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View Poll Results: What's yr poison?
Are you fucking nuts? VINYL. 11 45.83%
Practicality uber alles. CD/SACD. 8 33.33%
t3h FUtuR3. DOWNLOADS (legit). 1 4.17%
Too Cheap For Love. DOWNLOADS (not so legit). 2 8.33%
I'm lying/fuck you. OTHER. 2 8.33%
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:34 PM   #21
Savage Clone
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Definitely more of an effort, but it's effort I don't mind putting in.
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:36 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Jt
I guess, but they're more fragile, y'know? CDs seem more robust - take 'em to your friend's place, no problem. With vinyl you're worrying about the sleeve getting ruined, making sure you don't bend it, scuff the corners... I mean it's more of an effort.
i'm not. i don't baby my records, just clean them off with a mixture of rubbing alcohol, distilled water, and a drop or so of soap once and awhile and they're fine. i pick fuzz off my stylus with pointy tweezers. i'm not a collector, per se...i'm just a bit fanatical about listening to music.
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:37 PM   #23
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i love vinyl above all else in spite of its limitations.

sacd looks interesting and has great potential though-- could be better sound than vinyl but i have not heard yet.

as far as "legal" downloads go, i think they are shit for 2 reasons:
1) they cost as much as buying a vinyl or cd and offer lesser quality
2) the fucking DRM that lets you play or move your files only in certain players/machines/number of times/wtf-- get the fuck out of my computer!!
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:39 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i love vinyl above all else in spite of its limitations.

sacd looks interesting and has great potential though-- could be better sound than vinyl but i have not heard yet.

as far as "legal" downloads go, i think they are shit for 2 reasons:
1) they cost as much as buying a vinyl or cd and offer lesser quality
2) the fucking DRM that lets you play or move your files only in certain players/machines/number of times/wtf-- get the fuck out of my computer!!
you can burn itunes stuff onto a cd and then rip it back onto the computer and itunes is too dumb to recognize that it was a locked M4A.
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:44 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
you can burn itunes stuff onto a cd and then rip it back onto the computer and itunes is too dumb to recognize that it was a locked M4A.

sure it's doable, without burning to CD even, you jack your player into the soundcard; but the transcoding further re-fucks the audio if you put back in compressed format. if you want to keep the original (low) quality you end up with oversized wav files of less-than-cd quality; at best you can compress to shn.

however-- do you realize the fucking pain of the operation? i have a full time job and i already waste to much time here. paid downloads are shit.
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:44 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
you can burn itunes stuff onto a cd and then rip it back onto the computer and itunes is too dumb to recognize that it was a locked M4A.

How long do you think you'll get away with that though? I mean they'll never be able to defeat recording the signal in real time through your soundcard, but then your end product is only going to sound as good as your soundcard. I've never understood paid downloading - a higher price for an inferior product on every level, basically.

As for the musical fanaticism stuff, I'd like to think I'm the same with my CD collection looking pretty massive nowadays (for a 20 year-old), but if I realistically thought it practical to buy vinyl I would. Just personally I know in the long run I'd ruin half my collection and, hopefully, with new disc formats coming out they'll be able to match vinyl pretty closely sound-wise in future.

EDIT: Beaten to it.
Album of the Week:
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:46 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Jt
How long do you think you'll get away with that though? I mean they'll never be able to defeat recording the signal in real time through your soundcard, but then your end product is only going to sound as good as your soundcard. I've never understood paid downloading - a higher price for an inferior product on every level, basically.

As for the musical fanaticism stuff, I'd like to think I'm the same with my CD collection looking pretty massive nowadays (for a 20 year-old), but if I realistically thought it practical to buy vinyl I would. Just personally I know in the long run I'd ruin half my collection and, hopefully, with new disc formats coming out they'll be able to match vinyl pretty closely sound-wise in future.

EDIT: Beaten to it.
i don't mind if my records have a little surface noise so long as they don't sound like complete shit, in which case i'll go out and buy a replacement copy (which is partially why the number of records i own has grown to such a large number)
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:55 PM   #28
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Yeah but sometimes it's not so easy. I know where you're coming from, but if I lost my Zensor copy of the debut SY album/EP for example, buying it again wouldn't be so simple. Whereas my SST copy on CD isn't going to break so it's not an issue.
Album of the Week:
Pylon Gyrate 1980
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:56 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by jico.
pff... its so easy to convert m4a to mp3...

i collect all formats...

