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Old 06.12.2011, 11:23 PM   #1
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Fucking Mavericks? Who would have thought they'd tear through so many great teams to get a ring? My hats are off to the refs


Luckily NBA is really a dramatic soap opera, its not real in the slightest, the player are no different than Rick Flair and the Ultimate Warrior, but just like movies and plays, if the performance is well delivered, it is fun to watch and gossip about!

In that regard, it was definately one of my favorite NBA seasons, aside from maybe last year and 1998!

Hey Kobe, where you at my ninja? You and LeBron and Dwight Howard having a little pity party?

At least Steve Nash clowned Spurs and managed to humbly get the Season high for assists for the third consecutive season!

There are over 300 players in the league, only 16 get a ring each year, aside from that its all about water cooler entertainment!

Oh yeah, OKC, way to go! Though you took the LeBron dive for Dallas this year (we ALL know you could have put the broom to those mavs) you still did way better than last year, going from last place to 8th place to the Western Finals, fuck the fuck yeah! Too bad Westbrook turned into a dickhead, I place the blame solely on Perkins for bring that boston celtics dickhead mentality to the otherwise college style OKC, next year they better lose the attitude or they gonna lose the season!

oh yeah, if y'all were fashion statement mavs fans watch out, vegas and the maffia called this loss, nobody throws a game like King LeBron, ask Boston and Spurs
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Old 06.13.2011, 04:25 AM   #2
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I LOVE the fact that Miami didn't win. They DIDn't deserve it.
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Old 06.13.2011, 01:01 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by hevusa
I LOVE the fact that Miami didn't win. They DIDn't deserve it.

who ever really does? The real drama about the NBA is that since Jordan, its all about rings, if you don't stack rings you ain't considered shit around the water cooler and arm-chair coaches..

So many ridiculously great players have been clowned in their retirement for not getting a ring, what the fuck is up with that? Again, only 16 players a year get the ring, out the hundreds of phenomonal players out there.. A LOT of guys deserved rings, but they didn't. If you are a FAN rather then a fashion-statement band-wagon jumper, you still enjoy your favorite players and teams rings aside. I love to watch Steve Nash play, even if he doesn't get his ring who is going to challenge him as one of the all-time, best play makers in the history of the game? I love to watch OKC progress and improve game after game, season after season. I liked seeing New Orleans spark up this year and almost get there, CP3 is amazing! Even liked seeing Lamar get the Sixth Man award, mother fucker deserves it! Its a shame fashion-statement Lakerdom is trying to quickly trade off Pao and Lamar, the only consistently REALLY GOOD players left on their roster...

Really, its only since I been teaching that I got back into NBA, after the Tim Donahue scandal, I gave up on enjoying it, but the kids at work brought back the social aspect of basketball that I always enjoyed, that and Lakers getting the 2 trophies brought back LA NBA fever, so it was cracking locally...

Mavs had about as much an attitude problem going into the playoffs as did the Heat, its all primadonna fashion shit, for Americans who were some how fooled into seeing Dallas as some kind of humble, under-dog, off the radar team, have you not been paying attention to ALL the SHIT Dallas talks about how they going to win the ring every season SINCE 2006 and what did they get the past five? Laughingly eliminated in the first round season after season, becoming play-off fodder for other teams, again, no one is then MORE surprised then me that Dallas got it. That Miami didn't is not a surprise, I called it in October, that it would take Heat at least 2 or even 3 seasons to develop the chemistry needed for a true Dynasty team, and so I expected them to lose, but not to Dallas! Ha, its really a soap opera..

this is my rant to conclude the NBA season.. oh yeah, and my favorite closer of the season:
LA TIMES voting Luke Walton as the most useless player in the NBA out of the the 36 most useless players!


(this picture is from my favorite moment of last season, when westbrook straight flipped Walton!)
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Old 06.13.2011, 01:13 PM   #4
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They stopped showing the NBA on freeview TV over here about 5 years ago, I used to really enjoy it backinnaday. I supported the Utah Jazz, Karl Malone and his 18 wheel truck, John Stockton and his 18 kids. Those were the days
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Old 06.13.2011, 01:13 PM   #5
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With Miami flapping their lips before the season had even begun; It seems quite fitting that they got their asses handed to them by a 7 foot German who sounded more intelligent in front of the mic than the entire Heat team put together.
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Old 06.13.2011, 01:28 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by hevusa
With Miami flapping their lips before the season had even begun; .

who doesn't flap they lips at the beginning? What about Terry having not one, but TWO trophy tattoos that he almost had to laser off

Again, I can respect if the better team wins, its just that I don't like the way all of America is suddenly pretending that

a) they are Maverick fans and b) that the Mavs are somehow an underdog or humble team, cuz they aint.

