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Old 01.22.2007, 05:35 PM   #21
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don;t worry about it

I love animals and hate to see them hurt. I do not like seeing animal experiementation, but I make a big distinction between animals tests to find cures for aids or hepatitis and animals tests to determine is some new perfume will blister the skin, or if a new lipstick will cause eye chancres.

I wish PETA all the luck in the world in stopping such stupid needlesss bullshit as what th makeup and perfume industry does to animals.

as far as fur goes, I do not wear it but it is none of my business what others wear. if they can live with dead pelts on them so be it.

i like my leather doc martens, and there is truly not much different between some leather shoes and a fur coat.

forgive my glibness before please. I am sorry.
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Old 01.22.2007, 05:36 PM   #22
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Most people who oppose for people using fur don't have nothing to do, and just take a (in my opinion) stupid cause. So what if the elite or rich want to wear fur. People have been doing it for centuries, and if they want to they should do it.
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Old 01.22.2007, 05:37 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Most people who oppose for people using fur don't have nothing to do, and just take a (in my opinion) stupid cause. So what if the elite or rich want to wear fur. People have been doing it for centuries, and if they want to they should do it.

It's not neccessarily just the wearing of fur. There's the issue of the appalling lives that animals have in fur farms to consider. Good stewardship and all that.

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Old 01.22.2007, 05:39 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Most people who oppose for people using fur don't have nothing to do, and just take a (in my opinion) stupid cause. So what if the elite or rich want to wear fur. People have been doing it for centuries, and if they want to they should do it.

because animals should not be killed just so a person can have a nice coat. the way that animals are treated on fur farms etc is truly unethical and down right disgusting.
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Old 01.22.2007, 05:41 PM   #25
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Well of course it is bad to testr them for the latest perfume, but like rob said I don't think it is unethical to test them for future cures in diseases.
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Old 01.22.2007, 05:43 PM   #26
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I have a strong distaste for the radical animal rights/ environmentalist groups. I think fur coats look shit. If people want to look shit, then more power. Drown them in blood not for ethics but for their taste.
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Old 01.22.2007, 05:45 PM   #27
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agreed. i am not into the radical left wing, animal rights, digging up people dead relatives and holding them to ransome ethic but i am anto fur and animal testing.
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Old 01.22.2007, 05:57 PM   #28
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I don't agree with vegetarianism. I love eating meat. Eating meat gave us the ability to evolve higher cognitive abilities. The high amounts of protein in meat gave us the ability to evolve beyond our animal brethren.

Now, I don't agree with the mistreatment of animals. They inhabit this planet just like we do, and they deserve our respect. That is why I don't like it when people wear fur for fashion rather than survival. If you are in the wilderness and you need to stay warm, kill an animal and wear it's fur and eat it's meat. That is perfectly fine. That is the circle of life. One lifeform consumes another for survival. All creatures do it. However, killing an animal simply for it's fur (be it for it's rarity, or soft fur, etc.) when other means of clothing are WIDELY availablem i.e. synthetics, cotton, plyester etc. is just wrong. J-Lo is a ho. She is a bottom-feeding, money-grubbing, spoiled, selfish whore with no respect for anyone or anything else.

PETA however noble they believe their actions are or howver well they mean, are a pretentious, self-righteous, mean-spirited organization. I don't know if anyone else saw that episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit! on Showtime, but PETA are a fascist organization that treats people like they were less than animals. The head of the group is a Nazi-ish woman who still eats meat and treats animals badly. I'm all for animal rights and all. We shouldn't needlessly injur or mistreat animals; that is just fucked up. But we can't go around preaching like we were Christ on the mountaintop about how eating meat is wrong and blah blah blah. Hey, PETA! Come down off yr high horse and realize that we wouldn't be where we are today without consuming the flesh of animals!!!!
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Old 01.22.2007, 06:22 PM   #29
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I strongly disagree, Kingcoffee. I don't disagree with PETAs stance on animal rights, but there are other animal rights organisations who are more... articulate say, in how they go about their duties. But PETA is what it is, it's the animal rights organisation that appeals to the mainstream audence etc, with their 'who is the hottest vegetarian' polls and shit, but they do what they do because they know it works. And I'm sure glad PETA exists.

Animals aren't used for survival anymore - them days are long gone.
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Old 01.22.2007, 06:40 PM   #30
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I just wish PETA wasn't so smug and self-righteous in their execution. I'm glad that someone out there stands up for animals who can't fight back effectively against people who mean them harm. It is an issue that needs ot be seriously addressed (along with countless others). But the problem is you can't just go around throwing paint or blood on people because you don't like what they are wearing, unless it's dead people skin. That is called fascism. If the person wearing the fur hasn't broken any environmental laws (i.e. wearing the fur of endangered/protected species) then protest rationally. Screaming is annoying, and throwing stuff on people is stupid and petty.

I believe that many members of PETA's hearts are in the right place, but their method of execution is something that needs to be improved upon. They are too reckless and closedminded and manipulative to do the maximum amount of good for animal rights. It's like how the Weathermen (the violent hippies who blew up gov't buildings) give the hippies a bad name, PETA gives animal rights enthusiasts (of which I am one) and hippies a bad name!!!!
"No way, man! Cuz dyin' would be a stone groove! Got any messages for Jimi Hendrix?"

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Old 01.22.2007, 07:10 PM   #31
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There's radicals in every 'group' or whatever. The weathermen were effective. They got attention - which is exactly what radical protesters want. I don't see PETA as being smug or self-righteous. I do, though, agree that there other ways of getting a point across. But then, really, people don't tend to listen unless they're yelled at. Which is a shame.

But the problem is you can't just go around throwing paint or blood on people because you don't like what they are wearing, unless it's dead people skin.

I don't see any difference between wearing human skin than wearing animal skin. The only difference would be that you are human. You put yourself above another species. But there really is no difference. Both are living things that have been skinned.
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Old 01.22.2007, 07:12 PM   #32
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Some people look shit in a fur and some don't.GET.FUCKING.USED.TO.IT.STOP.

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Old 01.22.2007, 07:19 PM   #33
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Old 01.22.2007, 07:21 PM   #34
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I'd turn her into an ashtray if i had it my way.

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Old 01.22.2007, 07:22 PM   #35
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She'll be neutered when I'm done with her anyway.

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Old 01.22.2007, 07:24 PM   #36
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Old 01.22.2007, 07:24 PM   #37
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When is that going to happen?When,i ask?

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Old 01.22.2007, 07:26 PM   #38
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I don't know. To be honest, by the time I get to her she'll probably be too old anyway. She's showing signs of aging. Too much sun and cigarettes. I'd do 1996 Cat Power, anyway. I'm sure she's really pleased to know that.
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Old 01.22.2007, 07:27 PM   #39
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Old 01.23.2007, 05:06 AM   #40
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[quote=kingcoffee]I don't agree with vegetarianism. I love eating meat. Eating meat gave us the ability to evolve higher cognitive abilities. The high amounts of protein in meat gave us the ability to evolve beyond our animal brethren.[quote]

so vegetarians are not as developed as meat eaters? perhaps you would like to explain this a little more.
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