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Old 09.04.2014, 01:21 PM   #21
Savage Clone
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
To those throwing out "christian this" or "privacy that" I will reiterate again, IM NOT MAKING ANY MORAL ETHICAL ARGUMENTS AGAINST nude photos. Im saying ontologically speaking that is the risk, so either don't take the pictures or concede the risk as part of playing the game. In other words I have zero sympathy for people who make reckless or stupid decisions, and they rightfully have themselves to blame. Problem with our society is no body owns up to their mistskes or responsibilities..

I call this the "why was she drinking and wearing sexy clothing/what did she expect" argument.
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Old 09.04.2014, 01:45 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I call this the "why was she drinking and wearing sexy clothing/what did she expect" argument.
Not same at all unless you said,"why was she drinking and wearing a sexy outfit in public where,pictures would be taken if she wanted it private." Also to be sure, its not strictly a womens issue, my comments are as applicable to men who take dick pics that were leaked as as women, indeed this is a gender neutral issue. Again, im not "slut shaming" as I could careless about the morality of other people and its not my place to judge. Rather this is an argument about the ontological reality that photos aren't inherently private so if people, men or women, want to keep their nudity private simply dont take the pictures!
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Old 09.04.2014, 02:12 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Not same at all unless you said,"why was she drinking and wearing a sexy outfit in public where,pictures would be taken if she wanted it private." Also to be sure, its not strictly a womens issue, my comments are as applicable to men who take dick pics that were leaked as as women, indeed this is a gender neutral issue. Again, im not "slut shaming" as I could careless about the morality of other people and its not my place to judge. Rather this is an argument about the ontological reality that photos aren't inherently private so if people, men or women, want to keep their nudity private simply dont take the pictures!

this is your own prejudice talking.

look, for most people, putting things online is just like the general act of stepping outside your house--- a risk/benefit calculation. nothing is ever completely guaranteed, there is only risk and risk management. how much risk you want to assume is up to you.

people who love to take and share pictures of themselves naked will continue to do so. they know there is a risk attached to this and don't need a kindergarten-level lesson on the possibility that unwanted people might see them.

criminals will always try to take advantage of people no matter the situation.

same thing with people who like kayaking. there is a chance that a great white shark might try to eat them. they still like kayaking. great white sharks will keep trying to eat them.
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Old 09.04.2014, 02:39 PM   #24
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but suckbongs, your position ACCEPTS that online data, including photos, are not private property and that private property rights do not apply. therefore you are really just on the side of the leakers, and actually angry at hennifer lawrence and co for being upset that their photos were leaked, probbly cos ur guilty about the massive boner they give you, for religious reasons.

also, you are angry at hennifer and co for complaining, so what you are really saying is they have no right to complain that their nude photos were hacked and leaked. i think you need to do some self examination because your pyschosexual issues are coming through here.

ask yourself, what if someone leaked pictures of the "virgin" (lol) mary getting her hot titties rubbed by some roman who impregnated her with the seed that would bear jesus, would you blame her for getting turnt on and twerking? would you? it means theres no god if you get a b0ner.
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Old 09.04.2014, 02:42 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!

criminals will always try to take advantage of people no matter the situation.

Yeah, which is why I lock my front door at night. If I didn't, I'd be as stupid as the person who isn't careful with pics taken of themselves they may not want the public to see. It's not taking responsibility away from the thief; it's just saying don't be naive.
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Old 09.04.2014, 02:49 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yeah, which is why I lock my front door at night. If I didn't, I'd be as stupid as the person who isn't careful with pics taken of themselves they may not want the public to see. It's not taking responsibility away from the thief; it's just saying don't be naive.

not being naive/ using better security/ stronger passwords/ etc. is one thing.

blaming the victim for having tit pics / a tv in the house / money in the bank (or wallet) is another thing
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Old 09.04.2014, 02:57 PM   #27
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Old 09.04.2014, 03:42 PM   #28
Genteel Death
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Try having a pair of tits and walk down the street before you reverse to your male torso. Let's see if you don't get the different level of threatening violence you're met with if you are female. Like Savage Clone said, please do shut your mouth about this. It's not funny.
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Old 09.04.2014, 03:47 PM   #29
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Dead battery, me thinks thou dost project too much. I havent seen these pictures and im not trying to make any moral arguments against them. Im not a prude. What im making is an ontological argument similar to whay demonrail summarizes bellow, that if you take these pics and what is riskier upload them somewhere that is he riak
Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yeah, which is why I lock my front door at night. If I didn't, I'd be as stupid as the person who isn't careful with pics taken of themselves they may not want the public to see. It's not taking responsibility away from the thief; it's just saying don't be naive.
Thank you, a voice of reason
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Old 09.04.2014, 04:01 PM   #30
Genteel Death
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You're comparing being a criminal with showing a bit of flesh. What's wrong with you guys?
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Old 09.04.2014, 04:06 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Im not a prude

yes, you are.

you don't recognize the right of people to take naked pictures of themselves, just as they have the right to have online bank accounts or communicate via email.

you're making the nude pictures a special case that you will single out as different from any other private information.

and you're blaming the victim.
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Old 09.04.2014, 04:16 PM   #32
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I blame Eva Prinz
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Old 09.04.2014, 07:48 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Genteel Death
You're comparing being a criminal with showing a bit of flesh. What's wrong with you guys?