Mavs are one of the most shit-talking teams in the western conference, and THAT is why they been clowned year after year aside from this season.. My hats of to Dirk for his ring, and especially for Kidd who is the only one on dallas who ACTUALLY deserved a ring to retire on (he and Grant Hill along with Jordan are going out as the best players in their 38th year ever, Jordan and Hill are the only players to get 30-10 games at that relatively old age and Kidd is the first to get a ring at that age)

also just a note:

Kobe had been the star of 78 consecutive play-off games, is it any wonder then that his legs gave out on him? LeBron was THE ONLY player this season to average 45 MINUTES a game in the post-season, that shit is impressive on its own merits! With these bad ass players putting WAY too many minutes out there is it really surprising that they didn't get it? You can only play SO hard before you have to take a rest..

"At the end of the day, all the people that was rooting on me to fail … they have to wake up tomorrow and have the same life that they had before they woke up today," James said.
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Old 06.13.2011, 02:10 PM   #7
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This was just as fitting an ending as when the Patriots had a flawless record only to lose in the Superbowl after being caught cheating early in the season. They didn't deserve it and neither did the Miami Heat because of all their posturing (rock concert like show????). Both failures make me very happy because they feel very deserved.


And when Lebron speaks it sounds like skipping college was a BIG mistake...
he needs a few years to mature.
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Old 06.13.2011, 03:07 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by hevusa

And when Lebron speaks it sounds like skipping college was a BIG mistake...
he needs a few years to mature.

Now on that, you, me and Kareem Abdul Jabar can easily agree!
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Old 06.13.2011, 03:21 PM   #9
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Old 06.13.2011, 07:46 PM   #10
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I had the Mavs in 7, but in 6 is fine with me.
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Old 06.13.2011, 07:55 PM   #11
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first Kobe took the dive..
then Westbrook took the dive..
and now LeBron took yet another dive for the second straight year..


"The Happening" NBA 2010/11 Season
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Old 06.14.2011, 01:34 PM   #12
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Bill Plaschke June 11, 2011, 4:15 p.m.

Imagine a basketball team whose three biggest stars have sacrificed money and ego to assemble on one team for the sole intent of winning a championship.

Two of those stars' craving for a title was such that they left homes they loved and fans who loved them. The third star made an equally difficult move by stepping aside and welcoming them.

Imagine this collection of players then playing an entire season under a national microscope unmatched in the history of team sports. Every itch is documented, every scratch is scrutinized, every star is questioned about every public act, every day is another chance for them to embarrass or enrage.

But imagine they don't. They endure the media's perfect storm with uncommon dignity and grace. They don't publicly criticize others. They don't publicly fight among themselves. Off the court, they are a model of restraint. On the court, they are an example of unselfish determination, three guys trying to figure out a way to meld their three incredible talents for the good of this team.

Imagine this collection of stifled egos and textbook teammates growing together for nine months until they are within two victories of an NBA title.

And imagine all of America cheering against them.

This is the Miami Heat, and you hate the Heat, and I can't figure out why.

Miami plays host to the Dallas Mavericks on Sunday night in Game 6 of one of the greatest NBA Finals that I have witnessed, the games filled with a passion that is equaled only by this paradox.

The Heat has been built around many of the values that many fans admire not only in their sports, but also in their lives, yet seemingly everyone is texting and chanting, "Go Mavs." Have you met anybody outside of Miami who is cheering for the Heat? I haven't, and it makes no sense.

The Mavericks are the team with a player, Jason Terry, who prances down the court imitating a jet after he scores a basket. Yet it is the Heat players who are considered arrogant.

The Mavericks are the team with the owner who sits behind the bench and attempts to bully the officials. Yet it is the Heat which is considered evil.

The Mavericks have a guard,
Jason Kidd, who pleaded guilty to a domestic-abuse charge after assaulting his wife. They have another guard, DeShawn Stevenson, whose career has been marked by legal issues. Yet the Heat players are considered bad guys?

America thinks the Heat was unfairly built, but how many Americans have left their longtime jobs to take a chance with a hot company filled with all-star workers? America thinks the Heat has been constructed to defy the notion of fair competition, but since when is it unfair or anticompetitive to do everything within the rules to win?

I know where it starts, of course. We all know where it starts. It starts, and possibly ends, with Dirk Nowitzki versus LeBron James.

Even though he hails from Germany, the Mavericks star Nowitzki is viewed as an all-American player. Humble, deferential, shaggy hair, floppy walk — he's Jimmy Chitwood with an accent.

Even thought he hails from middle America, the Heat star James is viewed as a foreigner. Dark stare, hulking frame, intimidating swagger — he's Ivan Drago with a headband.

Nowitzki is the only one of these two players who has publicly ripped a teammate during these Finals — remember when he called out Terry for not being clutch? — yet James is considered the loudmouth. Neither player has won a championship, yet even though James has risked his reputation to be here, everyone thinks Nowitzki deserves it more.

Are there racial elements here? It would be naive to think otherwise. In some narrow corners I'm sure Nowitzki is considered a great white hope while James represents the heart of darkness. But James and, by association, the Heat are disliked for other reasons far more complex than color.

For one, there's history. Many have decided to dislike LeBron James since The Decision, and it's hard to argue with them. I thought James' nationally televised announcement last summer that he was dumping Cleveland for Miami was perhaps the most narcissistic bit of athletic behavior ever, and I ripped him for it.