for pratical reasons most of the times i listen to digital formats

again, even w./ batch processing, it recacks the sound.
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:57 PM   #30
Savage Clone
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If you have DDN on CD and LP, surely you must have noticed how crappy the CD sounds in comparison.
And you won't break or ruin your records if you treat them nicely, which doesn't even take all that much doing.
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:58 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Jt
Yeah but sometimes it's not so easy. I know where you're coming from, but if I lost my Zensor copy of the debut SY album/EP for example, buying it again wouldn't be so simple. Whereas my SST copy on CD isn't going to break so it's not an issue.
their really early records are pretty hard to come by. i think i paid like $30 or $40 for an original copy of confusion.
Originally Posted by Savage Clone
If you have DDN on CD and LP, surely you must have noticed how crappy the CD sounds in comparison.
And you won't break or ruin your records if you treat them nicely, which doesn't even take all that much doing.

the CD does sound like shit.
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Old 03.28.2007, 05:59 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Jt
Yeah but sometimes it's not so easy. I know where you're coming from, but if I lost my Zensor copy of the debut SY album/EP for example, buying it again wouldn't be so simple. Whereas my SST copy on CD isn't going to break so it's not an issue.

you crackers? cds break, scratch, deteriorate, die. whereas vinyl can last 100 years easy, early CDs are subject to oxidization and can turn to shit. you better back up that sst copy before it's too late.
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Old 03.28.2007, 06:01 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you crackers? cds break, scratch, deteriorate, die. whereas vinyl can last 100 years easy, early CDs are subject to oxidization and can turn to shit. you better back up that sst copy before it's too late.
i think the library of congress turns their LPs 1/4 turn every couple years to prevent warping, which i don't think is anything to worry about if you store them face-up instead of on their side, seeing how they're flat and all and the whole gravity thing.
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Old 03.28.2007, 06:06 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Cantankerous
their really early records are pretty hard to come by. i think i paid like $30 or $40 for an original copy of confusion.

the CD does sound like shit.

I don't know which CD you've got, but the Blast First has an amazing sound - the perfect balance. I've heard shit about the DGC release, but I wouldn't know. Plus my CD player is very expensive whereas my turntable's a hunk of shit I bought off my dad, so that factors in I guess. Amp's brilliant mind.

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
you crackers? cds break, scratch, deteriorate, die. whereas vinyl can last 100 years easy, early CDs are subject to oxidization and can turn to shit. you better back up that sst copy before it's too late.

What about that sleeve? Probably not going to come through the 100 years so well. The vinyl can warp in lower temperatures than CDs too. You're right about the oxidisation on early releases though; I've got the SST Sonic Death release too, but I rarely play them - a lot of my main collection is back at home now while I'm at university.

EDIT: The warping, again it's another concern I'd rather be without - making sure they're all flatly stored, cared for *just so*... it's more hassle for relatively minimum gain other than the collectible status of the medium itself.
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Old 03.28.2007, 06:18 PM   #35
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Hah, let's not turn this into a who's-got-the-biggest-dick-slash-coolest-vinyl debate. Honestly, it's probably down to the blatant imbalance in my hi-fi set-up, but vinyl has never been like "whoah shit" in terms of fidelity for me. Fair enough, the SST 1st EP reissue doesn't sound quite as good as the Zensor release on LP, but then we all know SST CDs sounded like shit anyway with being so tinny and early.

For me it's just never been a big deal, vinyl, in spite of me having a much bigger album collection than a lot of people I personally know who swear by vinyl. It's just... *shrug*.
Album of the Week:
Pylon Gyrate 1980
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Old 03.28.2007, 06:26 PM   #36
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What I love mainly about Vinyls is the cover art. For me the album is about the whole experience. I love the hugeness of the cover art and the feeling of opening it up and taking the vinyl out. With CDs and cassettes it feels a little too disposable and not as precious.
....Of Course its some kinda cosmic payback for being too ironic!
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Old 03.28.2007, 06:56 PM   #37
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7" vinyl is my favourite format
tapes is alright enough too
CDs are practical
mp3s etc are ridiculous, although extremely convenient, i know a couple of people who pay to download shit too, people with more money than sense basically.
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Old 03.28.2007, 07:19 PM   #38
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CDs. Better portability, can hold more songs on a single disc

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Old 03.28.2007, 08:02 PM   #39
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i dig vinyl also the only thing is with vinyl the fucking needles are so expensive it cost me more to buy a new needle than the record player i have
i'll ride off into the sunset of yr colour T.V.

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Old 03.29.2007, 07:42 AM   #40
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Yeah and needles are important in terms of preserving your records so they're kind of crucial. I blew all my money on my CD/amp set-up so I wouldn't be able to afford pursuing vinyl now anyway.
Album of the Week:
Pylon Gyrate 1980
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