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Old 03.21.2006, 01:04 PM   #1
Savage Clone
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Oh man....
Anyone familiar with Nautical Almanac might want to send some words of support to them. This is awful. Baltimore boardies, help out if you can...

As some of you may know tarantula hill caught on fire this past st.
patrick' s day. Fortunately caleb was there and able to keep things
under control as best he could. The fire started on the first floor
in the front room: a bag of packing peanuts caught on fire (mostly
likely from a faulty flourescent light and curious cat) and it quickly
spread to the ceiling and walls. After trying to fight the fire Caleb
was forced to leave and the firefighters arrived thereafter. They
knocked a hole in the front formstone, smashed out the windows above
and were able to get the fire out before it spread to the second floor
or back of the house. They extiguished the fire without cutting a hole
in the roof which we thank them for. Doing their jobs they went
through the house and ripped all of the electrical lines out of the
walls and removed dangerous appliances like space heaters and tv's.
After the firemen left peter was able to turn off the water main and
stopped the burst pipes from flooding any further. All kitties
succumbed to the smoke which filled the entire house. And even though
it was a tragic event for us we are truly blessed that we were not in
the house sleeping and that caleb was there to do something right away
and able to escape relatively unscathed.
During the time of the fire we were in New York City for the No Fun
fest. The fire happened on friday but we were assured by max that the
best thing to do was stay with our friends and wait a couple of days
to come home. We passed the time in the best way we could- with our
friends and loved ones surrounding us and offering their support
(thank you to everyone who was there). Twig was able to perform music
to express himself and carly cooked and rabbleroused as is her nature.
Each had mind expanding events unfold throughout the entire time. All
of this was done with tumultuous emotions ranging from thankfulness
for all that we have and unknowing questions about the future near and
far. During these days Caleb, Max, and Peter organized an extensive
clean up crew of fellow baltimore friends (thank you everyone who came
and helped) and did an amazing amount of work putting the house in
order the best they could. They knew as well as us that we would not
stay if we saw the house in the condition the fire and water left it
in. All of this happened without coverage by an insurance company who
would not possibly have covered the damages anyway (we have a
woodstove and mostly uninsurable items) but with the insurance of our
friends and family who have already demonstrated that they will be
there for us when we need them.

We arrived home yesterday and are still assessing the damages. They
are high. All `ebay' items in the front room are gone as well as the
office, electronics workshop and carly's studio. Water poured on top
of the equipment storage room and leaked into the basement. The
second and third floors are mainly windowless and covered in black
soot as well as knocked out walls and strewn items. At the end of
this email you will find a more detailed list of what's gone and what
we need. Needless to say it is a bleak landscape filled with ruined
tools and cherished items. The building is in an as bad or worse
condition than when we moved in and the material elements of five and
more years work is undone.

It is a difficult decision that we are facing in every way. We know
what we have inside of us and that we can take that anywhere but also
that there is no place where we would rather go than to the inspiring
space that we have shared with our friends and over the years called
tarantula hill. We know that we stand for something to many people
but also that we don't want other people's perceptions of us to direct
our lives. We know that we cannot do the rebuilding alone under any
circumstances but also that we have experienced an outpouring of love
and willingness to help from every direction. With these thoughts in
mind we leave the space open to you. Our hopes is to have a building
with an open space on the first floor ready to receive all of the
people and ideas who will come to it as well as a home above in which
to store our hearts. With the ripping out of the walls and the
ceiling we imagine a clean space in which to store tools to be more
easily be used by all including the locals who have also expressed
their love and concern. The main thing that we need to do this is
manpower and vision. It will be a long process which was begun which
a short burst of flame but must flow with the longevity of a small
winding creek to sustain itself.

So then, what now? All agree that carly should go on her two month
tour starting this weekend as planned. She not only needs the time
and space in which to make her own personal decisions, but also is not
physically up to the immediate task with her recent back problems.
Twig will also be leaving for a long needed break in the month of june
as previously planned. Together they will organize the best they can
without a phone, electricity or nearby computer access. We feel your
support inside our hearts and thank you. And we apologize in advance
that we will not be able to respond to most of your calls or emails
other than those regarding immediate planning. If you want to come
down to help let us know when because too many people and not enough
tools equals very little work done.