But as time has passed, I've realized that James was an immature 25-year-old who was taking advice from other immature 25-year-olds. Wouldn't we hate for our lives to be forever stained by one of the many stupid things we all did in our mid-twenties?

While James is hated initially for The Decision, the rest of the Heat players were hated initially for what happened next, that smoky nightclub of a pep rally last summer to celebrate the union of James, Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade. They claimed they would win multiple championships. They partied as if they had already won.

It was disgusting, but it was just marketing, and it was reminiscent of a certain giddiness that enveloped the assembling of another combination all-star plate in the summer of 2003. I'm guessing most of those who fear the Heat were fascinated with the Lakers when Karl Malone and Gary Payton joined Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal. With the exception of a little summer stupidity, what's the difference?

Those are the sorts of questions that should be asked Sunday night when the Mavericks take a three-games-to-two lead into Miami. If the Mavericks win, here's guessing that America, instead of focusing on the celebrating Nowitzki, will instead be searching to examine the face of the mourning James, the body language of the angry Wade, the confusion on the flighty Bosh.

America will believe the Heat deserved this defeat, quickly and joyfully casting shame upon it for acting so truly … American?

Copyright © 2011, Los Angeles Times

I grew up in an LA market, mass media, super hype basketball is our bread and butter, and we in the west all know the Mavs are a dickhead, cocky team, hardly the underdog. I'm glad Bill agrees, I have been puzzled all season why America hates the Heat for doing EXACTLY what the US otherwise favorite teams like the Lakerz, the Knicks, or the Celtics do year after year? Its a shame, it only points out the on truly universal american trait, hypocrisy
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Old 06.28.2011, 06:25 AM   #13
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Old 06.28.2011, 11:58 AM   #14
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Miami has holes plain and simple. That they got this far in their first year should spook the rest of the league. They get a real big man and a bench and they we will win multiple rings. As a Celtics fan of 50 years I am scared. Especially as long as Ainge is calling the shots in Boston. I too enjoy OKC and would love to see CP3 move to them. I wish the Celtics would go hard for Dwight Howard but I'm afraid as always the Lakers will get him as they usually get what they need. Jerry West should be barred from the league for giving them Pau Gasol for free. As for the Mavs they've been bridesmaids for so long I'm not that upset they won it all. Still would have rather OKC out of the final 4 but Scott Brooks needs to wake up and learn how to adjust.
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Old 05.03.2012, 12:54 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by chicka
. That they got this far in their first year should spook the rest of the league. They get a real big man and a bench and they we will win multiple rings. .

Fucking shit here we are again, and deju vu, same risk. Miami should have gotten Kaman but as with other now infamous New Orleans trade attempts, the league as a whole which mutually own that team mutually hated. Hornets were going to waive Chris Kaman and the Heat got word and began negotiations for several weeks until the NBA hated as usual on Miami. The bench is shallow as can be, but like LA in 2010 proved, a weak bench can come through if they step up in key games. As to the injuries that have essentially cleared the floor for Miami to the Eastern Conference Finals, sucks for those poor brothers, condensed schedules wreak havoc on basketball knees..
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Old 06.26.2012, 03:10 AM   #16
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Old 06.26.2012, 01:26 PM   #17
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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to louder again.
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Old 06.24.2013, 01:04 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
first Kobe took the dive..
then Westbrook took the dive..
and now LeBron took yet another dive for the second straight year..


"The Happening" NBA 2010/11 Season

Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
My hats are off to the refs

At least Steve Nash clowned Spurs and managed to humbly get the Season high for assists for the third consecutive season!

oh yeah, if y'all were fashion statement mavs fans watch out, vegas and the maffia called this loss, nobody throws a game like King LeBron, ask Boston and Spurs

Haha.. good times. Two Championships, two MVPs, Two Finals MVPS, and a second Olympic Gold Medal, I dare say I enjoy looking back on this thread!
Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
As to the injuries that have essentially cleared the floor for Miami.. sucks for those poor brothers, condensed schedules wreak havoc on basketball knees..

Isn't that weird, two years and a row this comment is exceptionally valid. Sucks for D-Rose but Wade just won a Championship on one leg, derrick should have came back this year. As to Russ, who fell out this year, next year best believe that wild ass animal will be back in action. My prediction:

Oklahoma-Golden State Western Finals
Pacers-Heat Eastern Finals

OKC-Heat rematch. Winner? All depends on if OKC pick up a functioning center instead of Perkins who is like a negative force in basketball, some kind of spontaneous microcosmic black hole the negates all basketball force. Without Perk OKC damn near could have had an all-time differential high of 12 points!!

Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I called it in October 2010, that it would take Heat at least 2 or even 3 seasons to develop the chemistry needed for a true Dynasty team, and so I expected them to lose, but not to Dallas!

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Old 06.24.2013, 08:32 AM   #19
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Rob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's assesRob Instigator kicks all y'all's asses
Negrodamus! ha!
RXTT's Intellectual Journey - my new blog where I talk about all the books I read.
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