better term) was a part of the reason too - at least in the sense of making me aware of things more.

Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

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Old 04.24.2006, 07:33 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Hip Priest
I became vegetarian nearly 23 years ago (I was 12). It was a variety of reasons, including yours, and the fact that our farming methods are so unfair, and that it's just not very healthy. But basically, I think I realised that I don't need to eat animals - I come from a pretty wealthy country, and I've never been so desperate for food that something else has had to die just to fill my stomach.

I hope you stick with it, because if you're anything like me then you'll be glad you did when you're older. I was the only veggie in my family, and I'm kind of proud that I stuck at it, especially since back then I could actually eat very little - even things like plain biscuits had animal fat in. Vegetarian food is much more available and affordable now, which is a good thing. I thonk there were relatively few vegetarians for a long time, but it really picked up around the time that I changed to it. I'm sure that the 'movement' (for want of a better term) was a part of the reason too - at least in the sense of making me aware of things more.

don't you hate the incessant questions about what you do for protein?

it drives me insane when things that look perfectly innocent have something non-vegetarian 7/8 of the way down the ingredient list. i dread finding out something like that when someone is cooking for me.

i've been doing it for almost 3 years now, though i continued eating fish until about a year ago, when it occured to me that if you eat fish you're NOT vegetarian. (that's another one of my pet peeves . . . i tell people i'm vegetarian and their immediate question is "do you eat fish?" uuh . . . last i checked fish were animals.)
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Old 04.24.2006, 10:06 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
hah, women who love their food rule! down with frigid eaters!
ive heard of people who are grossed out with the *idea* of the raw fish but-- such fools! sushi is awesome.

now about the peas: if they aren't cooked right they taste awful.

here's a suggestion: cook them lightly, in only a bit of water, and put some lettuce leaves in the pot (they balance out the sweet i guess, lettuce being slightly bitter, you don't have to eat the lettuce, it's only for flavor). or steam them. you can actually steam them between lettuce leaves (no iceberg!). when ready add a little butter -- delicious!. you can cook w/ shallots too. anyway DO NOT OVERCOOK, or they will taste like... farts, hah
hah. overcooked boiled vegetables are the worst whatever vegetable they are.

Sushi is indeed awesome.

Thanks for the peas cooking suggestion! I suck at cooking, but I'll try it out anyway. Or I can get my mum to do it, haha.
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Old 04.24.2006, 11:20 PM   #38
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fish tacos bitch!
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Old 04.25.2006, 04:49 AM   #39
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It's quiet in work this morning, so you get a proper split-quote response! Hurrah!

Originally Posted by qprogeny79
don't you hate the incessant questions about what you do for protein?

It depends - if it's people just being a pain (and usually it is) then yes. If it's people who are considering vegetarianism or worrying about their child becoming vegetarian then I'm happy to help, as I'm sure you are.

The people who irritate me the most in fact, are the veggiefascists, the vegetairans who check you out with questions to see if you're a proper veggie, like they are. They assume that you don't actually understand what the word 'vegetarian' means. They give vegetarianism a bad reputation, when it in fact deserves to have the best reputation.

Originally Posted by qprogeny79
it drives me insane when things that look perfectly innocent have something non-vegetarian 7/8 of the way down the ingredient list. i dread finding out something like that when someone is cooking for me.

The main one where I have to be very careful is oriental chutneys and the like - there was a very nice looking Thai coconut and chilli paste recently, but it contained fish oil. I've learned to look at everything in advance.

And Walkers crisps. I can understand chicken flavour crisps containing somethig derived from chicken, but quite why sour cream and sweet pepper flavour has to be unsuitable for vegetarians is a mystery to me. Especially when the offending ingredient is available in animal and vegetable form. And especially when other crisp manufacturers manage quite happily. But to be honest I don't like Walkers much anyway, they're kind of on my boycott list.

Originally Posted by qprogeny79
i've been doing it for almost 3 years now, though i continued eating fish until about a year ago, when it occured to me that if you eat fish you're NOT vegetarian. (that's another one of my pet peeves . . . i tell people i'm vegetarian and their immediate question is "do you eat fish?" uuh . . . last i checked fish were animals.)

'I'm vegetarian'
'Right. Do you eat fish?'
'No - I'm vegetarian'
'Oh. I know some vegetarians who eat fish'
'No, you don't'
'Yes I do'
'No you don't'
'What do you mean?'
'THe're not vegetarians'
'Why not?'

Then I usually have to explain why fish count as animals. Which seems strange, given that it's fairly obvious.

It used to annoy me when cafes and the like would have fish as a vegetarian option! But things are much better nowadays - I very rarely hve any problem anywhere. Vegetarian food is more widespread, accessible, tasty and cheaper too.

I sometimes wonder why people think veggie food has to be bland. Changing the meat in a curry to soya or tofu or vegetables doesn't ruin the enjoyment. In fact the knowledge that you're making the right choice should enhance the enjoyment. I know a few people who aren't vegetarian, but who choose more and more vegetarian options because they've tried and preferred them in the past. The taste of exotic vegetables and fruit is just as interesting as meat, and once you stop eating meat, I think you actually start to taste the other things more.

Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

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Old 04.25.2006, 05:13 AM   #40
A Thousand Threads
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iīm vegetarian, too

once i had an interesting conversation with my girlfriend. She didnīt believe me that fish have feelings and she couldnīt understand why i donīt eat fish.
Then we went into a bookstore and found this really nice book "sex fish and cod"
that was fun

i put cheese in everything i cook
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