Not about showing flesh, its about making stupid decisions to upload the said flesh showing pictures onto the internet and somehow be surprised and offended when assholes on the internet steal them. I will reiterate one last motherfucking time before I bid you assholes goodnight and head to class. I AM NOT MAKING ANY KIND OF MORAL ARGUMENT, RATHER AN ONTOLOGICAL ONE. THERE IS NOTHING MORALLY OR ETHICALLY WRONG WITH THE PICTURES, BUT WHAT IS FUCKING BRAINDEAD STUPID IS TO UPLOAD THEM ONTO A FILE HOSTING SERVER AND EXPECT THEM TO BE SECURE. Shit, I've had to change my bank and email passwords MONTHLY because of hackers, why would people be naive or stupid enough to send nude pictures unless they WANTED them leak. IF THEY DIDN'T WANT THEM LEAKED, DON'T FUCKING UPLOAD THEM.

Right now I've got so many motherfucking things going wrong in my real life that I have no room for sympathy for dumb spoiled rich girls who are not even as smart as a 7th grader.. this is exactly what happened when people make too much money they don't know how to work for this life and make reckless decisions..
Originally Posted by !@#$%!
and you're blaming the victim.

yes I am, and I'm not ashamed to say it so FUCK EM

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Old 09.04.2014, 08:36 PM   #34
Savage Clone
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Not same at all unless you said,"why was she drinking and wearing a sexy outfit in public where,pictures would be taken if she wanted it private." Also to be sure, its not strictly a womens issue, my comments are as applicable to men who take dick pics that were leaked as as women, indeed this is a gender neutral issue. Again, im not "slut shaming" as I could careless about the morality of other people and its not my place to judge. Rather this is an argument about the ontological reality that photos aren't inherently private so if people, men or women, want to keep their nudity private simply dont take the pictures!

The corollary I was making is that this is what people say in instances of unwanted street harassment or come ons in bars, or in the worst cases actual assault.wasn't really talking about photos. But the argument you are making is exactly the same and do not try to pretend it isn't.
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Old 09.04.2014, 08:37 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Savage Clone
The corollary I was making is that this is what people say in instances of unwanted street harassment or come ons in bars, or in the worst cases actual assault.wasn't really talking about photos. But the argument you are making is exactly the same and do not try to pretend it isn't.

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Old 09.04.2014, 08:40 PM   #36
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Your caps lock is stuck on.
And also you are talking out of your ass.
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Old 09.04.2014, 09:08 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Not about showing flesh, its about making stupid decisions to upload the said flesh showing pictures onto the internet and somehow be surprised and offended when assholes on the internet steal them. I will reiterate one last motherfucking time before I bid you assholes goodnight and head to class. I AM NOT MAKING ANY KIND OF MORAL ARGUMENT, RATHER AN ONTOLOGICAL ONE. THERE IS NOTHING MORALLY OR ETHICALLY WRONG WITH THE PICTURES, BUT WHAT IS FUCKING BRAINDEAD STUPID IS TO UPLOAD THEM ONTO A FILE HOSTING SERVER AND EXPECT THEM TO BE SECURE. Shit, I've had to change my bank and email passwords MONTHLY because of hackers, why would people be naive or stupid enough to send nude pictures unless they WANTED them leak. IF THEY DIDN'T WANT THEM LEAKED, DON'T FUCKING UPLOAD THEM.

Right now I've got so many motherfucking things going wrong in my real life that I have no room for sympathy for dumb spoiled rich girls who are not even as smart as a 7th grader.. this is exactly what happened when people make too much money they don't know how to work for this life and make reckless decisions..

yes I am, and I'm not ashamed to say it so FUCK EM

hey! is that the spoiled rich guy who was shot? it was his own fault, right?

what about michael brown? he asked for it too? you know, for knowingly walking in the street in the presence of racist cops?
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Old 09.05.2014, 09:36 AM   #38
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Old 09.05.2014, 09:43 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

I would pee myself if I saw something like this.
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Old 09.05.2014, 10:27 AM   #40
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