Below you will find a list of items needed and items lost; if you have
extras to donate or those we can borrow send them along. If you would
like to lend financial support our paypal adress is hello@heresee.com
and we will be recieving mail to 2118 w. pratt, baltimore md 21223. We
may get a cell phone but do not currently have a number we can be
reached at though you can try caleb's at 410-947-2805. We welcome and
encourage ideas on how to build off the grid.


carly and twig

R.I.P. We Loved You
all DAT tapes
video masters & films
computers and hard drives
`theguardian' master reel

Items Needed to Rebuild
laptop with wifi
cell phone
certified electrician
electrical items (conduit, 12 g wire, boxes, etc)
hand tools (hammers, handsaws, crobars, screws, scrapers, etc)
root canal
plastic sealable tubs
drinking water dispenser & jugs
tall ladders
washtubs, scrubbers & soaps
window covering
record sleeves & printing for dogjaw (thank you united for warping the
fire extinguishers

plywood & boards
glass blocks
welder (person)
dsl modem & router

Things we lost & could use again someday
suzy's fancy camera (8 x 10?)
fancy desktop w/ big video harddrive & dvd burner
laser & color printer
scully 16 track
digital video cameras (2, sorry max)
nikon 8400 digital camera
sx-70's, pxl, super8's and other camera's
copy machine
alesis hr-16 (rip)
brother pattern knitting machine & yarn
dat machines
studio electronics (please dry & work)
instruments (too numerous to name)
carly's printed & matted collages
various furniture
minidisc recorder
tv vcr dvd recorder
art supplies
space heaters
metal printing blocks
ebay stuff (we know you are gone and apologize to future and previous
owners and attachments)
art supplies and collections

Things We Still Have and are Thankful For (but are dirty and smoky)
record cutter
personal photos & papers
dvd/cd copier
digital photo back-up discs (you better work)
most merchandise (cover the earth lps & various cd's)
propane powered kitchen stove
record collection
cdr and zine collection
savings bonds
screenprintng equipment
poster collection (hope your box worked please dry out okay)

p.s. sorry if you are receiving more than one copy of this we are
sending it to all of our email adress books, lists, etc. also sorry if
we missed you. feel free to pass this on. and if you don't know why
your getting this sorry you are in our adress book.
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Old 08.07.2006, 04:51 PM   #2
Hip Priest
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So, any news on this, Savage Clone? How did they get on?

Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

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Old 08.07.2006, 04:55 PM   #3
golden child
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there have been multiple fundraisers, some with them participating, overall i think they are fairing well.
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Old 08.07.2006, 04:55 PM   #4
Hip Priest
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Hip Priest kicks all y'all's assesHip Priest kicks all y'all's assesHip Priest kicks all y'all's assesHip Priest kicks all y'all's assesHip Priest kicks all y'all's assesHip Priest kicks all y'all's assesHip Priest kicks all y'all's assesHip Priest kicks all y'all's assesHip Priest kicks all y'all's assesHip Priest kicks all y'all's assesHip Priest kicks all y'all's asses
That's good news. Thanks.

Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

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Old 08.07.2006, 04:57 PM   #5
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!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses!@#$%! kicks all y'all's asses
si man this was during no fun fest while they were away, i remember i posted it (it was sent on the tarantula hill mailing list). they had some benefits etc though i dont know in what condition they are these days-- any updates?

the tarantula hill list is still being used btw, i got this email the other day:

the official Art Scape after party.

July 22 Saturday Night
@ The Bank
2013 Frederick Ave ~9:30pm

From Portugal: Jshorshe

he's Jshorshe

From Maryland: EriKKKa

formerly in At the Altar of the Cosmic Unicorn. saw her play a set
legs behind her head. a very flexible musician

From Rhode Island: Vallarie Allen

People sure come up with some strange phrasing when describing the
noise of Val Allen:
"the farmer sings to the plow and the plow sings back."
"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create
the universe."
The one thing that's certain is it's high time to experience for
yourself what the talk is all about.

From New Jersey: DOOR

New Brunwick's Stank Basement Prince
His ethereal stabbing
is like Banshees in an airplane hanger
or a Ghost train wooooshing through you.
Door's sound is steadfast on the forefront
cream of the crop.

From Maryland: Dj Dog Dick

Reigning king of the West Baltimore Slime
Deified by FLIES and STINK LINES
Smooth songs to put y'all undies on cream
Nasty songs to make the pussies scream
and Plenty of crunk Noise Sound to rock the American Dream
DDD is also a member of such Atlantic Coast bands as Rubbed Raw and
Nautical Almanac.

maybe other surprises too.

bring a water slide, see ya there

*this group email was hijacked from the old t-hill, reply if you dont
it on the banks list

not sure what's up with them though since i moved
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Old 08.07.2006, 05:05 PM   #6
Hip Priest
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Thanks, !@#$%!, I must have missed that. It's just good to know that people pulled together and made things happen, as they usually do if given the chance.

Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

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Old 08.07.2006, 08:43 PM   #7
Пятхъдесят Шест
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Old thread.

I remember when that was posted on iheartnoise.com. Sad, but its good to see they are recovering.
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